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Everything posted by lulalu

  1. We were going back in lessons, but they still were frustrating..... All his other school work he is ok with. Pulling out 100 EZ and he says not today and puts it away or hides it on me. He is ready to read and enjoys working through Bob books or Alpha-Phonics just that AP is easy to guess with.
  2. We have done 51 lessons of 100 EZ lessons. Ds cannot stand it. It is too much for him and confusing him with the symbols. So we have been using Alpha-Phonics the free version from Don Potter. I like this much better. However, ds still is choppy in sounding out (after 7 months of reading lessons) and he just seems to get into a rut with figuring out the pattern not reading the word. So I looked at Phonics Pathways it looks good. I like simple lists of words to work through. Word families are just too easy. Or Webster? This seems to have less hand holding than PP though, but it is free which is nice. Or do I want something else? Cheap and easy are my main wants.
  3. This is normal for a lot of kids! Keep on and let her decide what language to speak to you. Look up the global mom blog and podcast there is so much helpful info there.
  4. You cannot connect when overseas to milestone online. I have tried 😠however if you have a vpn set it to the States and you can.
  5. Ok I am going to be the one to say it isn't something you need to worry about. Many places around the world don't do snacks and the kids are just fine. We as a family don't do snacks at all. My son will eat all the snacks and food he is offered, and then not eat dinner and be hungry in the middle of the night. I am the parent who takes what other mom hand him as a snack away. I don't bring snacks if we will be gone all day. I will plan lunch or bring along but not snacks. It would drive me crazy if you offered snacks, seconds at meals without me doing it or brought up kids being hungry.
  6. Hits: Miquon BFSU Read Aloud selection mostly from Sonlight with a few other added in Voss Story Bible Misses: RightStart A 100 EZ lessons Leading Little Ones to God way too dry and boring Getting the job done: AlphaPhonics HWOT Still Unsure about: Spelling You See A it feels like I really could have diy this, but is nice to have a workbook to just do the next page with
  7. This really depends on what culture/country. There are big differences between Arab, Asian, African expressions of the faith. Next it also depends on what "branch" the girls are. There are big differences in beliefs. These are just to help you google or ask. Not saying I have an answer 😀 I only have experience living in the middle east and near middle east countries.
  8. Can I pass this along? We are in Turkey and I know a few homeschooled girls that age.
  9. Yes go. But also it isn't always allergies. I took high amounts of zinc for three months and mine cleared up. Could be a mineral diff.
  10. Faster than what we had in the states. I am illiterate in these terms, but it is faster. Honestly, this is an area where comparable to US the rest of the world is generally so much cheaper. At least all the countries I have lived in. In several places internet was unreliable, but it was cheap so no problem. But most places have reliable cheap service.
  11. In the states we paid 75 USD. It is so high in the US! Other places in the world it is so much cheaper. I pay 18 USD a month here in Turkey.
  12. We do not have a library available. And there is no way I can purchase a book for each lesson we do. I need a reference book for science that I can use along side bfsu 1 to give just a little extra to the lessons.
  13. Are there any how tos or reference books on teaching arithmetic (not mathmatics)? There seems to be so much out there for modern maths, but not for arithmetics. The basics of arithmetic are easy to find too. Wondering more if there are helps for higher arithmetic.
  14. Removed to keep the peace.
  15. Ds will be 6 soon so we are counting this year as a k/1. Last year we took academics slow. Mostly life experiences, going places and read a lot, lots of games etc. We started (since summers are HOT) phonics, MEP 1 (my goal is to finish the first half this year). Our lives are busy this year. The month of November is full of visitors. We need to take that month off of school. We also have an international move in the spring. Now what I really need help with is looking at my weekly plan and tell me if you think this is enough or if I should be doing more formal stuff. Being we will have some large chunks of time where school will take a back seat to life. I have two days a week where school needs to be light- phonics and math only. I am in language classes and it is the bazzar day too so I just can't do much. I have one day a week that I would like to go on a field trip. We have so many museums in our city, and a great zoo. Field trip days should I be doing any seat work or just the trip? That leaves us one day where I really can do more than basics unless we take up our two days off that we use for family days. One day is a full day of work for the whole family no way I could add school to that we have a hard time just reading! We do read everyday from picture books at night and a chapter book around lunch. We have audio books too. So ds does get a variety that way. We have both fiction and non fiction books. What are your thoughts is three days of phonics and math enough? Is one day a week where we can do some history, science, art, music enough?
  16. There are "downsides" as to keeping dirty laundry in rooms or somewhere. I am glad our apartment now has it in the bathroom so dirty clothes can stay there.
  17. I have thought through just using my own knowledge and the RS manipulatives we have. However, life is not calm right now for me. And that would require time to prepare. I am not saying I want hands off teaching 😊 just that the put together do this is what I need. We will have an international move mid-school year, I am in language classes three to four hours four days a week, groceries and chores take a lot of time and energy here, making food from scratch takes time too. Just at this point need something that says do this, so I know I am covering stuff and I can just do the next thing. I have looked at educationunboxed. I like it a lot.
  18. So honestly, I thought I had my plan down. But everyone is always talking about how this or that program gave such a good foundation! I bought RS A second edition. Ds doesn't like worksheets. Which was a big pull for rs. We made it through about 15 lessons. Just too jumpy. Too much for ds. We have the game book which I love. I love the abacus too. So I looked at MEP. Loved reception and flew through that. Looking at MEP 1 there are more worksheets. Ds doesn't really enjoy them all that much. And I keep hearing how this is better for 1st grade rather than k. I really like working with numbers 1-20 for a strong base in understanding. So, I am looking at Miqoun. Which looks like a great program . I would need to buy rods. I like that it is discovery learning. These are my wants: 1 few worksheets 2 Strong conceptual base 3 Discovery learning 4 able to be mastery based (ds seems to need mastery) Should I stick to MEP 1? I like that it is free. Switch to Miqoun? Would be cheap enough. Or use what I paid a lot for RS A? Or is there something else out there that fits my wants?
  19. We have two that work, but our turning on point is 95°f. If we ran it under that we would go broke. But August it will run most days.
  20. Reception took us 4 months. And that wasn't doing it every day. It is short each day.
  21. First ferment around 4 days in the summer heat, 7 in cooler months. Second ferment 1 to 2 days in summer 3 to 4 in cooler temps. We love pineapple juice to flavor, plain, lemon ginger. But you really just have to try yourself and see if you like bitter, sweet, etc. The longer it ferments the more bitter it is.
  22. I do not live where I have access to an English library. And the libraries here do not have much non-fiction. I am wanting to figure out something for science that I can plan for grades 1-4/5. BFSU seems like people really like it. Would it be too hard wothout a library? Any suggestions for books to buy that will have a little bit about all the different areas of science?
  23. Board games yes at least once a week. I schedule it in to my week so it gets done. I am the type that needs to have it planned in order to regularly happen. Pretend play very seldom. I just don't enjoy it, and I value my son learning to entertain himself.
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