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Everything posted by LinaJ

  1. Thanks for all the tips. We have been writing multiplication tables over and over again every single day. Slowly, but surely I will teach my child :D
  2. Yes, they are not free on Amazon prime. Bummer.
  3. I have researched this topic, but did not find any good threads about it. Did I miss it? We are doing biology this year, and quite a few labs suggest a microscope. I want to do labs just to keep kids interested and engaged, and I think purchasing a microscope would be a great surprise for them. Teacher Guide explained that microscope labs are not necessary, but is a good training for high school. Anyone have any advice on getting a microscope? I looked on hometrainingtools.com as well as amscope.com and I am not sure how much should I invest. Is 400X decent enough for jr. high student? Or should we go for 1000X? Do you have one that you love (or hate)? I am not even sure if something for $80 good enough, or $300+ would be better? Anything else to consider - additional sets, kits, slides?
  4. I am all ears for a good tip as well :)
  5. We are using Vocabulary From Classical Roots, and I really like it (but never used anything else, so nothing to compare to). I feel like I am learning along with kids :)
  6. I looked on Amazon prime last night, and there are two different "horrible Histories". Which one is more educational? Animated or not? Would be good to add a quick video based on what we are reading in history.
  7. What age is the book appropriate for? Thinking of reading it to my 10 and 11-year-old, never read it myself, so not sure if they are too young to grasp it or not.
  8. Tha's how we grew up, no? We did not even know there was this whole world of sitting on the couch and frying your brain... :drool:
  9. I know this is old, but I am looking for some help and came across this post. My dd is 11, 6th grade and first year homeschooling. I learned that she actually does not know her multiplication facts at all. I mean at all. Somehow she managed to get by and slip through, but honestly, she does not know them. :( I also had to teach her to multiply by 10, 100.... I mean, really? She can occasionally space out during the class, so I assume it was not that occasional afterall. So I am going to try daily writing as ereks mom suggested. It's just tough to watch her do finger counting and some major problem solving in her head when I ask "what is 3x7".... Sigh.
  10. First year homeschooling my 5th and 6th graders and while using "Vocabulary from Classical Roots" (which we love!) I found out that my kids don't really know word parts. Anyone has a pdf or website or any other good resource where I could quickly help them to get caught up?
  11. Hello. I'm in Raleigh, but will be spending our days in south Charlotte this year (might be moving here).
  12. How is everyone liking biology 2? I am considering it, plus the science kit from Home Science Tools, but it comes to rather pricey total. Does pandia press ever have a sale? Amazon has a good price, but they are temporarily out of stock (who knows what is temporarily in their world.....) ETA: Kate from Pandia Press said they will have 25% discount on everything starting Monday for the entire month of September.
  13. We just read a book about C.Darwin and I came here to see if I could add something more for my kids. Ordered the same DVD, hopefully they will enjoy it! (I registered as middle school teacher...)
  14. I love love love the books! I have read them all, some quite a few times over and over. And the show is surprisingly great too, I love the casting. Geilis is so awesome :)
  15. Last week at local hsing store owner gave my daughter the critical thing CD with "reading detective". Nothing mind blowing, but definitely great to work on comprehension. Kids did couple lessons and they seem to like it.
  16. Meghansmom, what did you decide to use? How did you decide which level? My son is 10 and writes very neatly, but last night he told me he wants to work more on his cursive. My daughter on the other hand has a horrible handwriting and no interest to improve it. :)
  17. Anyone has an opinion on Real Science-4-Kids biology vs REAL Science Odyssey Biology 2/ Pandia ? Kids are 10 and 11, and we are starting middle school curriculum.
  18. Thank you! I am thinking that may be the case. Originally we planned to teach same curriculum to both, but now I am leaning towards giving them individual math, and everything else can still be the same. I thought my daughter may have her feelings hurt (she is older by 14months), but I explained how beneficial it would be for her and her brother to work together, and she could explain things to him if needed (which is most likely other way around :p ), and she was ok with it and rather excited too. Thank you everyone for suggestions.
  19. I used to be excited for my kids to go back to school, especially after summer or another break. It seemed like a lot of work and stress, and I just wanted to go back to my less stressful days, working without worrying what kids do and why are they so loud or so quiet.... But something happened to me last winter and I just cannot seem to let them go back to school this year.They seemed to only enjoy recess and lunch with friends. Teachers were mean (literally), not paying attention if you didn't understand something, or if you're ahead and bored, they also ignored you... Seemed so cruel to send your kids to such environment. So I am jumping for joy because my husband and I are in agreement to give this "hsing thing" a try. :)
  20. That was great, thank you! Some really good ideas and suggestions. :)
  21. That was a great read and gave me ideas on how to work on my schedule. Thank you so much!
  22. Thanks! I have read and read and read, and the more I read the more overwhelmed I feel. But I also feel more knowledgable and educated to make my decisions. Good luck to you too! (And now I have to check it out beechick book too :) )
  23. Oh wow, so many ideas! I am away from my computer, so I will read it all in detail when I get back in. My kids are 10 and 11. I am planning to teach them both the same curriculum (even though my son is younger, he is a quicker learner, and absorbs better). So far I am overwhelmed with all choices and decisions, so not quite sure what exactly I'll be teaching :)
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