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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Any idea how long this is good after being opened?
  2. My Dd was in 9th last year but behind in a few areas. She used TOG year 2 and did D level work. Other than TOG she did: Apologia Physical Science Saxon Alg 1/2 with Art Reed's DVDs R&S English IEW Medieval Writing VFTCR Henle She is involved with CAP and is on the color guard which takes a lot of her spare time. She was on our church's worship team but we have since changed churches. Overall she spent 5-6 hours on school.
  3. All the beds get made everyday. It would drive me nuts to leave them unmade lol
  4. My son is going to need merit aid and/or scholarship to attend his # 1 choice. If he doesn't get the aid he won’t be able to go. We just don't have the money. However, he needs to apply to see if he will receive aid and how much aid that would be. He won’t know until after applying.
  5. LOL. I love pregnancy dreams. When I was pregnant with my oldest I dreamed I had delivered her. When I looked in the cradle there were rows and rows of little puppies. I think it was an omen :D
  6. I use a 2 inch for each child. I have a section for thier reading chart, one for the SAP, one for lit and one for maps. We haven't been using WA so we keep our writing in another folder with their other school work. I am considering using WA this year and haven't thought of how I would work it but most likely I would have a seperate writing and grammar binder.
  7. I have been doing the same this week. It feels wonderful to get rid of the clutter.
  8. The only thing I will add is that you have the option of testing your own children through Seton Homeschool and you do not need a degree to administer the test. You need to follow the procedure Hoggirl shared but choose Seton as your alternate testing choice.
  9. Thank you all. I think I was feeling a little bit nostalgic too. Friday I sent in our home school paperwork and had to register my youngest as a homeschooler for the first time. Seems so weird to have no babies and I realized how fast the time has gone. Then seeing that box of memories made it worse.
  10. And I realized A)how little I have saved from my youngest 5 kids and B)how unfun I am. My older kids went to PS until my oldest was entering 7th. Today I saw all these fun things they did, funny journal entries and cool projects. My younger kids don't have many of these kinds of things and I feel bad for them. I tossed most of just regular school papers and books ( I had every single paper and book since we started homeschooling lol) and saved a few treasures, but I want to have more special, funny, cute etc things for my younger kids to look back on! I feel like a loser mom today. :sad:
  11. CLE Math 2 R&S English 2 Phonics Pathways(finish) SWR WWE 2 HWT TOG year 3 Interest led science
  12. So is this 5 minutes of cleaning per day? :D
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