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Everything posted by dangermom

  1. My 9yo daughter just now told me that she thinks she's growing. Sure enough, she's got a tiny bit of padding there. :001_huh: It's really not enough for those sport bras yet, but I will be keeping an eye on it and getting some soon! I did not expect this yet; she hasn't got hardly any body fat. She's tall and solid, though.
  2. It's my standard name for message boards. Several years ago we were giving out superhero names at dinner, and I said I wanted to be DangerMom. There's more than one on the Internet--someone else with the same name writes Star Trek fanfic. (Who is not me.)
  3. That last bit there about only feeding them every 6 hours sounds dangerous. Sounds like a good way to get them into the hospital with dehydration and malnutrition. The rest, well, :001_rolleyes: one hopes she'll get her act together soon. None of that is terribly awful, though definitely rude and selfish. Leave it all alone, but that feeding schedule you should say something about. Call your pediatrician about the question and see if she has any advice.
  4. I was in your boat--I read all these essays on why we should all study Latin and went :001_huh:. So I figured I would experiment, and got Prima Latina, and I learned so much from that baby-Latin book that I was hooked. So, my vote is give it a try, and see what you think. :001_smile:
  5. I take cranberry pills like they were M&Ms. This prevents the insanely frequent UTIs I was having, and if you take a lot then they'll probably mitigate the symptoms. Works better than the juice, because more concentrated. They aren't a cure for me, though, I'm not going to tell you not to go to the doc.
  6. Our tree goes up about 10 days before Christmas. We are enjoying fall and looking forward to Thanksgiving. (Though I am listening to some Christmas carols secretly, because I love carols at intervals all year round.)
  7. Hello! You're in the right section if your kid is accelerated. If you're looking for more general discussion, this is not it. :001_smile:
  8. Ooh, so that was 1987? Wowee. I was living in DK in 89-90, right when the Wall fell. My host Dad was German, so he was glued to the TV. I was quite surprised by how uninterested my classmates were.
  9. Between $8-12. Ideally $10, but I just now spent $12 on a craft kit for the next birthday party.
  10. I was an exchange student--Denmark--through YFU, also back in the dark ages, in my junior year of HS. We wrote letters and called home twice. I have to say that it was a great experience for me--very difficult and very worthwhile and wonderful. I kind of figured that if I could do that, I could do anything, so I never worried much again. (That year also got me into a very good college, where I met my husband.) Two of my brothers went to Germany, too. It was great for them.
  11. I want to see what everyone has on their book wishlist! So if you have one at Amazon or wherever, post a few titles. This doesn't mean that you plan to buy the books; if you're like me, you use your wishlist to make library requests, too. :001_smile: Rules: 1) Post 5 random titles. 2) They must be off the first page of the wishlist (most recent)--I know you all have multiple-page lists. Ideally, post the very top title first. Here are mine: Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones (#1, not yet published) Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age by Kay S. Hymowitz Puffin Book of Classic Indian Tales by Meera Uberoi Tinsel: A Search for America's Christmas Present by Hank Stuever Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves by Crystal Renn
  12. If we spend all our time multi-tasking and hopping around, I think we'll be in big trouble. Someone has to say, "That's great that you can do 10 things at once. Now let's see if you can learn to pay close attention to 1 thing for an hour; that's another skill you need in life." The ability to think deeply and carefully about something is harder to develop anyway, even without texting; now that we are so 'hyper-socialized' I'm worried that it's going to almost die out. I know that while I love the Internet, my attention span is shorter than it used to be, and I have to work at concentrating on one thing at a time. (And I'm 36, I didn't meet the web until college.) So my conclusion is that schools should be standing firm on this and saying "This is a skill you need to learn, and school is where you should learn it." Texting, multi-tasking, jumping around--that stuff is easy. Concentration is hard and has to be learned.
  13. I am waiting for a new book and it is agony! And it's only a home ec-type book! I would rather get new curriculum than a new novel for myself, most of the time. Unless the novel is by Diana Wynne Jones, obviously.
  14. I have found that I want to do three major things: homeschooling, running a working home, and a lot of sewing. I can do any two of those things at any one time, but I don't seem to be able to do all three at once. If I'm cleaning and sewing, homeschooling doesn't get done, so that is the #1 priority and the other two take turns in priority. I meant to do a lot of cleaning and sewing over the summer, but somehow that didn't happen this year. I think because we were dealing with having no income, and surviving took a lot of energy.
  15. I don't get it all done, not even close. The mess is getting overwhelming--things are clean, but there's too much chaos. The kids and I plan to spend much of Thanksgiving week deep-cleaning and tidying.
  16. I thought this was pretty amusing: What My Odd Home-Schooling Mom and Angelina Jolie Have in Common. It turns out that we aren't weird, we're cutting-edge!
  17. I was going to say pretty much what cougarmom said, only I didn't serve a mission myself. I know my SIL knocked on doors some when she went.
  18. My peanut-allergic child can handle Hershey bars--it's about the only commercial chocolate she does get--but I would definitely want you to ask me first! Thank you for your consideration. :001_smile:
  19. ana, is that you? Hello!


    --I'm on LDFR too. :)

  20. The Prudent Homemaker, also a fellow homeschooler. Check out her pantry and garden photos! The woman lives in LAS VEGAS and her garden looks like that! The Simple Dollar, a blog. He writes something every single day, so I often skim, but he's got good advice.
  21. I used a string hammock when I was young. It was pretty cute.
  22. I can see a kid that age thinking that a Hitler costume would be funny and shocking. Look at the "Hitler rants" going around youtube at the moment--he's always been a figure of mockery as well as evil, and if you're too young to really understand why it's not acceptable, it would be easy to think that it's a fine costume idea. His mom should have stopped him and explained. I bet in 30 years it will be considered more acceptable, as WWII fades into the far past instead of the recent past and people no longer have such immediate memories of it.
  23. I'd say a paragraph for each. Since we are planning the same path, I'm interested in how it goes!
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