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Everything posted by Elisabet1

  1. And I am not saying the girl is a liar..I am just saying it does not all add up and there would need to be more information for it to be believable.
  2. Why has the girl had 2 different last names..as well as her parents? Now that is something to question. Her parents and she used to go by Sublett. Now they go by Pennington.
  3. If we knew what county the girl was born in, we could look it up ourselves. That tax link I included to show the parents house and tax payments, the house is not as old as the girl, so they could not have lived there when she was born.
  4. I just think the girl's story has so many holes in it, that there needs to be more proof from the girl before I would buy this story. It all comes down to...was there an original birth certificate.
  5. Her parents say it exists. The mere fact that the older kids are enrolled in college says theirs exists. The girl has not even clarified any proof that they do not exist. IF the girl tried to get a birth certificate and it did not exist, she would at least have a letter from the state saying it does not exist. Where is that letter? Everything from the girl is the girl's word. The parents have presented more proof than her.
  6. And now here we have driver's license ID proof...since she will already have a voters registration card, and a birth certificate...no problems getting this. AND...since she does not want to speak to her parents, her grandparents can just make her a high school transcript. http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/internetforms/Forms/DL-57.pdf
  7. First, she gets the birth certificate. I already posted the link showing she needs nothing else for it but a small fee. She can go in in person or order online. I was shocked when I was picking up birth certificates for my children at how many people who can just get one even when they are not the child. No ID needed to get the voter registration card... http://votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/550-2/
  8. And the only articles I have found online are from non-reliable sites. Nothing has been from anything mainstream.
  9. The Penningtons are not off the grid..right here..they have been paying property tax... http://propaccess.kerrcad.org/clientdb/Property.aspx?prop_id=13614
  10. Drivers license only requires 2.... and social security card and birth certificate are enough. The social security card and birth certificate can both be obtained online with no ID. That would give her 3. IF she has a social security card, she does not need to file for American citizenship. Do you have any links to back up anything? Because I am not finding anything online to support this girl's story.
  11. It is this simple to get a copy of your birth certificate in Texas.... https://txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/ovra/SelectRequestType.htm assuming one exists. Since the other kids from this family seems to have one, then I would assume this girl has one. And since the girl refuses to speak to her parents to even ask for help, nor does she seem willing to order her own. She never states she ordered her own, she just says her parents didn't give her one.
  12. In our case, I talked about stuff going on with our daughter in the months preceding her leaving. Then she moved in with "grandparents" who were not even her real grandparents, but rather birth grandparents. Currently, in a little update, she has been using drugs now and getting drunk. We got some lovely texts from her the other day where she was obviously drunk. They were not mean texts, but they were obviously the rambling of someone who was under the influence. She is now couch surfing because my birthparents got tired of her. But not before exposing her to the world of drug abuse. They still let her stay there some nights I have been told, but she mostly just couch surfs. Thing is, we had arranged previously for her to return to college in January. We had put the money down and arranged the dorm and everything. I posted how she did not want a job. She felt she was too good for minimum wage. She got fired days before she left. We tried to contact her, she refused any contact. She contacted her brother wanting him to steal stuff from our home, but not her own personal stuff. Stuff, basically, that she could sell. She did not want clothes or such. She said her "new family" had purchased her all new stuff so she did not have needs there. BUT, we did try to reach out to her to see if she still wanted to go to college in January. Despite having left December 15, she claimed in January that she is prevented from going to college or having a job because we committed "identity theft" and stole her ID. Ok..the birth grandparents live on the same street as the DMV, just a few blocks down the road. She could walk there. Her public high school she attended, if she needed anything, is down the street the other direction, a place she could walk to. That is much further away, about a mile. The church she was baptized at and they know her at is right by the high school, she would pass it on the way to the high school. IF she wanted these documents, she can get them. PLUS, we tried to offer to give her her clothes and such. She did have a huge habit of losing her license all the time. I do not know if it is even lost or if she just doesn't want to have to go to work or school. Freeloading seems to be suiting her just fine right now. IF she actually did leave her ID here, it would be in her stuff. She refused to answer our texts or emails asking if she wants her stuff. Her brother tried to ask her. Her other brother tried to call her. She told her older brother she wants nothing from here at all. She refused to take a call from her younger brother. But regardless, if the government has copies of this stuff and she is a grown adult, she can get it herself. This slamming video the girl made never mentioned her even trying to contact the state to see if there was a birth certificate. And I doubt the family has skipped out on using her as a deduction on the taxes all these years. There has to be a SSN then. You can order all these things online if you want. I think this girl sounds to me like she wants to lash out at her parents. I am not saying her parents are me. But the siblings could not have enrolled in college without some form of ID or vaccination records or vaccination exemptions or social security or other id numbers. Despite my daughter's refusal to even take our offers to help, I called the DMV and looked up how to get a new license. It is not complicated at all. I sent her a link from online. But she would rather make excuses to get sympathy and money from others than just grow up and take responsibility. I wonder how long before this girl in this blog has a fundme page to support her "plight."
  13. I think the young lady is playing people and the media is jumping on it because it makes a great anti-homeschool story.
  14. That would be great if this baby comes out a girl! As it stands...this is the 7th boy. LOL
  15. I would think I would give birth before then, but I do not really know of course. But..because of that whole menopause thing, we are not positive when I am due. :huh: I think maybe I am due March 28-30. I likely have to have a repeat c-sect. ONLY reason doctor is kind of saying maybe she would be okay with me giving birth, is because I had an accidental vbac (and vbacs before that too) and then I had a c-sect. That c-sect was a mistake because I ended up with a paralytic Ileus and am not eager for another. I thought maybe I should go ahead and get on the schedule for a c-sect April 2. I think it is highly likely I would go on my own before then. But I am a little worried if I give birth on my own on April 1, it might be something the baby is unhappy about as baby grows up. What do you think? Silly thought? Or real concern?
  16. I ordered some numbing cream when I had to do shots.
  17. Not to be political, but every time Obama comes on TV, I have to turn it off quickly because his voice bothers me so much.
  18. I actually would rather not home school anymore at this point. But I consider our public schools to be so inferior that I would not consider them. We do not have the money for private school.
  19. I pray for them to turn 18 soon so they can go away! Ok..not really, but...all that frustrates me. And it happens a lot with the 10 yr old and 13 yr old. I did find tomato staking to help. I could get a grip on what the real source of the fighting was. Other than that, if anyone can actually solve this question, they could make tons of money on it.
  20. I wanted goulash. My husband made hamburger helper. And that only happened after I read this post, LOL.
  21. I just re-hired my cleaning person. She is going to be aghast when she shows up on Friday and realizes no one probably cleaned the shower or bathtubs properly since the last time she was here! LOL Not that I didn't try..but well, you know.
  22. That is wonderful!!! I wonder if I should try Heart Of Dakota. It always seemed extra special to me since it came from South Dakota.
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