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Everything posted by Elisabet1

  1. I have an odd problem with this. My husband believes all dishes must be washed before being put in. I am talking complete with dish soap and all. It really irritates me. So, he is in charge of the dishes. He does not want anyone to put dishes in the dishwasher. When he is gone, I have the kids put them in anyway.
  2. So, 13 yr old boys do not smell pleasant until they shower. In fact, it is downright nauseous. 13 yr old boy now does take showers every day, but the early morning is still torture until he gets in. 10 yr old will be 11 soon. He doesn't have actual body odor yet, but there is starting to be just an itty bit of aroma coming from him. I told him he needs more showers now. But, he is avoiding them. Then, today, he explained it to me. He said 13 yr old smelled so bad when they shared a room, that he wants revenge. So he does not want to take a shower until he smells really bad. And then he is just going to hang out in his older brother's room! gads! lol (he still has to take a shower, I just thought this was funny)
  3. I find the fact that the pharmaceuticals are not held responsible for anything, and there is no "day in court" to be disturbing. So many like to claim that "it has been proven that vaccinations cannot cause damage" when in reality, it has never been proven. Nothing has been proven. It is illegal in this country to take it to court. And anyone who ever speaks up is under a great deal of threat and persecution. Media cannot even print an article without being called murderers. It is going to be a long time before any study can be done or any truth comes out about anything. Even in the most perfect of medications, they will not be free of all possible side effects or reactions. It is really beyond questionable that people claim all vaccinations are 100% safe. And the diseases they protect against are all suddenly seen as the same as Small Pox and Polio. People were mocked and laughed at for being concerned over Ebola brought here. Then, same people are in hysteria over 100 cases nation wide of Measles.
  4. But he was talking about small pox. I wonder what he would think today to look at the long list of shots and what they are for. He might be a bit shocked instead of jumping on that idea. Chicken Pox cannot be compared to Small Pox. His opinion might be more like this...
  5. I drive a long ways for my bookshelf store. It is called the Maddox Shop in Dallas. They have all the variety of sizes. And they will ship too. Funny story..first time I bought there, they measured me or told me which sizes I needed. It was a couple of little old ladies working at the moment. I told them and they left and came back and followed me in to the dressing room! They completely helped! The bras were a perfect fit. But I had never been followed in to the dressing room before. They were elderly sweet ladies. I doubt they are there anymore. But it is still a good store. I have not been there lately, but will be making a trip soon.
  6. LOL..sorry..just giggling reading this thread. I figured it was for you and your husband. Just the way it was worded was funny.
  7. I would love an event without children. Wouldn't bother me.
  8. Yes, it definitely annoys me. It is very rude. Remember my birth sister? She showed up at the hospital when I had my 5 yr old. Then when she left, she called me to tell me her daughter, who was with her at the time, had strep. She had her daughter holding my newborn baby and everything. I was so mad.
  9. This just stood out to me. But you know what your husband's friends lube is like? Or do you mean you have it too? Sorry, I am terrible..I just had to ask!
  10. We are on H, again. I used this with my older. And never have used the TM.
  11. I am like your DH. TeA happens when it happens, not related to other special events.
  12. I swam constantly with my now 5 yr old. He did not go head down until 39 weeks.
  13. Another issue is..I usually am due in September, literally. So usually, I spend the whole pregnancy taking walks, swimming, and hiking. This time, it is winter and I do not get anywhere near the exercise. That probably has not helped.
  14. I am 44 yrs old. I have gray hair! And not just an occasional strand no one notices.
  15. I have not even gained weight this pregnancy. So...my back hurts, my stomach has shooting pains through it. You know the kinds of pains you get when you roll over too fast? That kind of pain. Only, I was standing cooking. It did not take that long to cook, but by the time I served dinner, I was crying.
  16. I started Deplin a few months ago and it has made a ton of difference.
  17. Last night, near 9pm, someone tried to use our credit card in a town only 30 minutes away. It is a town we have not been to in 6 months. Our card company stopped it from going through, even though the charge was not a huge amount, just about $85. They caught it on the first bad charge. I have no clue how they were so quick! They contacted us right away. I am impressed! Just wanted to comment. It was Chase Bank by the way.
  18. Astroglide. But make sure you put it up when you are done and not on the nightstand. Or someone might dump it all in the carpet later.
  19. Maybe people did not have as many babies because their houses were smaller so they could not get privacy?
  20. My husband mentioned he had started watching that, but I had no idea what it was.
  21. I am wondering. If you are way more miserable than usual, is that a sign that you might have the baby early? I understand that I may have simply forgotten how miserable pregnancy can be. But sheesh!!!!!!
  22. (((hugs))) Depends on what you did. If you are a surgeon and you accidentally removed someone's only good leg...yeah, you should feel bad. if you simply accidentally filed a paper in the wrong place...umm..not so bad. When I was 16 years old, I worked at a daycare. I am 44 yrs old now. I accidentally shut a little boy's hand in the door. He was crying and I saw it, but did not realize right away what happened. I felt awful!!! I still feel awful!!! It was awful. I wish I knew his name so I could contact his parents and tell them how bad I feel. I told them back then. But I still feel awful now. It was horrible.
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