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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. Wear a v-neck sweater or vest. Really, tho' it depends on the type of grease, the material of the tie and the amount of time he has to deal with it.
  2. According to the inflation calculator, that $30 is worth over $55 today...
  3. One got Very Expensive Sporting Equipment...he plays a Very Expensive Sport and the equipment is Necessary to Keep Life and Limb safe. :D The Other doesn't play a Very Expensive Sport but he wanted a Very Expensive Pair of Shoes. but I wanted it to be a bit more festive and dramatic and special. So I bought him 15 other gifts...mostly little things like his favorite drink, a couple nice pens, socks, a tie, gift cards (small amounts) to favorite restaurants. I wrapped everything up in coordinating paper and curly ribbon and piled it all on the dining room table. They both absolutely loved their gifts.
  4. I did know about those romance genres. I went to high school with a girl who has written a few Amish romances. She told me about it at our reunion a few years ago. The one I didn't know about that I learned when Katie was in her contest was the medical romance genre.
  5. Just got back from voting. A lady had 4 dachshunds inside the the polling place with her while she voted. Weird stuff.
  6. Oh, I get it. Here, regular chicken breasts (not organic) are $1.99/lb if you buy a family pack. I think that helps. They're individual meals, too. And I think her servings aren't huge. They look like bigger-sized frozen dinners or the kind of meals that grocery stores serve. KWIM? Wegman's has dinners that are a main and 2 sides that start at $6. The sides are about 1/2 cup if it is a starch and 1 cup if it's a veggie. The main is probably 4 or 5 ounces. I think that is about the size she makes.
  7. That's awesome, Wendy! Good for her! I'd love to try her food.
  8. Why, of course! :lol: I have a entertaining book from the 60s that suggests putting a pack of cigarettes and matches at each place setting!
  9. I would hope they wouldn't complain but I'm a "glass half full...of poison" kind of person. I can imagine the Worst Case Scenario for given situations. :lol: I'm fine with her doing it the way she is. But I'd worry too much...I don't have a base of family and friends who'd need this service. I'd have to branch out farther.
  10. I said *nearly* $300 in profit. :D Meals are $8 so technically she sold $480. She makes simple stuff...chicken, quinoa and veggies, pulled pork or chili with sweet potatoes, breakfasts of "egg muffins" sausage and fruit. HTH
  11. Thank you! There is a beautiful one about 400 miles from me. :lol: But it was more reasonably priced than I thought!
  12. Great ideas! The freezer meal businesses all closed here. I think they were too expensive for our low cost of living area. I tell my DH I'd love to cater drug rep lunches and breakfasts. But they usually are last minute things with only 1 or 2 days notice. The rep will call and ask what people want to eat and they'll pick a restaurant...Greek, Italian, Subs/Pizza. But DH said there used to be a rep who had a personal chef/caterer make food and that she was better than the vast majority of restaurants.
  13. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/478671-farmers-market-shoppers-and-sellers-what-are-some-unusual-or-unique-baked-goods-or-other-items-that-youve-seen/ I did find that you recommended a Breakfast Bread. I swear you had mentioned specific rules and how you wanted to do it. (I feel like such a loser...I wanted to sell stuff 2 years ago and still haven't done it. :-( )
  14. But doesn't compensating someone for time and effort make it a business? She was pretty clear that now she is doing it for the money. She did it at first to help out.
  15. Back in the 1980s, my aunt knew a few women who had a specialty dessert who took orders and made them out of their homes. I remember one was a cassata cake (a type of Italian cake) that she sold for $50! In the mid 1980s this was a lot of money for a cake!
  16. Oh, there are topics (that have little or nothing to do with education) that you can start and you'd be welcomed with open arms and head pats.
  17. I think you mentioned this once when I started a "what do you sell at farmer's market?" thread.
  18. I agree with all this. I'd look to rent a commercial kitchen if I wanted to do it. I'd be so paranoid that people wouldn't handle the food safely, then get sick, then blame me.
  19. I know the cottage laws in my state and I know based on her menu that the cottage laws do not apply. Edited to add: I've looked into it before. I'd love for it (meal prep) to be legal. I'd start this weekend. :lol:
  20. Now, I'm sure this is not legal but she is said she is only doing it for extended family and friends* who had been purchasing them from another place. The other place was a distance away from her and so her customers stopped purchasing there before she started. She just did it a few times to help her family but then other people started asking. I'd love to do this but I couldn't bc of the laws. She said she bought $200 worth of food, cooked one day (60 individual meals) and profited nearly $300. *so she isn't worried about breaking laws. Like her friends and family wouldn't complain. I'm not clear on why she isn't worried...
  21. I say "no" to mixing things into ground meat to make a burger. I'd take the meat, form into a pattie, season with the Caribbean or jerk seasoning and cook. I'd make the other ingredients into a salsa style topping.
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