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Dulce Domem

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Everything posted by Dulce Domem

  1. I saw a string of neurologists back in high school. We tried multiple medications, but we always ended back up with tylenol. My drug of choice now is tylenol pm. It helps me sleep through the pain. Thankfully, the aura precedes the pain by about 30 minutes, so if I can medicate immediately, the pain is much duller. If I can sleep for several hours through he headache, then I wake up mostly clear, unless it's rolling into another aura. I've been pregnant and/or nursing for the past ten years or so, and was working with my OBs to control them. At one point I was told that there was nothing I could do (while pregnant) to prevent them, but they would be happy to write me a prescription for morphine. My auras were ridiculous when pregnant with my daughter. Now that I am finally out of that phase, I do need to find a new neurologist and see if things have changed in ten years and what can be done about them. It seems like I did used to take propranolol which cut them down drastically. But that was 18 years ago! I take a huge amount of magnesium everyday which really helps.
  2. Hey all. I'm feeling very down right now, and don't really want to discuss on my fb page, but want to discuss with someone. Anyone out there who suffers from migraine with aura? (classic migraine?) I've gotten them for years - since I was in sixth grade at least. They are becoming more and more debilitating. I don't work besides homeschooling, so that's not an issue, but it is really putting a cramp on our lifestyle. As my kids are getting older, they are becoming more aware that I am not like other people, and I'm just feeling down. We had a big day planned, but I woke up with an aura and stayed asleep in bed until 4 pm. My 7 year old later gave me a talk on the dangers of being lazy. He doesn't understand and to him it just reads as "mom is too lazy too get out of bed." Truthfully, the pain is tolerable, and only rarely is the pain itself debilitating. It's the aura that is debilitating. I lose my vision, sometimes for hours, can become disoriented, jumble my words (similar to a stroke victim), and have hallucinated once or twice. And the flashy horrible crazy visual disturbances. And just because one migraine aura passes doesn't mean the danger is past. I've gotten up to three separate auras in a day. So...I don't drive. I only drive to places within 5 minutes of our home, and even then I rarely take the kids. So meeting people during the day for playdates, trips to the zoo, etc., are out. I just can't imagine driving when an aura hits and being safe (they hit that suddenly). One of the main ways for me to avoid a migraine is to take daily naps - so everyday I lay down. Time I could be spending with my older two while the preschoolers nap. I just feel like I am missing so much time I could be pouring into the older two. Overall I feel like I am just doing a crummy job as a mother. I feel like half a person. And all for migraines! Which feels completely stupid because they are not life threatening and I know that there are tons of people who have them and function perfectly well. I just...can't. Thankfully my husband works from home and has a flexible schedule, but it still makes me sad. Especially as my kids get older and they realize that I'm not like everyone else. For years my migraines were mostly under control, but in the past year they are coming back more and more. In the past 8 days I've had 5 separate attacks. I'm just so over it. Anyone commiserate? Anyone have any awesome coping techniques? I need to find out what is triggering this new round of migraines, but that is so much work and guessing. =( Sorry to be such a debbie downer...I'm just having a rough day.
  3. I should clarify - I don't think I would take young kids to Newsies. There is some definite innuendo and a woman who runs a "theatre" which is mainly men's entertainment.
  4. When keeping track of food triggers, think about the day before as well. For a long time, almost exactly 12 hours of having MSG I would get a migraine. It was usually something at supper, then I'd get one the next morning. Took us forever to figure that out! You've gotten good answers here.
  5. We saw Newsies in December and it was amazing! It had a super simple but really cool set (lots of moving parts and very vertical - lots of moving up and down). Also an almost all male cast which was neat. They did a great job choreographing for men so it was both very jazzy/Broadway yet very masculine. I could have watched it over and over again.
  6. I have the same questions you do. It's hard. Ever watch Tangled? I feel the same way Rapunzel feels for most of the way through the movie toward Mother Gothel (the witch who has put her in the tower and pretended to be her mother). She has trapped and abused me, yet I know how I feel I should act toward a mother figure. It's conflicting to say the least. So no answers, but sympathy. (I BEGGED my mother to put me in therapy in high school and college - she let me go once, sat in the room with me the entire time, then never let me go back for fear I would say something about her. I wish she had let me stay!!!)
  7. Ooh!!! I LOVED the mole! It came out right when my husband & I got married and we would rush home from work to watch it. I got a tad bit obsessed with all the hidden clues they would put in each episode.
  8. My husband & I are planning to do a whole 30 next month, so I will cut gluten for the kids then as well and see if it changes anything. The thing that gets me is that the black circles completely disappear if they are sleeping these massive amounts of sleep. It is ONLY when they aren't getting their regular sleep that they have dark circles. If it were gluten related, would it necessarily change based on how much they are sleeping? I'll see next month!
  9. Just realized that I never replied to this thread and thanked everyone for all of your responses!! I read all of them and am considering several points. It's been like this through 4 houses now, so I don't think it's environmental (CO2 for example). But it's nice to know that maybe we are just on the far end of the normal scale! But really, thank you all for commenting. =)
  10. Meant to add earlier that he has had several sleep studies done. He sleeps with a CPAP every night. (Is that what it's called? I'm a little fuzzy this morning and too tired to google it.)
  11. He takes medication for diabetes - but all of his blood sugar levels were fine (that was my first thought, too). I am almost certain that is the only medication he is on. He has always been a drowsy man - falls asleep easily in a living room with activity going on around him. BUT, he's always been able to control it if need be. He can stay awake while he drives, in church, etc. He mostly dozes due to boredom. They did blood work, and there were no signs of his body fighting infection. Something similar happened a few years ago and it ended up being an inner ear infection, but they have yet to check his ears! And my poor mom is lacking the mental stamina herself to insist that they check. However, when he had the inner ear infection he didn't do this weird sleeping thing. I don't think that they have checked for anything except for stroke, and now they want to send him home. But why do they not care that the man can't wake up on his own or stay awake? Thank you - if nothing else, this makes me feel like I'm not crazy. Everyone else keeps telling me it's no big deal and if the doctor says it wasn't a stroke then he is clear to go home. I think I really just needed some affirmation.
  12. My father was admitted to the hospital last night for "stroke symptoms." His main symptom was a sudden falling asleep at work and while he could be roused, he would fall back asleep immediately. This happened a little before five yesterday and he's been sleeping ever since. He was also dizzy, apparently was mumbling, and at one point walked leaning right. (He is several states away). He is 74. The hospital can't find any signs of stroke, so they are planning to send him home. But does this sound normal to you? Is there something else they should be looking into? My mom and is starting to slip mentally, so she is not a strong advocate for him, and my sister's "day is full" and won't go up there. It just really concerns me. Any ideas what would cause sudden & excessive sleepiness?
  13. I've considered that, but if they have enough sleep, none of these things are an issue at all. Wouldn't a food intolerance be exhibiting symptoms regardless of how much they are sleeping? They ONLY wet the bed when overtired (and the older two don't wet the bed ever, just the 5 year old, and it is rare). The older two sleepwalk, usually trying to find the bathroom but not being able to wake up sufficiently to get there. I really, truly, don't think it's a food intolerance, but it is definitely worth thinking about and maybe trying an elimination diet for a while. They have been tested for lead at different intervals and it was all fine (we used to live in an older home so regular lead testing was a must). A couple of them have been tested for anemia over the years for different reasons, and they were always fine, but we haven't had that done across the board for all of them at one time. This isn't a new trend - they were born as high sleep need babies. When they get sufficient sleep (which just seems to be SO MUCH), they are wonderful children. It all seems to be tied directly to their sleep. And if plenty of sleep is what they need, then I am all for it. But, sometimes I would like them to be awake just a (tiny!) amount longer!
  14. Thanks Arctic Mama. I tend to agree - especially now that I look back at many of the kids I taught when I was a teacher in the public schools. I realize now how many of those poor kids were just plain tired. I just see all these other kids who never sleep and who seem to do great, and my kids are such a contrast.
  15. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for - reassurance maybe? Someone to tell me my kids aren't the only ones? We have four kids - 9 1/2, 7 1/2, 5, & 3. They have bizarrely high sleep needs compared to other kids we know. They wake up somewhere between 6:30 & 7:30 am (maybe every few weeks will sleep till almost 8), and go to bed about 7:30 as well, give or take an hour (except Wednesdays, which are usually closer to 10 because of Bible class). Our 3 year old & 5 year old still nap daily for at least an hour and a half, but it often is closer to 3 hours or so. Our 7 1/2 year old still naps about 1/2 the time. Always on Sundays & Wednesdays, and usually a couple other days in the week. Our 9 1/2 year old naps every Sunday & Wednesday, and usually about one or two other days a week. AND they go to bed early and sleep till a decent hour. None of them (with the exception of the 5 year old) generally bounce around in bed, but usually fall right to sleep, and sleep through the night. Ways I know that they need all this extra sleep - 1) They look like death. Big black circles under their eyes, red, watery eyes, etc. They don't have allergies - it is strictly tied to how tired they are. 2) They act like the world is falling apart. They cry easily, etc. Can't focus on their lessons, the easiest things seem insurmountable, etc. 3) The oldest especially exhibits ADHD like symptoms - CRAZY. 4) They sleepwalk or wet the bed if they haven't napped enough lately. Seriously - there are days when we are out all day and everyone misses a nap and they are ALL in bed by 5:30 pm and sleep till 7:30 the next morning. It happens about once a month. WHY do my kids need so much sleep? There is NO WAY they would survive in a public school setting. Even as it is, I struggle some days with getting their lessons done or being able to spend time with them because they sleep so much. I would really like to do a bulk of the older ones' lessons in the afternoon, but can't depend on having that time in the afternoons with them awake. Some days my little guys wake up from naps, eat supper, then go almost immediately back to bed. In all fairness, my husband and I both have high sleep needs. And because my husband's job requires us to be out evenings occasionally, keeping them up late, it is hard to get in a good groove. But most days I just think it is ridiculous that my 9 1/2 year old STILL needs such regular naps. Today he slept for 2 1/2 hours. Anyone else have really sleepy kids? They are all exceptionally healthy and just had their well child visits, so I don't really have any health concerns (unless someone opens my eyes to something I hadn't considered before).
  16. My in laws used to do daily coffee enemas. For the longest time I thought the coffee pot in their bathroom was just there because they wanted their coffee fast & close in the mornings. Then I put two and two together and realized their bathroom pot was for the enema coffee (only organic!). This was during the time they were in a raw food diet with lots of juicing - my father in law really, truly turned orange from all of the carrot juice. He looked like he was made of plastic that had discolored over time like an old Barbie. That being said, it reversed my mil's rheumatoid arthritis and she was able to get off all meds and in her doctor's words, "If I hadn't known how sick you were and seen your bloodwork, I'd say you were perfectly healthy." But, it's not a sustainable lifestyle, especially for them, so they don't follow the diet anymore and she is on meds again, but not nearly as much as she once was.
  17. Ping wouldn't make the cut. Spanking a duck just because he's last? The Amazon reviews of that book crack me up with people going on about how harsh it is. Of course, I've heard people complain about Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, as well (the alphabet book...about letters) because they fall out of the tree and it made their children cry. To each their own. My children are not so naturally empathetic as to cry over letters, I suppose.
  18. They are good friends of many of our friends, and are neighbors with some friends of ours (in fact, the proceeds from their next album are being given to a medical research charity in honor of our friends' child. So, I see their story pop up frequently everyday in my news feed because of that. I would not have known who they were otherwise.
  19. Two years ago I met her at a homeschool convention. She was the saddest, rudest person there. I am guessing that she must have been exhausted or ill because her behavior was just odd. She'll be at the convention I am attending this year, so I wonder if she will be any peppier. For some reason, meeting her in person just disappointed me and turned me off. (And I realize that is totally unfair - she was probably just having a rough day. But when your life's work revolves around being motivational and encouraging women to "finally love themselves!" you would think she would be encouraging in person as well.)
  20. Could it be "That's Christmas to Me" By Pentatonix? It's not an exact match, but reading through your clues had me humming it.
  21. With all of the travel advisories, we have decided to just stay put. We were at Disney on September 11th of this year, and that was unnerving enough (they definitely had security amped up!). I've always said that if I were a terrorist, I would think that the "happiest place on earth" would be a prime target. So no more Disney this year. =( Hoping that my worries are silly and that the Christmas season goes on happily uninterrupted, but just not worth the risk!
  22. My husband has his heart set on frying a turkey. However, he bought a 22 pound frozen turkey, which will not work for frying (way too big). He had started defrosting it in the fridge on Sunday. It is barely defrosted on the outside. I am headed to the store to buy a much smaller turkey to fry. Would it be safe to toss the huge turkey back in the freezer until later (Christmas?). It's definitely not defrosted yet, but just barely soft to the touch (although obviously still frozen rock hard for most of it). Or am I stuck with cooking two turkeys this weekend? What would you do?
  23. This is true! What a way to think about it! =) This is one of our reasons for wanting to go! Seems like every one is in favor. Looks like we are going to Disney!
  24. We have season passes to Disney that are good through December 16th or 17th. We live about 12 hours away, and are trying to decide if it is worth a super quick trip to Disney at the beginning of December. If you've been to Disney at Christmas, do you think it would be worth it? We would probably drive down, do 3 straight days (MK, HS, & Epcot), then drive straight home. We did a similar trip in September thinking it would be our last, but now we are feeling like we would be fools not to go at Christmas. Is it that amazing at Christmas? Thoughts? (We bought season passes for our kids for Christmas last year - then found out we were moving 3 weeks later, so we never got to see Disney in its Christmas glory last year.)
  25. I only read through about the 1/3 or the thread, but here are my thoughts - I am not LDS. Never have been and never will be. Therefore, I don't see why this is a concern of mine. It is not my church. They are a church, and they are entitled to hold their beliefs and function the way they see fit based off of what they consider to be their holy scriptures. Some may call it "hate" (I don't), but even if it is, individuals have a choice whether or not they want to engage with the hate. It gets sticky when you talk about situations like divorced parents, the one with custody is a practicing Mormon and the one without is in a same-sex marriage. But again, not my church, not my faith, not my decision. My heart goes out to them, but the LDS church gets to make the call for their group.
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