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Everything posted by BamaTanya

  1. I just tried it. Here's what I did. From the Nook sidebar, I clicked on "My Library." Under that I selected "My Stuff." At the top I found "Add New Item." I was able to read some pdf's I'd saved that way. Maybe it would work for your YC download? hth
  2. Finally figured out where the files were stored and I've back them up onto my flash drive. Since the ebooks were opened by my Sony Reader software, I'd never assigned them to a specific storage place. They were in the "downloads"! Windows Explorer and now I have them. Thank you!
  3. I bought an older e-reader (last year, lol!) that doesn't have expandable storage. What happens when I run out? Can I back up storage on a flash drive? I know I can store items on my computer, but seriously, every computer seems to crash eventually, and I'd hate to lose the library I've collected. KWIM? Thanks! Oh, I know Amazon's policy, but mine is a Sony and I've gathered books from all over the web . . .
  4. but when I was in college, a group of the students volunteered to work at day camps for the children of immigrant workers . . . I think it was through Catholic Social Services. This was many years ago, but I'm sure there are volunteer organizations that have opportunities with Spanish-speaking people.
  5. I really appreciate it. I've downloaded tons of free books with gibberish that I have ignored, but I want better for my children to read. This looks like a great deal. And thanks to the OP for letting us know about it!
  6. It must feel great to know you've created something so lovely to share! And, have I told you how much I admire your hair? Gorgeous!
  7. I tried to do a "beginner" Pilates video that was based on sit-ups. FRUSTRATING! I don't know if you have Netflix (I mention because it's available on instant), but Crunch: Pick Your Spot Pilates has a 10 minute belly section that I actually COULD do. It moves s-l-o-w-l-y, focusing on breathing and contracting the muscles at first. Ellen Barrett instructs, but one cast member shows easier modifications of the workout, too. Good luck! hth
  8. and my ds has Asperger's Syndrome (high anxiety), so biking isn't an option.
  9. I love learning and I love teaching. Sometimes I think I'm too old and it will never happen. Other times I think you don't get too old to go to school. :)
  10. and you needed someone else to transport your two teens two miles and drop them off once or twice a week (city drive -- 10 min away so couldn't take more than 30 min of that person's time), what would you offer to pay? Assuming you were on a tight budget but wanted to be fair . . . The person I'd hire would have to have her own car. It's not in the budget right now to get another car for the teens to use. There's a neat opportunity for my ds and dd but I can't figure out how to get them there some days . . .
  11. is offering free engraving right now, too. I was able to get the 10% educator discount, too, but I can't remember what I had to use to verify ...
  12. It's a basic no-frills e-reader. The Kindle and Nook have more features and may have more selections through their stores. I just wanted to carry around lots of classics. I got the Sony Pocket last Mother's Day and I love it. I've downloaded tons of free classics through googlebooks. Our library doesn't offer epub books YET so I've thought of joining the Philadelphia Library for that service. I did buy a cover when I saw one on clearance because I wanted to protect the screen from incidental bumps and scratches. EDITED: Just realized the one I have is the 300, not the 350. The features have been updated SUBSTANTIALLY. Sorry. Still, I'm happy with my Sony and the new version looks SO much better than mine. =)
  13. I bought these for my Couch to 5K training: http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/ASC1427/ They are WONDERFUL for my feet. You're right -- they do feel like a cloud! I knew they were right the moment I slipped them on. I have extremely high arches and have had bouts of plantar fasciitis, so my barefoot days (the first 30 years of my life) are over. I selected them with help from the running expert at a local sporting good store that was recommended by all the runners in my area. I wear them for my jogging and walking. I would imagine they would work for strength, too, but I'm not sure about any lateral motion in some aerobics programs.
  14. In our system it was only available in the high need certification areas of special ed (his field), math, and science. He had 3 years to complete the certification requirements. At that time, the classes were not available online, but I'd bet a LOT are available online now. Working full-time and going to school two nights per week was pretty stressful, but it paid off well in the long run. Special ed was a good field for dh with a big raise over his previous social services jobs at nonprofit agencies. Keep us posted!
  15. When I was a child, I remember visiting my aunt in the state mental hospital. I remember the sadness and fear. I remember how my mother grieved for the joyful and loving sister who was sometimes lost in her own mind. My s-i-l lost her beautiful sister to mental illness 2 years ago. The parents tried EVERYTHING to have her care committed to them. She would "stabilize" in treatment and be released, continuing the pattern of taking herself off meds and self-destructing all over again. She was an adult and the judge told them they could not be responsible for her any longer. In one downward spiral she ran off the road and was killed. It could have been that she injured/killed others, but she didn't. There was nothing they could do to stop it. Mental illness is so misunderstood. There is no way to know what the parents of the AZ shooter went through --- we don't know if they sought help or if they tried tough love or if they contributed to his instability through neglect or abuse. We don't know. And I feel for them.
  16. I had paid $6.99 for shipping over the cost of the item. I could have paid less, but I opted for the seller who offered priority mail. It looks like the seller printed his own shipping label and stuffed the item into a flat-rate envelope. Maybe the problem is the item wasn't flat??? Has this ever happened to you? I didn't think of it at the time, but maybe I should have refused delivery? I've sent a message to the seller and wonder how long a response will take . . . I don't have a receipt from the postman so I don't have proof I had to pay extra. :glare:
  17. I'm used to working at the university library, but they've minimized the hours between semesters and aren't open at all on the weekend. The public library has a great study room, but it's closed on Sundays and even they have decreased hours due to budget cuts. On top of that, this is a holiday weekend! If you needed a "study room" -- say from 9-midnight -- where would you go? I'm too distracted at home. Of course there are children and laundry and pets and a thousand other things vying for my attention. Even when they're quiet, dh is watching the news . . . Any suggestions appreciated! tia
  18. I'm treating myself to a new bag. The one I've been carrying is really a top-loading laptop case (even though I don't carry my laptop to class) -- and it's pretty heavy after I toss in just my books and papers. It's also basic black. I guess I've gotten bored with it. I dress professionally, suits and jackets and dresses, so I thought of getting a brightly colored bag. Maybe this in the multicolor plaid: http://www.ebags.com/product/high-sierra/beatrice/148962 But then I thought that may seem unprofessional. Does it make a difference if I teach in the education department? Elementary teachers tend to have bright accessories, I think. Would it work for education instructors? I could stick with my basic black, even if I pick a new lighter-weight bag . . . Maybe this: http://www.amazon.com/Port-Authority-Microfiber-Tote-Bag/dp/B000O2S78G/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1294842199&sr=8-2 It has good reviews even though it looks a little casual . . . (Maybe having in monogrammed with my initials would formalize it? lol) I've looked at leather bags (red or burgundy) on ebay because that would be new (to me) and professional, too. But it rains A LOT here and I'm not sure if leather is a wise choice. And wouldn't leather be heavier? College texts are heavy by themselves. I just need something to quickly gather papers and books -- not a lot of organization since I only carry what I'll need for that individual course meeting. I could carry my little canvas library tote if it were waterproof. Maybe I'm overthinking this and no one really cares how my bag looks. :tongue_smilie: tia
  19. I made little workbooks for my preschool brothers. Guess I was destined to become a teacher. My brother collected little army men. When Mom would take us to pick out our annual Christmas ornament, my brother would pick cannons or toy soldiers. . . . Yep. He was destined for the military.
  20. but my three boys!!! None of them slept thru the night until I weaned them at 1 yr, 1.5 yrs, and 2 yrs. We did co-sleeping with all 5 dc. Somehow, knowing Mom was right beside them, made my boys think night-time was for eating. I'm a light sleeper and could close my eyes and rest while they were nursing, but I couldn't SLEEP. And I was a working mom with the first three children. Those days were zombie days . . .
  21. I've been all over the place with this. I taught in a small private school that was ALL phonics and for several years in a public school that was on the whole language band wagon . . . I taught my children to read with phonics, but I was taught the old look-say method popular in the 70s. I've always been an excellent reader and speller. It wasn't until my phonics training as a teacher, however, that I understood the "rules"! I realize that method for reading and spelling had worked for me because I'm a visual learner. I do believe phonics programs (comprehensive, explicit programs) are a superior method in general. For some children, the whole language method will provide greater support as they learn to make sense of phonics. Some children will struggle more than others and using a variety of methods may be what they need to experience some success and enjoy the process. A good book on the subject: http://www.amazon.com/Teach-Child-Read-Childrens-Books/dp/1883790255/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1294195164&sr=1-1
  22. Factors: 1. my most difficult pregnancy (nothing serious, but difficulty breathing and moving for 9 mos was scary - esp when trying to care for/teach 4 older siblings) 2. the autism spectrum diagnosis of 2 of our older children 3. maternal age I wonder if I would have felt the same if we we hadn't been going from specialist to specialist to get help for our sons during that time . . . It was so stressful. That said, we had thought #4 might be our last, and that was before the autism complications were apparent. Each child was welcomed, celebrated, and appreciated. Number 5 was an unexpected blessing who happened to add great joy during a difficult time!
  23. This sounds so much like the strategy in their "Fast Break" step: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/stage_1overview.asp My weight is UP since the beginning of December, too. :glare: The 3 I've picked for this week are: 1. Eat at least 2 fresh fruit/vegetables each day. 2. Drink 8 glasses of water (my 64 oz bottle is filled and ready). 3. Exercise at least 30 min 5 or more times this week (3 days of C25K training and some flexibility in my choices for the other days). I do weigh every morning, but I've decided to focus on healthy action steps instead of focusing on the scale. Even if the scale number isn't what I'd like, I CAN increase my nutrition and energy. Keep us posted on your progress!
  24. Sparkpeople.com posted a new 28-Day Challenge for the New Year. You choose your favorite cardio (swimming, walking, biking, etc) and do one of the 10 min strength/flexibility videos per day. The only equipment needed for some of the videos is a pair of dumbbells. Hope this is helpful to someone! I'm one of those people who appreciates having a plan -- a "to do" list that I can check off! http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/challenge_detail.asp?challenge=6
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