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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. Hi Everyone, I love this eagle-cam so much that I have to share. In 2012 a college in Georgia called Berry noticed that an eagle-couple had nested in their trees. So they trained infrared light and three cameras on the couple (the birds can't see the light). The mom laid egg # 1 on January 1. And a second egg on January 4. The mom and the dad eagle are taking turns incubating the eggs. Camera one is the best because it has sound. You'll find lesson plans and more on the site! I hope you and your kids have fun! Wendy
  2. Hi Everyone, I don't have elementary kids anymore -- mine are 17 -- but I wanted to share this awesome eagle-cam with you!! There's a private college in Georgia called Berry. In 2012 they realized a mom and dad eagle-pair had nested high in the trees. So, of course the school immediately trained three cameras on the nest. Poor eagles: can they get five seconds to themselves?! 🙃 Anyhoo, the eagles are totally unaware of the light (infrared at night so invisible to the eagles) and cameras. The mom-eagle layed one egg on January 1 and a second egg on January 4. Now the two take turns sitting on the eggs (with the mom doing most of the sitting). Shocker. I kid! Dads, I kid!! Eagles can lay up to three eggs in a "clutch," so one more egg might be coming. (She appears to be laying from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm.) There are three cameras and I love camera one because it has sound. There are lesson plans and everything. Eagle Nest Cam One I hope you and the kids have fun! Wendy
  3. I agree with Hyacinth. You sound super-human. Taking care of the 2-year-old would be my top priority. Congratulations on getting money back too! W.
  4. The painkiller they gave him is hydrocordone. That's not quite as addictive as oxy. I just now went upstairs and had a nice -- meaning he was receptive -- talk with him about moving onto ibuprofen for pain. He seems to get it. Thanks again for the warning! Wendy
  5. Well, he's 17, 18 in April and he doesn't want his Mama. 😒 Dh and he are doing the meds, ice pack etc. Of course I'm ecstatic that my boys are turning into men, but it's still hard when I want to "mother" them. All that to say: he's doing great without help from me. I couldn't agree more with you. I had arm surgery 1.5 years ago and I only took 3 or 4 of the heavy-duty pain pills and stopping even that amount was oddly weird and difficult. I'll remind him. The boys next door -- now in his late 20s -- had a drug addiction problem. I don't know when it started, but I think he went into several rehabs and it scares me. Thank you so much for the reminder. Wendy
  6. I didn't get a food list. You guys always have the best feedback. Thank you! Wendy
  7. I'm not sure why, but the song "Somewhere out there" is looping in my head. Not sure why. Turns out, dh saw her in Pirates (but he was a teen and not very into opera). 🙂 Wendy
  8. Thanks! I'm off to get his prescriptions. (Even though we woke up early and I need a nap now.) Got it, Good info. J-rap, thank you! Unless you're the one feeling "off," it's hard to know. W.
  9. I didn't even know I was supposed to do the ice thing. But thank you for all of these great tips!! Great tip re: having his brother help me get him into the house. I bought mashed potatoes and refried beans. I forgot about mac n cheese. Thank you! Wendy
  10. I am so sorry about your tailbone, I've heard that can be really painful. Also, are you on the January Well-Trained Bodies group? They're a very supportive group of people. I'm actually doing more because of this group. Wendy
  11. LOVE your humorous writing!! Very funny! Wendy
  12. He's 17 and only has two wisdom teeth. I thought everyone had four. I've bought a bunch of soft food like ice cream, pudding, yogurt etc. But if you have any tips, I'm all ears! Thank you!! Wendy
  13. What a gift Linda gave the world. Such a phenomenal singer -- and so, so diverse! Wendy
  14. Congratulations on finding a deal!! Best feeling. One of the things that's helped me stick with it is a daily log of my workouts. I use a program called One Note, but I've heard Ever Note is great too. I started back in Aug. 8, 2019. I've found that almost everything I log keeps me on track. I'm pretty sure it's the color that makes this whole log thing work. -- Wendy Th -- 12-31-20 -- Level 6, 20 mins. on bike. (I'm back since I fixed terrible dry eye problem.) F -- 1-1-21 -- Level 5, 35 mins. on bike. S -- 1-2-21 -- Level 5, 25 mins. on bike. S -- 1-3-21 -- Level 5, 35 minutes on bike. M -- 1-4-21 -- Level 5, 35 minutes on bike.
  15. I couldn't agree with you more. It's very cool that you can work out to audiobooks. I wish my brain was trained for that. I'm trying!! (I listen to free Amazon Prime music but haven't bought the monthly membership.) Wendy
  16. Wanted to say: I found a great indoor recumbent bike on Craig's List for just $50. I've had it three years now and it works really well. Thank you!
  17. Pretty!! I love those kind of candle holders. W.
  18. This January I'm not just thinking about this group and getting good vibes, I'm actually posting. 🙃 Today will be Day 5 of riding my indoor recumbent on a Level 5 for 35 minutes. The "5 at 35" helps me remember the plan. My goal is to be back at Level 7 for 50 minutes. With good music, it's fun. I recommend Linda Ronstadt from the 70s and 80s. She wasn't glam like Cher and Diana Ross so I overlooked her. Turns out, she's a powerhouse singer. (Adding: she was instrumental in bringing the Eagles together.) If you need other songs, let me know. I think playlists are so important to keeping workouts on track. (At least for me.) I also try to listen to 20 minutes of a book or a podcast (I'm trying to train myself to working out to audio. I'm getting better). Wendy
  19. Can you share an example of your candle holders and blue striped table runner? I'm decorating-challenged. Wendy
  20. Wait, what do you do for personalized coasters? Your home sounds beautiful in the winter. Wendy
  21. This is a fantastic list. Sweet potato and onion with bread and egg sounds awesome! Same with the lentil pasta salad. Thank you. I'm always looking for new -- but smart -- food combinations. Wendy
  22. I'd been doing so well riding my indoor recumbent at a level 7 for 50 minutes about 4 to 5 times a week. But then in early December, I came down with terrible dry eye -- and I let it fester for weeks before getting real meds from the doctor. I'm making a note in the calendar for next year. So, now I'm on Day 2 of working back up to my earlier schedule. Right now I'm on level 5 for 35 minutes. (I also add in stomach and arm exercises.) I'm going to post regularly to this group too! Thanks @Soror!! Wendy
  23. Perfect. It's not okay -- no matter how well meaning -- for people to steal/ruin our evening. Makes me mad for you. Wendy
  24. Thank you Rosie! I'll definitely listen and full-disclosure: I just love music, I'm not a musician. Does this mean your friend got to talk to Linda. Wow. Thanks again, Wendy
  25. Long story, short: Our van went to van-heaven and we bought a less guzzly Toyota. Omg, it was like night and day. My van was from '03 and I felt like Jed Clampett driving around in it. The Toyota is like riding on butter. Trust me, you want your own stick of butter to drive. Get the car of your dreams -- as much as you can -- I let dh talk me into getting something I don't totally want. I wish I had stuck to my guns a little better. (My thought: I'm not getting any younger and if I don't get a car that I want and can afford, then when??) Hugs again -- money is hard. Period. Wendy
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