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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I forgot all about Aleks! My 16 yo used it for a year and I felt it really helped him. Thanks for the reminder!
  2. My older kids all used Saxon ( some ended up using TT and then BACK to saxon lol) and they have done well ith it. From the little we used TT I am thinking 8/7 might be a better choice than the pe-alg after TT 7.
  3. I am not one to usually worry @ test and I am sure you are right that it was the test and not her. She loves to read and reads daily. I will try to work on bringing up her comprehension. Math is a whole nother ball game LOL.
  4. Thank you, April. I will look into those books.
  5. I just saw on our local news that he has died. WOW.
  6. Thank you. I will check out the books you linked. She did CD pre-algebra this year. Her worst areas were problem solving specifically approaches and procedures and multi-step problems. She was above the national average on the rest of the math, but the scores she got on the problem solving part brought her % down over all.
  7. X-post from the HS board. I recieved my upcoming 9th grader's IOWA results today( taken at the end of 8th grade) and I am less than thrilled. Last year she did well in reading comprehension but did below average in math. We switched from Saxon to Chalkdust and her math score this year is about the same as last. I really had hoped her scores would have improved after a year of CD. Also, her reading comprehension scores went down, which shocked me. The subsections are: Factual Understanding Inference and Interpretation Analysis and Generalization We used TOG last year and my plan is to continue with that this year. What do you recommend I use/do to help with the reading comp? I have no idea what to do about math either. She doesn't like it, has always struggled and I am not sure CD is the right choice for her anymore. I am open to any ideas. Thanks!
  8. I recieved my upcoming 9th grader's IOWA results today( taken at the end of 8th grade) and I am less than thrilled. Last year she did well in reading comprehension but did below average in math. We switched from Saxon to Chalkdust and her math score this year is about the same as last. I really had hoped her scores would have improved after a year of CD. Also, her reading comprehension scores went down, which shocked me. The subsections are: Factual Understanding Inference and Interpretation Analysis and Generalization We used TOG last year and my plan is to continue with that this year. What do you recommend I use/do to help with the reading comp? I have no idea what to do about math either. She doesn't like it, has always struggled and I am not sure CD is the right choice for her anymore. I am open to any ideas. Thanks!
  9. I wonder if it needs to be oiled? I cut all my boys hair and when the clippers stop working it usually means it needs to be cleaned and oiled.
  10. Sounds like yeast especially after antibotics. Get nystatin cream and you can get baby probiotics.
  11. This is what happened. We over slept, so I rushed to make coffee. Walked into the kitchen later to a counter covered in grounds and hot coffee. Of course I opened the top and the place the filter should have been was full of hot coffee/grounds. sigh. Atleast, now I am drinking a nice hot cup :D
  12. My upcoming first grader: BSGFAA/The Narrow Way CLE Math 1 Reading Made Easy(finish) SWR ( After RME) HWT/Copywork TOG year II Assorted themes for science Living Memory ( use for copywork too) Art/crafts music
  13. And the birth mom's other kids who didn't know @ the r*pe or the baby. What a mess.
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