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Everything posted by Tsuga

  1. Have you considered asking him to pay rent at 18? To have him try to get a job? Just to kind of move this away from being about you... If for no other reason than to save your sanity?
  2. No! No way! All the data always remains within the walls. Hence my complicated work-arounds. Because it's so much data and they can see my use, I need to get it all in place before they turn on their monitors. Also before everyone starts using the server. Creating a rogue server would be easy but I would never do that with personal data.
  3. I work for a government agency run by people over 65. They are here to get their pensions. I cannot start a rogue server as it's data on people who use our services (millions and millions of personal records) and anyway, I need the data live and it's the download that is my problem. I create analytic updates daily. I am trying to lobby for a share of space on the server but I need to wait until a couple of roadblocks, cough, er, people, retire. What I am doing now is incredibly inefficient--I copy a huge amount of data to the VPN and use that as a "mini working server" for myself to circumvent their issues. Nobody appreciates Kafka and Bulgakov like I appreciate Kafka and Bulgakov.
  4. Yes. The only lit on this is written by people with PhDs inn so AND math, usually non-native English speakers. I can see people are doing it, or trying, but StackOverflow is full of threads like "I tried [insert ubiquitous script here] and it didn't work with replies such as "why would you want to do that". Eta yes R has its own shell and that's what I use but I cannot automate tasks from the R shell only from a batch file. I need the command line to automate because, long story, this is for work (obviously... Lol) and the only thing they will let me automate is a batch file they control. I think I am the first person in the world to do this which is usually a bad sign.
  5. It sounds like the teacher is in for a steep leaning curve. She may be more familiar with helping older HS students who already have been taught this. I think the best you can do would be help your daughter and send your DD in with a list of resources for herself. My stepdd has a new teacher for language this year. The lady is clueless. It hurts to watch.
  6. I am trying to schedule a batch file to get my data while I sleep, lol. But it keeps it all on the command line. I want to be able to then work with that data in the shell after I wake up. I don't want to have to do anything IN the shell for this. Like my batch file says, Open shell Shell runs the script Shell doesn't close Only every piece of advice online seems to assume I'm happy to stay in the command line. I want it all to be in R which has better scripting support though maybe I should bite the bullet and just do it all from the command line.
  7. Mark do you know how to run a script from the command line in Windows, but IN the shell?
  8. My grandparents moved to Albuquerque so we have never been. I just have a bunch of cousins there and that is where they sent my genetic testing results. That is grandma's side. Grandpa was probably Chirikahua or something. I want to go back and see with the kids. My aunt took us to the reservation when we were little but I food poisoning. After having kids I want to go back... Next summer. I think we will retrace my family roots (also, family routes, also, family routs) for the next few vacations.
  9. Tsuga

    Trophy wife?

    Judging by anti-woman vitriol on some sub-reddits, they hate it and those who believe they are being used, factor that belief into an extremely negative attitude about women.
  10. Thanks for the like, Jean. It means more coming from a person all out of likes. "for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on."
  11. Tsuga

    Trophy wife?

    :ohmy: Do you know how much he'd have to pay to get all the services you contribute to your family? Do you really think it's okay for him to spread his seed wherever and then take credit for helping find food, when you're providing all the long-term child-rearing and educational support needed to make them into viable adults? He's living off you as well. Without you, his seed would be vagrants, and in evolutionary terms, mere soldiers or prostitutes sold off. There is nothing more valuable than a dedicated homemaker, to a man, particularly a man who can't buy all those services to ensure his children are well cared for. A trophy wife is someone who is valued for her looks and youth, ethereal potential but no real contribution beyond status. A wife, a mother of one's children is valued as a partner in life to create a future for the children. She's invaluable by any standard, in any society. I fail to see how "trophy wife" could not be an insult to a woman (though I do get how a man could be clueless about this).
  12. Tsuga

    Trophy wife?

    If I were her, I'd be horrified. As myself, ​because I support myself and my kids, I'd be flattered, because I'd think, "Dang, I've got the money AND the looks! Woot!" But I would feel less secure if my survival were due to my husband's largesse. I mean it's nice that he thinks I'm attractive, but the idea that my survival depends on being a good screw, a pretty accessory--that's insulting. I'd want to be recognized for my contribution to the family, particularly the real reason I wasn't WOHing, namely, my homeschooling. I know in theory the man is supposed to realize what a great contribution the woman has made to the family, but in my experience that's not why men stay, so I'd have a hard time feeling the love in that case. Objectively, I know that someone could easily joke about a "trophy wife" knowing full well the man was just very lucky to have married a woman who took such good care of herself. Subjectively, however, I'd question whether he really was with me for a good lay, and whether he thought I was pulling my weight. So I see her point from both sides. If a WOH woman said it, I'd be livid because there's an element of judgment there. If a man said it, eventually I'd have to accept that both of the fellas in this instance had no clue what that word meant to women and I'd have to get over it. I feel for your friend.
  13. I am very glad your son is not injured and everyone is okay. If you are looking at Corollas, that is because the cars are actually worth that much, because they really don't make them like that any more. I fought and fought with insurance and finally won out in $500 in stress so I could replace my Corolla. They were going to give me the KBB value even though as they said, there were no Corollas for sale with that mileage within a five hour drive. Honestly, I don't even know what the KBB value means. "What a Corolla is worth IF there were other cars competing with is, which there aren't." I believe you live in my metro area so I know transport is no fun here. I recall walking two hours before dawn to college... it was hard. But hey, I learned to appreciate the value of an education. I wish I'd have seen your post. I'm looking to sell my Nissan. It's a nice little car with A/C and great for parking in big university parking lots!
  14. https://youtu.be/RYvP-8Ih2KQ In honor of the indigenous hula videos, the old video of where my family is from...
  15. Renai, let's procrastinate and work together. I'm going to open the file I have to edit.
  16. But nothing else works, and he's using her effort to suck all of her time away from other kids--kids that actually want to learn. If he was her only child and she was of means, she might be able to take the advice of basically--do it for him, make him do it, live your life for this kid. But he's not and she's not. What happens when he's 18? Are they going to pay college tuition for this level of effort!?!? I wouldn't. That's so much money. And is that what they're working for? Her husband does have a decent salary, so is he doing this work for the exquisite pleasure of watching his son treat his wife like crap from the basement? I don't think so! Honestly, it sounds like he's had a lot of choices and simply doesn't value the education that's being offered him. He's not the only teen in that situation but it's not like you can change their attitude. I firmly believe, because I've seen it enough, that some kids just need reality to kick them in the pants. They will NOT learn that an "A" is good until they see the whole chain of events, firsthand, hungry at the grocery store, debit card denied, crying in the parking lot (hello, that was me) what they are working for. I KNOW that some kids learn by telling, by showing, by explaining. I KNOW. But some just do not. Still, I think docking for late work is too arbitrary. Set a time to grade the assignment. If it's not done, say "Sorry, the grading period has ended. You have an F. If you don't like the system find another one. I'm going to work with your sister now." Yes, I'm a hard-ass. Because I was a hard kid and I know how I thought and I know how my kids think. There is a story behind "give them an inch and they'll take a mile". That is not just a cynical saying. Some ancestor of my daughter was somewhere in that story...
  17. I am sorry Katie. My mom said during middle school she was sure she'd find me at 21 rating out of garbage cans. I do think now is the time to let him know you are concerned and you love him but it's his life. And definitely don't increase college credits. He will need CC and financial aid to be there when he's ready. Huge hugs. I have a step-step-nephew dealing with this now (HS aged). It's frustrating but I do believe he'll come through.
  18. What a hard age, and two of them, and on top of that you are still dealing with legal issues / control with the birth family--holy cow. You are amazing. Congratulations!
  19. I would send a letter, gentle and with condolences, as others have mentioned, and from there just keep an eye on the classifieds if they don't respond. I would not look them up on LinkedIn at this point as that could feel creepy.
  20. We used MATLAB. It was okay. I tried Octave and it was similar enough to MATLAB, but finally I just learned R (for stats, not relevant to your needs at this point) and let my MATLAB and nascent Octave skills slide.
  21. I have had luck on eBay. I buy 1 size big and they last two years and then we hand down.
  22. Totally normal. Mine stopped around 7.
  23. Re-do a report, do a different report for the feds, write a one-page write-up, kids are with MIL bless her forever and ever and I think any god would take her to heaven for giving me Thursday afternoons even if she's not religious, because what is religion but that, and also writing an e-mail, doing another load of laundry, my night for dinner and I'm thinking salmon.
  24. Our younger teens are part of ski, archery, and other clubs. There are lots of running and climbing clubs out here, but our pre/teens aren't into it. They weren't much into climbing running as children either, though, so who knows what the little ones will turn out to be like. I hope you find some like-minded kids.
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