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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. She sounds like an Aspie. My dd is very similar and similarly gets fixated on things and just will. not. stop. ever. until the obsession moves on to something else.
  2. Well shoot! **knocks a pile of books over in frustration** I like Paul Rudd, but come on, NO ONE could play it better than Cary Elwes. That role was made for him. Why do they always have to re-make everything??
  3. I always try to defrost stuff before I reheat as it just comes out better. I usually just bring it down to the refrigerator from the freezer a day or two before I know I need to use it then just heat it up like I would any other food in the fridge. If it's a case of emergency and I need it RIGHT NOW, then depending what it is, I defrost it in a pot on the stove over low heat. If it's something for the oven, I try to avoid that because it usually gets overly wet for some reason. At least my lasagnas have when I've tried to cook them directly from the freezer while their still frozen. HTH. :)
  4. My dd 14 is diagnosed with Asperger's, ADHD and OCD. I don't have any thoughts really on your situation though without knowing you personally. I can tell you about my dd though if you want to know. :)
  5. I don't remember how long it took for me to start getting the emails. Maybe a day or so? Can't remember now. I hope it helps you save some money on that designer you like. :) You're sweet too! I'm still take my son for walks on the beach almost everyday to stretch out his tendons after reading it on that message board you linked me to. :) Thank you again for that. :grouphug: The Dude would be proud of you. :p :D
  6. It's the little things in life that matter most isn't it? :) I'm glad you found something that works for you! :hurray: :party: :thumbup:
  7. Wow! What an amazing young man you are raising there! Way to go mom! :hurray:
  8. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh honey! I wish I lived closer to you so I could bring you some meals. We're all missing you and praying for you! Come back when you're ready and know that we carry you in our hearts! :grouphug::grouphug:
  9. I exercise with my kiddos in the morning when we get up.
  10. Wow!! He's beautiful. I wish I could see something like that out of my window. I know we have nesting grounds for them here in Florida, but they are further upstate. I'm so glad that they didn't go with Ben Franklin's idea for a national symbol. I think the eagle is so much better. :) :iagree::iagree: Me too! They're such majestic birds!
  11. :lol::lol: I agree. And not because I"m the one who made it, but that picture with that text is a really funny way to grab someone's attention to remind them to wash their hands. I don't get the whole not washing your hands thing anyway. I don't understand why people don't want to wash their hands. :confused::confused: I don't understand littering either. :confused::confused::confused:
  12. Hmm. I wonder if it is. I live on the East coast and every handicap bathroom has a sink in it here too.
  13. I do that too! I won't touch anything in a public restroom with my bare hands after I've washed them. :iagree::iagree:
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