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Everything posted by Samm

  1. When the OP said the pool party would take place during dark hours with 10 or more in the pool, that clinched it for me. No.
  2. You know what would be mean? Tell you friends you'd be more apt to buy if they'd post lots of pictures of themselves using the product. Maybe this will show them how crazy or fake they are.
  3. Wouldn't she also have to guarantee that he never takes his dose or any part of his daily dose before cooking class to ensure that he has a high threshold during it (when the risk is all on the cooking instructor to do right)?
  4. Just ask her fill out the allergy section. She should be able to put into words any medical concerns. If she refuses, then her son can't be treated any differently from anyone else who left it blank. To do so might even be discrimination.
  5. As if it were not enough to boycott Starbucks merely because their $5 cups of coffee always tastes burnt. They could write in glitter "Property of the most marvelous and attractive home ed parent in the world since time began" on their cup and I still wouldn't budge. I wonder if Chick Fil A's year-round chicken swirl motif has some special boycottable meaning also? Maybe they should sell Christmas Goggles which coat everything in green and red or whatever the non-war colors are. Strangely enough though, I'm not scared of easily disruptible people like the war cuppers. I think they are the first to go in a zombie apocalypse.
  6. How about a Yonanas machine as a starter? It makes really good sorbets and ice cream-like desserts from frozen bananas and other fruit. We have the bigger model. It's easy to use -- clean up is easy too. Yes, the desserts are quite good. You do have to peel, freeze, and slightly thaw frozen bananas in advance. Maybe that can gently introduce the young recipient to the idea that cooking does require some preparation. http://yonanas.com The thing is, if your young friend doesn't like it, I'm sure she will find someone happy to take it!
  7. So even if all kids gave every last sticker away, none should not desire any proof that they really went to other less privileged children? To want so is self-aggrandizement and bad charity. Instead, the choices of these kids should and must be seen as pure + or - in this artificial construct? The kids were as old as 12. (Have none of them ever seen their parents ask for a receipt for anything?) I'm not following the sticker : GDP analogy, or convinced of its real-world applicability absent stickers. Here's one thing I do know -- 1/5 of the kids from this study are from China. So let's look at that country for example. Childhood is a hyper competitive vocation in China in which outstanding excellence needed to ensure one's family's future survival (it is not based on tiger momma pride). A stunning majority of the adults are focused on making money and desperately getting it the heck out of China while they can. The trickle up idealism of Maoist policies over the last 60 years seems not to have produced a communal state of altruism. Maybe it was the violence and massive upheavals. I doubt most Chinese would see their need to get their money and get out as a sign that they are uniformly as good as nothing (nor would they care what others think). Maybe there are others who don't see the young participants of this study as purely motivated by either greed or benevolence. Maybe not, oh well. I don't.
  8. Every kid who wanted one got a granola bar and an orange. A couple rejected the orange. Did I mention I was only 1/2 of courtside snack service? There was a beverage lady too.
  9. Posts #1 and #2 lead off with some adult prejudices and that's okay, but it's not necessary. So the kids value stickers for themselves over giving them away. I really don't see how wealth redistribution is a sign of altruism. It's probably a sign of something else though ... Why should the kids believe that others' welfare would really be improved as a result of their selfless act -- are they not capable of themselves handing some stickers personally to a stickerless classmate to see the joy, or did the sticker-laden kids just see a giant bucket where their hard-won stickers were disappearing into oblivion for "redistribution"?
  10. I'm supposed to bring snack for my 12yo's basketball team game which starts in 39 minutes. There are 11 players on the team. I thought they had aged out of even getting snacks parent-brought snacks post game, but I was wrong. How many would you bring? 11, 12, or more for little sibs who show up to watch? I prepared 12 but am I supposed to prepare more like 20?
  11. I donated mine to Goodwill after about ten years. I hope someone else used it well for whatever purpose. I don't care very much. It was a pretty gown, silk with beading and had its day in my sun.
  12. I love, love little little kids, esp babies in costume. I'd put a sign out that welcoming little kids 5 and under only if I could get away with it. Click for cute pictures of who won the best costume contest at the WH this year.
  13. I feel sorry for the old guy but it could be that he feels his secret is no fun unless someone else knows you know (paraphrased from Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler). Edelson's quote is: “On October 7, 2015, the first economic supercycle since 1929 will trigger a global financial crisis of epic proportions. It will bring Europe, Japan and the United States to their knees, sending nearly one billion human beings on a roller-coaster ride through hell for the next five years. A ride like no generation has ever seen. I am 100% confident it will hit within the next few months.†If you know your friend starting weird behaviors like packing on weight like a bear preparing for hibernation or investing all his money in an Edelson Underground Timeshare (which I doubt), I'd talk to to him seriously and tell him to do what he wants but to just can it around me. What exactly is a roller coaster ride through hell? Japan has already been though a roller-coaster ride through hell. Europe had a holocaust. They survived even being nuked and exterminated. The luxuries that these three regions (US, Japan, Europe) now enjoy is obscene compared to what a resident in the C.A.R., one of the world's poorest countries experiences daily. In other words, humans of all heights can survive. A little knee-bending is not tantamount to entering The Inferno. I deal with oddballs on a regular basis and need to cut off when it becomes too time consuming.
  14. Yup. Then I get the right to complain about local politics too.
  15. On the bright side, it always looks like your house is occupied. Yeah unless there's a law against it, they can park wherever they want. Their 3rd car choice probably points their car in the direction they want to go. Of course you can park there too. I'm not even seeing occupying that space yourself as passive or aggressive behavior. They have no more or less right to the space in front of your house than you do. Oh, I missed the JAWM part ... I would not like it though.
  16. As long the singular exists, it doesn't make sense. He and she are just still too popular, whereas thee has fallen out of use. That editor must be a visionary.
  17. I don't get a lot of free time to use the internet of fun stuff like this. Use it mostly for research and language study tools and keeping track of budget -- totally positive experience!
  18. Languages change, I get that. This is change that won't take imho. It's just illogical to associate a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent. Maybe Lindsey Whatever will invent the possessive pronoun "hisher".
  19. Weak-willed, replaceable ones? Not bf ones. Maybe the mom needs to hear that if it happened again, your daughter would do the same thing again. Crappy friends and their weird parents are easy to replace.
  20. I guess I'll look into turning off the water and seeing if it even legal to do so from the main outside. Is it okay to turn off the water and leave the water heater on (at its regular heating temp, not vacation mode) -- assuming its thermostat is in good working order? Somebody asked -- why from the mainland not the manual shut-off in the house? I figure the main is supplying water and pressure up to that point. So if something else burst, then it would still flood the house a bit.
  21. We recently learned form a plumber, the way to turn off water to the entire house from the main. The key to the main is located near street level somewhere in a recess in the lawn. The actual key is rather generic looking metal rod bought from Home Depot. My q is: Does anyone do this when they go on vacation -- turn off water to the house from the main? We don't have any automatic ice makers. We will probably turn down the water heater before leaving.
  22. My experience with Brooklyn pizza is that of too-charred crusts. Burnt crust, top and bottom, does not delight me. Anyone want to recommend their favorite Brooklyn or Flushing pizza that does not make a habit of blackening the crust? Raw crust is not ok either. Ideally the crust is cooked through and the pizzeria may not use the word "chewy" to describe what everyone else calls raw. (A fully cooked thin crust with a baguette like surface texture sprinkled with sesame seeds would be ideal.) If you have favorite ones in Flushing, Bensonhurst, or other parts of Queens, that would be good too.
  23. Did many of the ultra tiny student body school combine grades? Like 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th, and so on?
  24. Recreational subway surfing. Actual text on the back of a NYC MTA Metrocard (subway fare card) ... Parents: Surfing on trains can be deadly. Please tell your kids the only safe ride is a ride inside.
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