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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: and this is why we wont use the NIV. We do use KJV now but are looking at ESV as well as NAS ( I think?)
  2. My highschoolers do have seperate work areas because otherwise nothing would get accomplished. I have done various schedules over the years, but this year I am planning on working with my youngest 4 first thing in the morning while the older ones do independent work. Hopefully this will help me have a clear space to work with the oleder ones uninterrrupted.
  3. I wondered the same thing. I hope she is doing well.
  4. My 8 yo son, who has dysgraphia, is using HWT here at home and at OT and we have noticed a big improvement over the summer.
  5. Someone had posted it for me before and I tried searching, but can't find it now. Help! :) Thank you
  6. I think we will switch plans and go with wwe/fll instead of R&S. I really think this might be a better fit for him and a more gentle approach. Thanks for the help!
  7. We did @ 1/2 of R&S 2 last year, but I don't know how much has stuck so if we did FLL I'd probably start at the beginning. If we did WWE he could copy some simple sentences and might even be able to sound a few of the words out now. I do like R&S, but I really like that FLL and WWE would have memory work for him. I was thinking of incuding him in the memory work my older kids are doing, but I don't think he could keep up and I think it would not work too well.
  8. Thats what I was wondering. We have put off formal grammar already and he is going to be 9 in September so I don't want to wait to long. It's hard because it seems everything is connected to his reading so I never know what or how much to introduce with him.
  9. LOL. Right before the trail was to start the person decided to plea and that was it. The judge came in and told us a bit about the case and sent us home. The neat thing though is one of the other jurors was someone I knew and so we ended up going for coffee, so all was not lost! Hopefully I wont get called again before my time runs out the end of August.
  10. I have never done it with any of my kids and all my babies were large ( William was 12#s). I did tear with a few, but nothing major.
  11. I am not an expert and I think her diet looks good, but I'd probably try to add some fruit and maybe some leafy veggies.
  12. I'm sure this has been asked, but this thread is soooo long lol. If you use WWE and FLL do you skip some of the excersizes in FLL, such as narrations? Thanks!
  13. Cross posted from the SN board. Do you think FLL/WWE could be used by a non-reader? My 8 yo dyslexic/dysgraphic son can sound out basic CVC words now and a few longer ones, but I'd still consider him a beginning reader. I never really thought @ wwe/fll with him, but I wonder if that might be a good fit?
  14. Do you think FLL/WWE could be used by a non-reader? My son can sound out basic CVC words now and a few longer lones, but I'd still consider him a beginning reader. I never really thought @ wwe/fll with him, but I wonder if that might be a good fit?
  15. My 8 yo has dyslexia, dysgraphia and some memory issues. We are using Barton's for reading/spelling, R&S english done orally and HWT and copywork for penmanship.
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