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Everything posted by Pegasus

  1. It's been a while but I remember watching a very funny video on the internet. It had LeVar Burton doing his "Reading Rainbow" thing, reading a book to the Doctor and his companion. I THINK it was David Tenant but I might be remembering that wrong. Anyway, the whole family thinks I dreamed it and I can't find it with Google. Can anyone help, even to confirm that no such video exists?!?
  2. Thank you! Sorry I wasn't more specific but yes, that is the one that wasn't in the "half season" that we bought from Amazon streaming. We looked for it separately but must have missed it. I do see now that it is available on Amazon. Having the title, "The Snowmen," helped a lot to find it.
  3. We recently bought Part 2 of Season 7 of Dr. Who from Amazon but it doesn't include the Christmas episode. Is it available anywhere? I hate feeling like I'm missing something! DH tried watching the episode that someone put on You Tube but they must have used their cellphone to videotape their TV set as the show played. The quality was awful and he turned it off.
  4. Similar to other posters, we take the dog for a walk in the evening. The kids aren't allowed to come. Now that we have teens, we also run errands together almost every weekend without the girls, and will usually have lunch while we are out.
  5. I apologize for the delay in updating! I really enjoy the creativity of this board. I love a lot of the names suggested. I really tried to make Chaos and Mayhem stick but as we got to know the kittens, we rotated through quite a few names. My DDs have finally settled on. . . Hazel for the torti and Jinx for the black They had their first (with us) appointment with the vet today. Hazel did fine but Jinx turned wild on them and protested vehemently at the vaccinations. Both are healthy but Jinx has an old eye injury that may have caused permanent damage to her sight in that eye. You can see in her picture that she doesn't fully open one eye. We will be treating it just in case it can improve some. They are sore and tired now so we are letting them rest in quiet. Thanks again for all the ideas for names. I should copy to store them for the next time I need pet names!
  6. Here are the pictures, as requested. Thanks for all the great ideas.
  7. We ended up bringing home 2 kittens today from a feline rescue group. They are sisters and the group really wanted to adopt them out together. One is solid black and the other is tortoise-shell. The torti seems fearless and immediately left the crate when we got them home and started exploring all over. The black is more reserved and a bit more skittish. They came with the names McGhee I and McGhee II for the apartment complex where they were found. They need new names. We are brainstorming and can't decide. Here's our list so far but I welcome other ideas as well. Chaos and Mayhem (shortened to Kay and May as they outgrow the kitten stage) Pepper and Hazel Demonica and Mayhem Sekhmet and Bast Tootles and Slightly Skyla and Luna
  8. I do some of each: smart financial decisions and fun ones. The fun ones are always saved for and paid in full.
  9. We had vinyl sheet installed for our entire main floor living space. It replaced carpet, older vinyl, tile, and two different wood floor products in the various rooms. The floor is made to look like stone tiles and we've had visitors be fooled until they lean down to touch the floor. We love it. It looks nice and is the easier floor to maintain. My MIL loved it so much she had a very similar product installed in her home.
  10. Do you have experience with male cats? We took in strays over the years and although we always fixed them, we had problems with males continuing to spray in the house. I made a house rule that any future cats would be female. Can you avoid the spraying if neutered young enough? Would that mean getting a kitten?
  11. The sister cat was very laid back, affectionate, and open to change. She accepted our dog without fear when we first brought him home. The cat we still have took years to accept the dog. Seriously, she stayed upstairs, away from the dog, for 3 or 4 years. Pumpkin is now meowing and pawing at my leg. *sigh*
  12. That's an idea; we can certainly talk to a local cat rescue. I'm familiar with the play dates for dogs. Cats usually take a while to make a relationship work, even if they later end up great friends. We've introduced new cats to existing ones but always at younger ages (<5 years). I wasn't sure about introducing a new cat to a senior age cat.
  13. I was taught to engage the emergency brake when stopping on steep hills. Once the clutch is released enough to catch and a bit of gas is given, you can feel the car wanting to surge forward, which is when you release the emergency brake. I only had to use this trick when I was first learning to drive a straight shift. Now I'm able to release the clutch and give enough gas that rolling backwards isn't a concern.
  14. We have a cat, about 12 years old, who lost her sister a few months ago to kidney disease. She has become much more demanding of human attention, and cries (meows) much more than she ever did before. DH thinks the solution is to get another cat to keep her company. However, at her age, I think she would have trouble accepting a new cat. What thinks the hive?
  15. I live in the South and drive one. The first term to pop into my head before I opened the poll was "straight shift." I've heard of all the terms in the poll.
  16. I think it would take about a semester per workbook if worked on daily.
  17. Take a look at the "Writing Skills" series by EPS. It takes writing and breaks it down into bite-size pieces and then builds on itself. It was what DD needed to get over the writing hurdle. It is also very straightforward (some would say dry) and can be done independently.
  18. We switched DD from Claritin to Zyrtec (generic brand version) about a year ago. The Zyrtec seems to be working much better. Try a humidifier in her room at night to ease her coughing.
  19. Ok, I thought of another one. Every summer, when we drove to visit relatives in another part of the country, we would pass by "White Stores". I went a few years believing that these stores were unbelievably racist. At some point, I decided that they weren't racist, that they simply sold things like sheets and towels. I think I got this from the idea of "white sales". It wasn't until I was much older that I learned they were grocery stores.
  20. A Pell grant can be used for any of the cost-of-attendance: tuition, fees, textbooks & supplies, room & board, transportation, personal/miscellaneous.
  21. Very similar to my DD asking me at a very young age why I "didn't do my job." I was confused until I understood that she expected me, as an engineer, to drive trains. I was relieved as I thought for a minute that she may have been talking to my boss. As for my own beliefs, I was terrified of my first baby developing a flat spot on her skull and was neurotic about always being sure to lay her down in a different position each time. Oh, and when I was very young, I believed that mirrors were actually windows to an identical world where everything was in reverse image. I finally figured out that it couldn't be true or we could open the window and climb through.
  22. I need some help deciding on the appropriate gift amount for MIL-FIL 50th wedding anniversary. I've asked repeatedly over the last few months for ideas of what they would like to receive and the only thing that MIL could think of was a leaf-viewing group tour this fall. We would like to provide money that they could use towards this trip. The tour would be around $3,000 for the two of them. We are co-hosting a party with their DD and inviting all the extended relatives. Our expenses will be around $500-600 for the party. I've asked DH about how much he wants to give but he says he is fine with whatever I decide. Any ideas? I do not know what SIL (their DD) is gifting. Thanks, Pegasus
  23. LOL! I remember those days when my DDs were babies. It was usually elderly folks who would offer such unsolicited advice. I even had someone walk up and rearrange the blanket around the baby in my arms so that her bare feet were not sticking out. Come to think of it, most "advice" I received was in response to me letting my babies go barefoot. They weren't walking yet so I didn't think they needed shoes. Socks would just come flying off anyway. Meanwhile, I cringe to see overbundled babies in overheated places. That seems worse, to me, than a bare foot sticking out.
  24. When we let particular subjects slide, it is usually because we (the parents) feel weak in that area. Don't beat yourself up about what hasn't worked well in the past. I think it would be best to bring in a math tutor for your DD. Have him/her give DD a placement test and start intensive tutoring, starting wherever she is. Answering to an outside authority will help ensure that math gets done. Good luck!
  25. Oh my! I wish I could un-watch that. That is just yucky. This thread has inspired me to look more closely at the Greek yogurt we usually buy:Dannon Oikos Plain Nonfat Greek - Ingredients: Milk Non-Fat Grade A Cultured, Yogurt Cultures Active. Looks ok.
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