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Everything posted by Insertcreativenamehere

  1. Since you said you've done Beachbody ... have you tried the new Beachbody On-Demand All-Access? It's all their programs streamed online for $99/year. You can mix and match, doing whatever workouts you want without having to commit to one for months. I use my TV but you could also use a computer or iPad and get plenty of variety. They have a new Yoga Retreat program that is 3 weeks and really great for getting back into things. Disclaimer: I'm NOT a coach, just a happy customer. :)
  2. In our experience with a K12 school, the virtual academy is way more work (read: busy work AND work for you uploading, etc) than homeschooling on your own. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. No rush. AAS 1 is very easy and you'll fly through it -- but it's best to wait until he's a more confident reader.
  4. I grew up going to summer camp and later worked as a camp counselor for a few years. My own children start going to camp in 3rd grade, if they want, and they only go for 2 1/2 days the first year. After that, they go for a week. They LOVE it. It's the camp associated with our church and they have spent time there with us (in fact, we were just there this weekend) so they feel comfortable and have friends from church with them, too. I would not send a 9 year old for two weeks. I'd try a day camp (the YMCA has them here -- they are in more outlying areas, but kids are bussed from the metropolitan area each day) or a shorter sleepaway camp. I've seen lots of kids who get homesick and for a first experience, two weeks is just too long.
  5. We have a child with Down syndrome and through our state's Medicaid program, we are eligible for PCA (personal care attendant) hours and before that, we were eligible for home nursing hours. We mostly use those hours so that I can teach our other children or take them to their various activities, but it is totally possible for us to take a PCA on a trip and pay them. I think they can only work up to 8 hours a day and we'd have to provide their lodging and meals. If your child is certified disabled by the Social Security Administration, you may be eligible for similar services through your state.
  6. We have a small one. A few years ago, we lost power for a few days and one of our children was medically fragile and his life was dependent on equipment that required power. We had to move him and all of his equipment (basically a hospital room) to my in-laws' home in the middle of the night. We got a generator after that to avoid a similar situation in the future. It doesn't power everything in our house but can power the refrigerator and any medically necessary equipment.
  7. Our Aldi was pretty sparse yesterday ... no spinach at all! And only sweetened almond milk, not the unsweetened ...
  8. We went from CLE 3 to BA 3 this year. My son enjoys BA but I find that he's forgotten a lot of what he learned in CLE because he's not getting the consistent review of concepts. I'm planning to add CLE back in for this purpose.
  9. I am planning on Mosdos next year for grades 5 and 7.
  10. Praying! Looking forward to updates on your little guy. :)
  11. I love the idea of this but Goodwill's CEO makes $2.3 million a year and they pay their disabled workers below minimum wage. We prefer to donate to organizations that better serve the community, like the Salvation Army, Disabled American Veterans, etc.
  12. We did the book basket books but switched to another science program for the bulk of our science.
  13. We found the Properties of Ecosystems book to be very dry -- I had 2nd and 4th graders at the time. We used more of the book basket books.
  14. We are using Story of the USA for American history for a 6th grader this year. It's a set of four workbooks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yes, at our NICU, nurses could request to work with certain babies (and parents could request certain nurses.) Continuing to pray!
  16. Be sure you talk to a social worker about parking AND meals. At our hospital, pumping moms could get vouchers for free cafeteria meals for the duration of their child's hospital stay. The Ronald McDonald House also had free meals most evenings and a fully stocked pantry and kitchen for preparing one's own breakfast or lunch.
  17. Just another bit of advice: remember your goal - to take a healthy baby home. When DS was rushed to the NICU I remember my MIL being aghast that he might be have to be bottle-fed because that would make it harder for him to nurse later on. I remember thinking that even though I am totally pro-nursing and nursed my other kids into toddlerhood, all I cared about is that he came home healthy. Bottles vs nursing - it ultimately didn't matter. Now as it turned out, he needed a feeding tube long-term and in fact is still tube-fed at almost 5 years old because of his medical complexities. But he's healthy and happy and growing and learning - and that's what is really important! Now I hope you won't have to delve into realm of complex medical issues, but I share this only to gently let you know that there are things that may not go as you'd ideally like, but if it helps your little guy grow and come home healthy, it's all worth it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I have about 20 lbs to lose. I did Whole 30 last spring for one month and lost 11 pounds with only light exercise. Sadly, I gained it all back when I started eating dairy, sugar and wheat again. :( My plan now is Whole 30ish with occasional treats plus fairly intense exercise to build strength and therefore increase metabolism. I'm using a Beachbody program, Core de Force. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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