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Everything posted by lulalu

  1. Thanks everyone. I appreciate knowing I am not the only one out here feeling this way. I scheduled us all this summer for in person counseling sessions as we all really need it. Hopefully that helps us reset. I know most people have options but we really don't unless we move to a different country. I could send my son to live with grandparents so he could go to school in the states. But I don't think that is a healthy choice for us to have him so far away. The boarding school I have looked at doesn't start having boarding until 9th grade so we have a few more years until that is an option. We are just in the middle of nowhere in a country with very very poor educational options. We already tried the public schools here and that was a disaster.
  2. Thanks. Grief probably is a better word. Our life has been full of grief the last two years and it has seeped into schooling as well. Yes, we can talk about things to change. I have recognized in myself pure exhaustion of mothering since the pandemic started. I know I burnt out on having to do and be everything for my ds during that time. And I haven't recovered being as we have had so much out of our control events happen to us in the last 2 years. We have had a hard time being consistent in schooling. So now each day I wake up to ds whining and complaining about needing to do school.
  3. He is 12 I know a lot is the hormones and our life being stressful the past 2 years, but I am sooooo done. How do you push past this without regretting all the years spent homeschooling
  4. Anyone else feel like homeschooling was the worst decision you made for your family? After 7 years I am regretting this was the path we took. We are always fighting, crying. And school is always the source of contention. We have had a hard past few years and I am so done having to homeschool. I just need space from my son. I instantly get annoyed first thing in the morning. I don't know what to do right now as school isn't an option where we live at the moment.
  5. Math has been a struggle this year (and last year) because I don't have time to sit and teach it. Dh has tried, but he and ds just don't work well together and dh can't explain and work through the math easily. Is Khan academy enough for math by itself? We are doing 6th/7th grade math.
  6. We use graphing paper and it helps a lot with keeping it all neat. For 4th I wrote out at the start of the year showing how to do it, and then slowly gave it to ds to write the problems out. It wasn't overwhelming and ds hates to physically write.
  7. But yes, I probably need to just ride it out for a few more months. Especially since I have said about 12 times the last 2.5 months and nothing has changed.
  8. I am not worried about his future. Dealing with the here and now. He is an average 11 year old boy. Telling me everyday guest did my chores already so now he thinks he can do technology all day instead and is getting so whiny.
  9. The difficult thing is that there really aren't many things to give him to do. She sweeps and mops often. Although I have had him just do it again later so he has things to do. Our laundry is about the only thing she doesn't do. She has her own bathroom that we aren't going into and using currently so I have left that up to her to clean. There have been many things I have said multiple times that just don't seem to stick with her.
  10. Any timeline templates to print you have found that you like? I want to make a book of the centuries CM style. DS is starting over with ancient history this year. I don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't need to.
  11. She is in her 30s and single with no children. If that helps. However, she was a high school teacher for many years so I feel like she should understand kids need chores better than she does.
  12. I have had a house guest for the past two and a half months. She may be with us a few more months. She has her own room and bathroom. However, to hang laundry I need to go through her room. It has been going ok. Our personalities don't click well though. There haven't been any big issues just small ones annoying me. The biggest one annoying me is that she keeps doing DS chores. We live in an apartment, so DS doesn't have many chores he can do. He can't mow, take trash out, etc. But he empties the dishwasher each day, sweeps, does laundry. She coninues to empty the dishwasher (sometimes only half way) even though I have said that is DS chore. I don't mind if she cleans up after she makes a meal. But DS needs chores he is 11 and would love to have no responsibilities. Am I being unreasonable getting annoyed by this? Do I keep repeating daily that DS needs a chore? I am sure she just feels a need to do something. But as I am sitting drinking coffee in quiet just sitting looking out the windows she comes and empties it, making it seem like I am being lazy. When I am just waiting for DS to get ready and then do his chore.
  13. Thanks. I used 3rd and 4th so I figured it was the same pattern that each chapter reviews previous years. I have just heard over the years that 6th is a big jump up. I think DS should be able to handle it fine.
  14. Last school year was a hard one. We had a lot of outside stuff going on. So we began the year using R&S English 5, but we didn't finish it and DS used Fix It Grammar 1 independently for the rest of the year. Should we finish R&S 5 before moving into 6? We got through 2 and a half chapters last year. R&S does a great job of slowly building each year. I don't want to miss anything important. DS is naturally good at grammar.
  15. I can't believe I am planning for 6th grade already. Math: MEP year 7, Gattegno Reading: MP 6th grade English: Rod and Staff English 5, Rod and Staff spelling 6th, Classical Composition 3 Science: Rod and Staff History: Human Odyssey year 1, with lots of field trips tied in Latin: Keep Going with Latin Logic: Fallacy Detective Extras: piano lessons, local language lessons, art, chess lessons
  16. We have loved them for the early elementary years. The illustrations are well done, and the writing is also well done.
  17. In many countries I have lived or visited mayo and ketchup are given and people use both. They either mix them or take alternating bites.
  18. I used the USA one. It was a quick and easy geography to add in. But I think it is too expensive for what you get. And it hasn't stuck for my son.
  19. Classical Composition is more of a thinking and writing curriculum than solely a writing curriculum. It (in my humble opinion) is worth keeping going at whatever pace you are at right now. Being behind isn't a problem if you focus on the thinking skills learned. You also don't have to complete each lesson in each level. For the writing skills like sentences, paragraphs, essays, etc. I have found narration (oral and written) to be sufficient at practicing these skills. I require several written narrations a week.
  20. I grew up in a city of around 70,000. I knew Jews (in my extended family), animist/shaman, Hindu, Mormon, and there were a few Muslims that went to my high school but I didn't really know them. That was my experience until I was 18.
  21. We are just reading and doing an oral or written narration. And lots of field trips added in.
  22. We are using k12 Human Odyssey. I really like it, and DS likes it too!
  23. We are on our second year doing Memoria Press Classical Composition and R&S for grammar. I like the combination of the two. We are doing the writing lessons in R&S as they touch on very different skills. So far it has been a great combination. But we plan to take CC slowly as it ramps up.
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