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Everything posted by BamaTanya

  1. Is it possible for your dd to accompany you on the appts to watch the dc? I may not be fully understanding your transportation situation. Is there ANY way to get everyone there (2 cars)? Sorry for your frustration.
  2. Judy Blume's was pretty early for me, too, but I think it was preceded by several of the Pippi Longstocking books.
  3. I remember that my second grade teacher read "Charlotte's Web" to us with funny voices for the different farm animals. It was a favorite for years and years . . .
  4. rice with hamburger gravy, along with sides of English peas and stewed tomatoes. Or lima beans and hamhocks in that big red pot on the stove with corn muffins. Or corn chowder (she baked as a casserole with onions, potatoes, and the crispy topping of crumbled saltines). I sure miss my mom. Funny how favorite foods take my memory back home.
  5. Yes, I think that's my suspicion. They had the black lab first and he never even tried to escape the yard. This new puppy has more power and motivation to get into trouble (making his way into a neighbor's yard) . . . and it looks like the lab is the follower.
  6. The children in question range from 6-12. There is minimal supervision of the children at play because they have so many toys and electronics in their bedrooms. The adults would not necessarily be in the same room with them, I mean. The dc could be scattered all over the house or playing in the front yard or hunting for tadpoles in the ditch down the street . . . Dog #1 (Great Dane) and Dog #2 (black lab) both belong to my db. Together they hurt a neighbor's smaller breed dog INSIDE the neighbor's back yard (they must have gotten over or through another fence). I think this is what concerns me the most: two dogs seem to have more than twice the aggression and power of one dog alone . . .
  7. As I remember (I'd only seen the dog from the back window when we visited before) he was gray and splotchy. I'm pretty sure neither of db's male dogs are fixed (the Great Dane and the black lab). That could be an issue.
  8. My children and my brother's children are big buddies. They love-love-love being together. Sometimes his 2 spend the night here; sometimes 2 or 3 of mine (the ones closest in age) spend the night there. Db is kind to my dc. Sil is precious -- she helps them pick out enjoyable things to do and makes fun treats. Our relationship isn't perfect, but it's good and close. Db and sil are animal lovers. I am to a certain extent, but not as much as db. Besides dogs and cats and fish, db has tarantulas and scorpions in glass cages. I don't like these particular pets, but they're caged and, as long as he doesn't give them to my children, I'm okay with it. The thing that concerns me is a recent development. Db just adopted a Great Dane (this makes the 3rd or 4th dog -- I can't keep up). He's a beauty and a sweetie and they all love him. He's still a pup (6-8 mos?) but huge. Well, this sweetheart recently broke through their backyard fence and led his buddy, their black lab, over to a neighbor's yard. Db lives in a neighborhood with small lots inside the city limits. The dogs broke into a neighbor's yard and attacked the dog. Db paid the vet bill and the dog survived. Great Dane did it again last week. Since db is paying another vet bill, he claims he can't afford to fix the fence yet and the dog is inside all the time. I'm wondering if I should view this dog as a big old lovable baby anymore. And if I should be comfortable with my elementary aged children hanging around over there. The dog is strong and attacked, nearly killing, someone else's pet in its own yard. Totally unprovoked! Could he (they) be dangerous? I've always had a dog or cat or two, and we've had pets attack squirrels or birds or rabbits . . . but this seems more sinister and dangerous. My db would probably be furious with me if I kept the children away because of this. He feels they're safe. But sil is tired of the bills and heartsick over the neighbor's dog. She's considering giving up the dog or having him put down . . . Neither dog has ever even growled at db's young children. What do you think?
  9. I agree. My name is "Tanya" (pronounced TAN - yuh) and I've found it a great big headache to have to continually correct the spellling (Tonya? Tanja? Tania?) and pronunciation of my name. And it didn't end when I finished school, either. Professionally, it's been a headache, too. I chose more unusual names for my children, too, but I deliberately chose names that would be easy to spell and pronounce. JMHO.
  10. Oh, yes, I know that. But $1400 could be a big start toward a 2 or 3 day trip for the whole family. Or even just a week in a condo at the Gulf.
  11. He knows it's expensive. He wants to do chores to help earn the money (even though I know he can't make that much doing chores in our house). He knows we're trying to make a decision. He said, "If I can't go with the school, could we (our family) all go to Disney World next year?" I would love to be able to say yes. I would love to spend money on something that the whole family could enjoy. But then I realize that taking his brothers on a trip like that . . . well, it wouldn't be that much fun. One of his brothers hates crowds or noise and on our one day trip to an amusement park a couple years ago refused to ride on ANY ride or do ANYthing with the rest of us. Except eat a sno-cone.
  12. I know this is an ironic question to ask on a homeschool board. I used to homeschool all of my children, but I got burned out with special needs (2 with Asperger's - with some very challenging symptoms) and finances (therapies not covered or partially-covered) and Mom's cancer. Years later, we've brought 2 of our children back for homeschooling, and we watch the 3 in public school. So far, they're doing okay. And this one teen is flourishing in public school. He's gifted and is being challenged in ways I could not manage while accommodating his brothers' issues. He's accelerated in math and science and gets enrichment activities as well, including robotics and marine science. Next year his class is planning a trip to Disney World. This is a science/math trip and the plans are impressive. One day, for instance, the students will go into the park before it opens to ride Space Mountain. They'll strap instruments on that will record their acceleration, speed, etc. They'll ride with the lights on and with the lights off. They'll take the instruments back to a lab to analyze the data. I want this experience for my son. Really, I do. But it's expensive! Ugh. Nearly $700. And then $700 again for a chaperon. Could we come up with the money? Well, yes, but it wouldn't be easy. It might cut into Christmas (for everyone) or our family plans for outings. Could we go with him? Dh could not get away. Public school counselors only get 2 personal days per year and his principal would not allow him to swap out for sick days. We could not afford a shorter paycheck. I work part-time as a adjunct instructor. I have been blessed to be offered one or two classes per semester for the past couple years, but I have no idea what will happen in the spring. I don't want to presume I'll have class and I would feel foolish asking the dean if I can be out for a few class meetings next spring! Also, I am a woman and they might prefer men to chaperon the boys. (On their shorter trip this year, there was a girls' dorm (with moms) and a boys' dorm (with dads). I should check on that . . . It would be tough at home for dh to manage the other 4 if I were gone. It would be okay, but tough . . . And then, there's the concern about my son. He's a terrific kid. He doesn't get into any trouble (besides fighting with siblings :glare:) and he's given us no reason to worry. I trust the teachers/administration. They are strict -- sometimes too much -- but I know he would be supervised the whole time. But he's kind of a nervous kid. Sometimes (not always) he gets a little homesick and tells us his stomach hurt . . . I would feel so much better if I could go with him. Sigh. We have to reserve spots in August. Part of me thinks I should go ahead and plan to go and just see what happens between now and then. If we lose our deposit because it doesn't work out . . . Oh, well. Part of me thinks I should just plan to send him with our blessing. Trust that all with be fine and prepare him along those lines. Part of me thinks we should keep him home. For us, it's a substantial cost for one child's opportunity. I mean, we've paid much more for special schools/therapies/braces/etc for other kids, but this isn't a necessity. Is it? Part of the reason he's in school is because the special needs of our other children were taking away from the attention he needed. Hmmmm. Thanks for your thoughts . . . .
  13. I also blush easily. Guess our skin is more translucent than others'. http://www.self.com/health/blogs/healthyself/2010/08/from-fitsugar-red-face-when-ex.html
  14. When we had National Weather Service warnings because of the heat (100s, if I recall, and we live on the high humidity Gulf Coast), we made the girls drink extra water morning and night, a glass of Gatorade with lunch, and be quiet (still) for an hour in the heat of the day (no long afternoon hikes those days). We wet our bandanas frequently and wrapped them around our necks. Our leadership was VERY careful for the safety of our campers and I don't recall any heat related issues.
  15. the fine print on medicine bottles. Either that, or the print is much smaller than it used to be. :glare: I suspected this would occur in my 40s, but we don't have vision coverage. Anyone have experience with a Walmart Vision Center? Or other discount eyewear service? How much should I budget for this visit? Thanks!
  16. http://nameberry.com/list/43/If-You-Like-Isabella-You-Might-Love
  17. I forgot Leah. We have a close relative with that name and it's one of the prettiest I've ever heard.
  18. Tabitha? Deborah? Those might go with your other dds' names. Naomi is a favorite I never got to use . . . It means "pleasant."
  19. Some of hers are available for instant view on Netflix. I love her "Self: Bikini Ready Fast" (even though I only wear bikinis as underwear.) She's done several for Crunch and now has her own brand "The Studio." A great site for recommendations is collagevideo.com. You can see preview clips, read reviews, and search by workout type, level, length, equipment used, etc. I can get lost on that site. AND they post new weekly sales every Wednesday. :D
  20. I was able to take advantage of some free (but not online) courses over the years. One was through a special grant to help prepare early childhood teachers in special education and another was through the National Writing Project. Earlier in my career I took university classes sponsored by National Geographic. Good luck!
  21. Let's see. We had: Letrell Villa Skiffington Clifton Houston Jan Fillmore Lowery Clestin I may think of more . . . And they may grow on me if I look at them in a new light. =)
  22. That's exactly the kind of name I'm talking about. Now you've reminded my of "Pearl," too. I had a favorite older teacher whose name was Pearla. Isn't that pretty?
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