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Everything posted by LinRTX

  1. I have the 2nd edition of Saxon Algebra 1/2. Looking through the book it clearly states that multiplication should be done before addition. What edition do you have? What lesson number are you on? Linda
  2. I agree. Do not skip problems. I have 4 children. Some are mathy;some are not. All learn very differently. All have done Saxon--every problem in every lesson I assign and all mental math. I will admit that starting in Saxon 54 I will skip some of the lessons, but not the mental math. I don't always time the fact sheet, but we do them. So far with 4 children our results have been: ds 24: did Saxon Algebra 2 through Calculus--he's graduated Suma Cum Laude in EE after going on full scholarship dd20: did Saxon 2 thru Calculus--sh'e a junior with 4.0 gpa and is majoring in information systems dd16: started in Saxon 2 and is 20 lessons from completing Advanced Math. She does very well with math. dd9: started in Saxon 2 and is half-way through Saxon 65 (This is my least mathy child and she is doing well) Saxon works with all types, but you have to make sure they do the work--all of it. Linda
  3. Oh that reminded me that I have one. I'm not sure about the copyright rules. My book has recipes for Bobotie and Baked Bananas. Is this the same? This dd is so much younger than my others that I forget what I have around the house.:lol: Thanks for the reminder. Linda
  4. My 9yo needs to make a recipe from South Africa for her AWANA. Can anyone help me with a simple one with US measurements so I can understand how to make it. Linda
  5. My oldest and youngest are 14 years apart. She is using much of the same curriculum I used for him. I will say that I did buy SOTW for her because I never found a history curriculum that I liked for the older ones and I love SOTW. I do get rid of things after her (pass it along because it is too old to sell). She is definitely the last. Linda
  6. I find that when I set the timer my dd9 always finishes her math in less time than I have set. Some days (without the timer) it has taken up to 3 hours to do her math. The next day I set the timer for an hour while I go do housework or help her older sister. I say that when the timer goes off I will be back and we will move on to another subject. She can finish her math later when everything else is done. Every single time I have done this she comes to me in 20-30 minutes to tell me she is done woth her math. Linda
  7. I think the worst I've heard is the fried butter that was sold at our state fair this year. I saw someone eating it and I felt sick for the rest of the day. I can't imagine eating something like that. Linda
  8. If it is uncomfortable for either you or your daughter, I would probably just step away from them. I have been known to pull my daughter closer to me or step between someone and my daughter when I think someone is getting too personal. As to the other, just say we all have our personal convictions and that you don't agree with all their decisions either. So is there something they are willing to do based on your convictions. We have given to Locks of Love 3 times now, but only because my daughters have made that decision. Personally I would rather them have long hair. I love long hair. But it is my daughters' hair and their decision.
  9. This happens to me a lot, especially in cold weather. And I happen eo know it is quite cold for your area right now. It also only seems to happen with jeans or a load of towels. I just run the spin cycle again and the problem seems to be fixed. It has been happening for about 4 years and only during the coldest winter days, so I just chalk it up to something wierd. Linda (who fixes her own washing machine a lot because of lots of girls and bobby pins)
  10. I have been bit by a dog before and had to have stitches. But I was not running. I had rung the doorbell and the guy opened the door and the German shepherd lunged out and bit me! I had heard the dog barking furiously but did think it would be restrained before they opened the door. I was delivering some papers to them that they needed. It was scary and I was so glad I had left my 3 and 6yo kids in the car. Linda
  11. My daughter has been getting them for just over a year. Her major allergies are dust/mold. They have changed her life. Before the shots she was constantly sick; her throat would swell so that she could barely talk at times. Now that we have gotten the shots she never loses her voice and feels great. Linda
  12. I think you will be fine. My kids don't watch TV here because nothing is redeeming on it but we have the entire original series of Star Trek on DVD and these are some of my kids favorites. Actually one of my favorite memories of my youngest hapeened when she was about 3. We asked what her favorite character was, thinking she would say Barney or Elmo. No. Her answer was ..... James Kirk. We knew then that we had been watching too much Star Trek lately. At nine she still asks to watch these regularly. Linda
  13. That's funny. We always say--"He has a red shirt--he won't last long."
  14. I have used both. They are basically the same except the newer ones have the answers in the back so there is no need for the TM. If you have the time you really don't ned the TM for most of the pages, but the answers are nice to have when you are time crunched (and who among us isn't). Linda
  15. We had snow for Christmas morning! It is so unusual to have snow that lasts for more than a couple of hours so this was really something. We were also able to go to the Christmas buffet. We had to leave our house at 11:30 and around 11 the roads warmed up enough so that some of the ice was melting and we could get out. Linda
  16. I totally disagree with this. Yes you give a bit with the grandparents, but you are still the parents. I have been known to tell my children in front of the grandparents that to disobey my rules would bring discipline. The grandparents will say but I gave them permission. My answer is that then they are the cause of the discipline. Do they want that because my rules will be obeyed.
  17. Actually, my one that had the most problems was transferring after getting here associates degree, so she was a junior. The roommate who gave her the most problems was a 27yo sophmore. It was a nightmare. We moved my daughter out of the dorm within 2 weeks and got a full refund on the semester. Never again will I attempt a dorm. Drugs, s*x, and total party land. And no help from the campus. We actually had to bring in the actual police. I even had one attacked with a knife from a fellow dormmate on drugs. I don't consider this a way to "socialize" my kids.
  18. I have graduated two form homeschool and will graduate the third in another year. They are all doing fine. My third is the most social child I have ever known. They are all very strong in their beliefs and do not parrot our beliefs. The funny thing about this post is the comment about the college dorms. We will never try a college dorm again, because the public school kids who make up the majority of the dorm make it impossible to study because of the drugs and co-habitation going on. The dorm is not a dorm but a free for all party. I also don't believe that the peer dependent teen years do anything to promote teens forming their own ideas as much as discussion with adults with more wisdom and experience. Linda
  19. We have bought the international edition for some textbooks. BUT never if a CD rom or some access code to an online site is needed. Only once did we have a problem, but the person never advertised it as an international edition. Just be careful that you have everything included with the book sold at the college bookstore. You can usually find the info at the online bookstore. Linda
  20. My 9yo went shopping with her big sister. As they were leaving to return home she looks at big sis and says "I went in rich but came out a pauper." We all had a laugh so I thought I would share. Linda
  21. This is a great idea. I would make matching clothes for my girls. Actually they all three have only matched twice. One 4th of July I made matching vests for the older two and me and a dress for the baby out of the same material. Linda
  22. My four are almost 24, 20, 16, and 9. They are incredibly close to each other. Linda
  23. Lisa Have her test at the college. They have remedial classes and will know where to place her. Also, if you bring her home and graduate her from home you, you can do what she needs. It does not have to be accredited. You decide what is best and just go with her needs. At the CC here the requirements are less stringent if you have graduated than if not. They will remediate graduates, but not those still in high school. This only applies to math though (I think). So you might want to do the math at home and give her one class at the CC. The one sememster class (3 hr) would be a full year credit for high school. Then just decide on what you will call the math class at home. You could do a business math class as you review some Algebra I. I'm just thinking with my fingers here, so it may sound very much like rambling. Linda
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