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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. My kids were dawdling today. Nothing worked. My husband even threatened they would be in trouble with him when he gets home. They snickered. I went to Rhapsody and found a song called You're the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly by Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynne. (my kiddos hate country, this was the "countriest" song I could think of) I only had to play a few seconds to -ahem- motivate them to do their work. :lol::lol::lol:
  2. Wow, I have been shocked at commercials. I have not seen these. Wow. Unbelievable. This is awful that there are people who would actually USE this "service".
  3. Since they have had a somewhat traumatic time with the ancients, how about making studying Early American historian really fun. Last year we did a unit study on the American Revolution. We ate hasty pudding (yuck!), kept our muskets at ready, (since I have boys, they were eager to be Minutemen), and kept a huge map that we put important dates and battles and such on. At their ages you do not have to any certain time period and worry that they will miss out. If something is disturbing to them, I say find something light and make it fun! My kids can tell you more details about the Revolutionary than most people I know and we never went into a lot of detail about the scary aspects of war. HTH!
  4. Wow. There are not words to express the tackiness. Just wow.:001_huh:
  5. I chose print. I like to have to have something that I can hold, flip pages, and not have to be at the computer to use. Having said that, the digital versions of the map aids, lapbooks, etc are harder to locate on my computer than they would be if I had chosen the digital version. That is not too much of an inconvenience.
  6. I have a boy in my class that will not do what I say, no matter what. I give the kids a snack at the beginning of class, when I am teaching the lesson. Then we clean up and do crafts, acting out the Bible story etc.... If K will not stay in his seat or will not keep the legs on the floor, he loses his chair. He has to stand during the rest of the activity. We have a treasure box. If they are good, they get to pick some little trinket from said treasure box. I am more lenient on him, knowing his situation, than with other children. But he is not allowed to ruin church for the children who are well behaved.
  7. I would love to see less psycho-analyzing of the murderer, who is now immortalized in our media archives. It is always like this: What was going on in his mind? Why not spend more time setting up trust funds and raising money to put toward the survivors' medical expenses and such?
  8. We had a ton, all on one side of our house. I sprayed, inside and out. Now they have gone to our church, right next to the house. It's crazy!!
  9. I wouldn't say I have a crush on Steve Demme, but I feel very similar. I think had he been my math teacher in school I would have been a total math nerd. My poor husband (who before we found MUS thought he was going to have to teach math, in addition to his other jobs)has to listen to "Why were we never taught that way?!" and, "I learned something!!" very frequently.
  10. The last time I went to the mall on a Friday I thought a) I am sooo glad not to have a daughter. and b0WHERE ARE THESE MOTHERS??!?!?! There were tons of young teen and preteen girls walking around barely dressed and tons of older teen/young adult guys looking for young girls. ICK!
  11. Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium Lord of the Beans Sky High..... and I have to confess to finishing episodes of The Backyardigans and Jimmy Neutron even when the kids left the room.
  12. We have no dress code around here. Sometimes we might stay in pjs all day. Sometimes I have a knight, or a super hero, or a ninja, or a clone trooper to teach. If we are going somewhere, sure they get dressed. Just staying at home anything goes.
  13. My first year I bought some used. It was not a great investment. Odd smells, writing in books, etc... If I had a support group where I could see what I am getting ahead of time, maybe. I will say this, I have three kids and plan to keep using certain things over with the youngers. It makes sense to buy new to make sure my teacher books do not fall apart.
  14. Wow, I had never really thought about the concept of "Advent" music. We just always sing Christmas songs during the whole time. Of course, I was not raised in/do not currently attend a church that observes Advent. We have started doing things here at home though. I did a quick internet search and found this , this , this , and this HTH
  15. Thanks for sharing! I have the book, but I am passing this info on to some friends!
  16. We also did a Jesse Tree last year. We made ornaments out of popsicle sticks, craft foam, or salt dough. My husband even got in on the crafting. Hubby read a passage to go along with what we were making. We also make a point to do things to help others during that time.
  17. Several people have already shared about the thief on the cross. Also you could look at Luke 16:19-31, taking special notice of verse 22: Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried. As far as the cremation question goes, there is not a clear-cut answer in the Bible, but I will try to help you out. First of all, God made man out of the dust. So if He could form one man from dust, could He not reform another man from the dust that had once been formed as that man? Secondly, we can read in Revelation about the martyrs crying out for vengeance. Revelation 6:10-and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" Throughout church history, people have done horrible things to the bodies of believers. They have been cut into small pieces, burned, anything to destroy the body. But those people cannot destroy the soul. Since we are reading about the martyrs in Revelation, obviously they are in Heaven. God has ways to put their bodies back together and glorify them. I hope that I have been clear in what I am trying to say so that you might find some answers you are seeking.
  18. Have you looked at Tapestry of Grace? It would not have math and science. My family LOVES it!!
  19. Same thing has happened here! I tapes some cartoons for my sister (now 19) and pulled them out for my kids to watch. They asked for something (can't remember what) and said they had never seen anything like it. :lol:
  20. My kids and I watched A Christmas Story a few days ago. We watch White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life year round. I also love Muppets Christmas Carol. song makes makes me cry every time. Seeing grumpy old Scrooge break down gets me every time! My kids also like to watch all the old claymation movies. My least favorite being Jack Frost. They watch it over and over!!!
  21. my 8 year old is doing the same thing. Eye rolling makes.me.want.to.SCREAMM!!!! That is his latest thing. I feel for you. My husband also works 12 hour shifts. It is better when he is home. This is the child that used to be a perfect angel. Baffling.
  22. Turkey (possibly) ham cornbread dressing scalloped sweet potatoes Mashed potatoes green beans corn broccoli (maybe) macaroni and cheese charoset (instead of the traditional cranberry sauce) pecan pie fudge divinity assortment of cookies We have pretty much the same supper every Christmas. I think I am going to have some Amish Friendship bread read to cook that morning fro breakfast. Lunch on Christmas is pretty much what ever you want, whenever you are hungry. We generally eat a big supper. My parents come over. My in-laws have been coming over the past few years for Thanksgiving. My husband's brother mentioned something about Thanksgiving and so now my in-laws are trying to figure out how to still come to our house, but not offend their other son. I think we might end up inviting them and having 5 extra people!:eek: My brother in law is the pickiest eater ever! I will have to revamp my menu. ARGH!!!
  23. I am not looking forward to my birthday. In a little over a week I will be 33. That is a third of a century. Being around kids and teenagers all the time reminds me that I am old. I think we might go to Catfish Cabin or Cracker Barrel that day. (two places in town where all the old people go. Last time we went to Catfish Cabin we were the youngest people there) Those places make me feel young.
  24. We got the starter and completer to begin with, just one set of each. Not everyone uses them every day so even if they want to all do math at the same time we do not have nay issues. As they get older it helps to have the fraction cards and the decimal blocks. Still, I would only get one set of each.
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