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Everything posted by Nemom

  1. This was my first time doing NaNo. I enjoyed it so much and really think I would like to continue writing year round. I'm just not sure what exactly that looks like yet.
  2. I did it! I'm at 50,098. I'm stopping here for the night and I'll add some more tomorrow before I validate it.
  3. I think I'm going to try a short power nap. Fifteen minutes and then some exercise. Congrats Critterfixer!!
  4. UGH! I have 2740 words left and my brain feels empty. :crying: I can't seem to come up with a single thing to write. I'm not even close to being done with the story as a whole but I'm just blank today. I was hoping to finish today. Now I'm feeling like I'll be lucky if I write anything at all.
  5. My 15yr old has the Moto G5Plus. It is a really nice phone. i was just thinking yesterday that I might update to one. She has not any issues with it and really likes it. I believe she has 64 GB. I would not buy anything less than 32 GB. Kids use more apps and take more photos than us adults. I currently have 16 GB and have needed to delete stuff several times just to do a system update. I have only necessary apps and less than 100 songs on my phone. It is mostly pictures taking up space.
  6. Made it to almost 46k yesterday. I would love to finish by tomorrow. I'm wishing we could skip school today but we took last week off, and I think my dd is actually looking forward to getting back into the swing of things today. Need to take advantage of that!
  7. I didn't write yesterday. Only got about 600 words today so sitting at 41,800. I need to get back on track tomorrow. I would like to finish with a day or two to spare. Great job everyone!! Good luck finishing!
  8. I want one this year too. Hopefully someone will chime in.
  9. I hit 40,000 yesterday. I was hoping to add another 2,000 today so that I could take off the next two days but I haven't made it yet. Yesterday I wrote a funeral scene. I was crying by the time I was done. My kids thought I was crazy. :laugh:
  10. DD15 just completed a nine week course through Soverbose. She enjoyed it and I think it was a perfect fit for her. Weekly assignments were emailed to her and then graded by the "teacher". Assignments were between 200-400 words depending on the week. https://www.soverbose.com
  11. Scrap, I am so much more creative in the morning and the ideas just seem to flow better. Unfortunately, I have a hard time getting the kids to leave me alone. Morning is normally the time we do most of our school work too. I need to set new boundaries with my kids. They are definitely old enough that they can understand I need an hour alone in the morning. But it is just my dd and I during the week so I feel guilty if I kick her out of my space. Which is hilarious considering she never feels the same when she kicks me out of hers. :closedeyes:
  12. I switched to a MacBook Pro exactly a year ago. Oh my gosh, I have never looked back. There is absolutely nothing that I miss from my windows based systems. I initially bought one to share with my two kids who had used them in public school and swore they were so much better. I never believed them. Within two months, I had purchased one for each of us.
  13. Write those 1000 words and then you can go play with watercolors. :laugh: Just think how much more you will enjoy painting if you don't have those last 1000 words hanging over your head.
  14. this might be something I do myself. Have you worked for them for a while? What are the assignments typically like?
  15. I'm sitting a little over 35,000 but feel myself running out of steam. I am really fighting the urge to go back and start revising. I have learned I have to be done before dinner. I just do not seem to be able to come with anything after that. My brain just feels dead.
  16. I wonder if I'm just a few years younger than you ladies because I LOVED Shaun. David was just ehh but he was so old to me. lol. I watched the Partridge Family too but I preferred The Hardy Boys! :laugh: I also preferred Andy Gibb over his really old brothers The Bee Gees. :lol: I am sorry that David is not doing well. I enjoy watching his daughter on tv now.
  17. I'm 49 and have recently also found myself frequently using google to help spell words that I have known how to spell my whole life. It sucks!
  18. :laugh: I've had a hard enough time trying to get him to do his own school work for the last three and half years. Thanks. I actually remembered this post in the middle of the night when I got up to go pee. You saved me from trying to find it.
  19. Umm...I guess I would say average skills for his age. No computer programming or language skills.
  20. I'm not fortunate enough to live by a river... Walk if the weather is nice enough, listen to music, just start writing anything and see if that helps kick start my brain.
  21. I have a 17 year old who is an admitted homebody. He needs a job but doesn't want to be away from home anymore than he is for school (attends public). Ten hours a week of something he could do on the computer would be perfect for him. He will be extremely busy once track season starts so it doesn't need to be something long term. A few months to give him something to do besides sit on his phone. Anything like this exist for kids?
  22. Great job! Keep plugging along and you will get there. You are a winner if you don't make it to the full 50,000!
  23. I have so much admiration for anyone trying to do this writing longhand.
  24. I'm at 23,024 and hoping to hit over 25,000 today. Need to be ready for the holidays and shopping next week so trying to stay ahead on the word count. ETA: I did it! Updated my word count to 25,113 last night.
  25. My initial comment refers more to the fact that every single time I have sat down to watch tv in the last two weeks I have heard about TS and her new album. I never said whether I liked or disliked her music or her. I'm just tired of hearing about her new album already. :laugh:
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