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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Oh yikes! You're being incredibly brave to let her go and not to let your fears (while very valid) rule her life. I've still been a bit too afraid to let my son get on an airplane since his anaphylaxis. It helps that we can't really afford a trip.... ;) I'm working up to it and getting closer. Sounds like you're doing a great job and everything is being thought of. Lots of hugs to you and wishes for just an enjoyable trip for the kids.
  2. It may or may not make much difference....programs get sophisticated quickly...but it is something that can be helpful :)
  3. We did a version of the play in eighth grade and as a result I chose to get and read the unabridged book. I'd probably let my son read it in 8th. I might ask about it and check which version they were using.
  4. You may want to edit your post like I did for the email. Spambots trawl the web for email addresses and this is way to help avoid them.
  5. Ohh... I have to post these WW cards from 74. It's really really good they change! http://www.candyboots.com/wwcards.html A warning...lots of cursing....all in print. So if that offends, don't click. The book, although now out of print, is hysterical. My MiL's last visit with us before her death, the last night here, she and dh were reading the book together, laughing until in tears. It's a nice last memory for me.
  6. Unfortunately it's so much more useful for later posters to be able to tag....especially if the OP doesn't or if later posters know common tags, like "grade level" for skipping grade discussion. I really really wish later users could tag. I'd be fine if it were disabled on the chat board if that's a problem, but it was SO helpful on the school boards.
  7. There is an abbreviation sticky at the top of most of the curriculum boards... http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/1503-abbreviation-sticky/ It gives common abbreviations used here. You can also ask in the thread. People have tried to write out the names in the first post but it's often forgotten, so I don't think it'll permanently change. The sticky was very helpful to me when I arrived here. And welcome!
  8. I've spoken with Jenny at Singaporemath in the past. There isn't a HiG for 6 standards and she has no plans to write one. She said 6 is basically a review students do to get ready for tests for later tracking. We chose to move from 5 to prealgebra. I will have my son do IP, CWP, and iExcel for 6 though.
  9. No. You really don't. The idea with starting somewhere is that you also post on other topics, not just cut and paste from other locations. Let it die. If you want to post on other topics, welcome. This is beyond boring.
  10. We have a closet that the washer and dryer are in, so I can't leave the door open, so we recently went with a top loader without the agitator. I'm not happy with it. It fits more than the one with the agitator, but it's much rougher on the clothes IMO. My dishcloths have holes. When it dies, I'm going to try to go back to one with the agitator.
  11. I recently learned that the reason my doctor isn't practicing anymore is because she was beaten so badly by her boyfriend that she was in intensive care for a while and has some brain damage. It's such a loss. She was a great doctor. A college professor in town was murdered by a former boyfriend. Abuse has no one "type".
  12. HiG wouldn't be any help IMO for this issue. I do like them overall but I doubt they'd be useful here.
  13. Get them at Singaporemath.com under extra practice or supplemental books. Shipping will be your biggest expense. Books are relatively cheap. One book per level. Check table of contents. You may find starting in 5 is good. I really like how they walk through how to set up some of the problems I found tricky in CWP.
  14. Grab the iExcel books (process solving now I think). They have a bit more practice on setting up specific problem types and then practicing that type.
  15. Yea! I'm also so appreciative of those who stick around to give support and answer questions. They've helped me tremendously.
  16. You may want to do some additional reading on Dolittle....there's some really racist bits that weren't considered such at the time. Deconstructing Penguins is a great book on having book discussions with some lists. If your library has it, it's definitely worth checking out! Hope you have fun with the group.
  17. That actually sounds pretty modest to me. If it were just family and close friends, I think I'd have had the bra off!
  18. One of the points in favor of a graphing calculator is that ideally you can use it to investigate a lot of different possibilities and then make conjectures about whether it would happen in all cases....kind of an experimental approach. I know one of the instructors at our cc uses the calculator in the equivalent of algebra ii to do experiments....collect data and then model it. That said, unless you have a reason to use it, don't. I may get one for my son when he's in high school because the buttons are nicer than on his scientific one :) I have a few, so I can easily give him one.... I've heard from some of my students that they get good deals buying used calculators at the local pawn shops....may be worth checking out. The user manual is typically less than useless anyway.
  19. Grump. Need new dishwasher. Ours apparently has been leaking!

    1. nmoira


      You might just need a new gasket. These guys are my new best friends: http://www.reliableparts.com/

      Well, that and YouTube. There are instructions for everything on YouTube.

    2. Dana


      We had repair guy out today. We thought it was something minor. He said we need a new one... Water leaking through motor. Machine is 8 years old...think they should last longer....

    3. nmoira


      We've had our latest for four years. Just replaced the door handle/latch, and the spring is out in the door hinge so it won't stay open on its own (though this doesn't affect operation). Within the first year, three of the clips on the "removable" rack features had snapped. We're not rough people. :/

  20. For us, it was a way for those members in the wedding party to get out together. Ours was at a pizza place where we told dh's parents we were engaged :) But we also did a cheap wedding...potluck reception at the church, flowers done by dh's uncle who was a florist (BEAUTIFUL flowers!), photos by dh's cousin.
  21. Looks like our cc is roughly $170 per credit hour, plus fees. Books of course are absurd. State started lottery a while ago and so legislators have significantly cut what they contribute to the public colleges. At this cc, they've got FT people teaching 18 credit hours as their regular load to help make up for budget cuts. It's absurd.
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