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Status Updates posted by Slache

  1. I heart the hive. I'm grateful for the community and friendships I've gained here. You guys rock!

  2. My husband went out of town today so he hid the ice cream scoop "for my own good". Pft. Like that's going to stop me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Renai


      Good for you! We don't even own a scoop.

    3. Tsuga


      Hah! Mine would never do that. I'd just ruin a spoon.

    4. lots of little ducklings

      lots of little ducklings

      Lol! Who needs a scoop anyway? I could finish off a pint with a butter knife or a spatula if I needed to.

  3. ikslo says I'm fabulous.

  4. I'm sorry I keep liking all of your irrelevant posts. I have a new phone and I think it has a gremlin in it.

  5. Coffee is my favorite thing.

    1. marbel


      Sometimes right before I go to bed at night, I find myself thinking "in the morning I can drink coffee!" I am quite sure that I am not unique in that regard.

    2. Slache


      I saw a meme once that said "If I was dating myself I would surprise myself with Starbucks every morning and it would be adorable."

  6. Sometimes I feel like a fairy tale in a book written by a rabbit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoJosMom


      I knew you were a fairy. The wings gave you away.

    3. Slache


      "She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in books written by rabbits." - Schmendrick The Magician. I was sure someone here would get the reference.

    4. JoJosMom


      Nah. It's definitely the wings.

  7. We've found our stride and John begs for school every morning :)

    1. idnib
    2. elmerRex


      You have arrived at the first stop along success. Enjoy.

  8. I'm trying to send you a PM and it won't work! Will you PM me?

  9. I gave up arguing with myself over math and ordered Making Mathematics Meaningful. I also got Preschool Art: It's The Process, Not The Product!

  10. It's gone. Forever. :'(

    1. Ann.without.an.e


      A piece of me died, lol.

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