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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My 18 went away to a charter/boarding school his Junior year of high school. He had to live there even though the school was only @ 4 miles from our house and he came home every weekend. I cried for days and for weeks everytime he left, I'd cry again. I can SO understand!!! :grouphug: I will be praying for you.
  2. My 19 yo did TT, 18 yo used Saxon through Alg II and then college courses, 17 yo did TT and my current 10th grader is planning on Saxon all the way through. My kids who used TT did well with it and liked it OK. They both scored OK on the ACT and SAT. My son who did Saxon & college courses did very well on the ACT. My 10th grader will do the ACT for the first time in December. We do plan to use Chalk Dust with the rest of our children, but plans could change by them. Time will tell.
  3. My middle schoolers said @ 18 cause he is getting his license and my 19 yo said 35? LOL I said @ 15-17.
  4. First off :grouphug:! Second, don't rush into anything right now. Your emotions are all over the place and it's best to wait until you have time to think. I would set up a time to talk to DH with no interruptions. Maybe a date night? Before hand write down your thoughts and use that as a guideline for the discussion, this will help you stay on track. For school, maybe shelve the books for a while and work on the discipline issues and getting the family to help you out. Work on what your Dh ( and you) feel needs to be done to make home more peaceful.
  5. Would I just list it as honors on his transcript? If I note it, how would you note what honors consist of? Thank you!
  6. We thought about it this year but my 5th grader didn't want PC based program so we are waiting until 6th to start Chalk Dust.
  7. I know zip about how AP works, but I was curious is using both these books would = an AP course? How would I go about having my son recieve AP credit and taking the AP exam? Thanks!
  8. Do you have a schedule? I have heard good things @ the books Managers of their home, chores and now they have a homeschool one too. For us, I made an excel sheet with my name and all the kids names across the top. I have the times listed down the left side and then in each column I have what each person should be doing during that time slot. This is my master schedule. Then I made one similar for school subjects. I like having all the kid son one sheet so I can see where everyone is at one time. Each child receives a sheet with just his/her own schedule that they keep in their binders. As for the weekends, I finally started having a Sunday night organizing hour(or two lol). We get the laundry sorted for morning, kitchen spotless, house tidy etc so Monday morning isn't so stressful. I had always tried to do as little work on Sunday and it made Monday unbearable. For school, I would definitely try to combine as much as possible. At your children’s ages I would only do math and language arts on grade level and combine the rest. I used to try and work with the oldest first, but the younger kids all needed/wanted me then and it was chaos. This year I have the older ones doing independent work while the younger ones do some fun stuff. By the time the older ones need me, the younger ones are off playing. It's working very well here!
  9. Yes, but it takes work to do it. Ocassionally I am late if something last minute comes up.
  10. I could add some US lit books in or make sure they just read US lit every year. I just feel like our schedule is already so full right now. Maybe I need to just not care and stop worrying. :D
  11. We are using year 1 so I wasn't sure how much was covered in the later years. Maybe TOG alone will be enough then?
  12. I confess we haven't really covered much US History yet. We covered up to the Civil war last year, but we did a rather informal study and I am worried that my middle schoolers are lacking in their US History knowledge. We are using TOG now so we wont ever really have a year of studying US if we continue this way, which I do plan too. I know TOG has some US, but I am not sure how much is covered. If you use TOG, do you feel it covers US enough? If you don't feel it's enough, what do you do? If you don't use TOG, how did you or how are you planning on covering US history? Thanks!
  13. I'd be more shocked here to find dishes inside the dishwasher. :glare:
  14. This is what I'd suggest. See if you can find a child psychologist who specializes in learning disorders or who has training in diagnosing learning disorders. He/she might be able to point you in the right direction. Your ST should be able to give you a recommendation or try calling the nearest large hospital or university and ask for a referral. :grouphug:
  15. I do have them write out the answers to the history, thinking and Bible questions. At the weeks end we all have a discussion together.
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