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Everything posted by Nemom

  1. I used windows computers and laptops for 20+ years before switching to Apple MacBook earlier this year. I find the Apple soooo much easier to use and I am not a tech savvy person.
  2. Yes, both of my kids do. We switched from microsoft based laptops within in the last year and purchased three Apple MacBooks (one for me) and I will never go back to microsoft and HP. I bought one for all of us to share and loved it so much that I just bit the bullet and bought them for all of us. Well worth the extra money IMO.
  3. Sorry, no words of wisdom just lots of :grouphug:
  4. Thanks for sharing this. I will check it out over the weekend.
  5. I use to dream of writing a children's book series. Good luck to you too!
  6. Went to the library and checked out Stephen King's book. Read first three pages and had some ideas pop into my head that I had to get down before I forgot. lol Seasider-I'm missing something. Who or what is "Baty's book"?
  7. This is feels a bit over whelming to start with. lol. I will look around the website when I have more time. I like this statement. Makes the process seem less overwhelming. I also like the advice to not edit the first time. Great ideas and just what I need to hear.
  8. Luckily, my library has it so I will pick up a copy and read through it.
  9. I've been carrying around an idea for a book for the last 15-20 years. I am feeling more and more like it is time to actually put all my thoughts down on paper and try to actually write this fictional story. But I really do not know where to start besides just sitting down and writing. I'm so clueless that I'm not even sure what questions I should be asking. I need to educate myself on the process. Software-what software should I use? I have a Mac. Any legit websites that aren't trying to sell me something that can help educate me?? Online, free courses? Tips to begin?
  10. Sorry you had to go through this. I feel your pain and hate it when things like this happen. Would love to be married to a tech savvy man or have children who were. Instead, they all come to me with their tech issues. :grouphug:
  11. Minocycline will work but is not as effective as Doxy.
  12. In my 4th year of being a Marching "Band Mom" who has volunteered for every competition and halftime show during those 4 years. Just thinking out loud...I know it is very competitive to get into our local university's marching band. 300 plus kids and all of them have marching experience from high school. Multiple tryouts per season and the kids have to try out every year. Smaller college might not be as tough to get in to but will the lack of marching experience hurt him? I had a conversation with one of our former band kids last night who is now playing with the university. She loves it but made the comment that it is a lot different than her high school experience. Again-would that lack of high school experience make it harder for your son to teach at that level? University-I think they only perform in games. High school kids have multiple competitions per year. Relationships-band kids are tight. They live for band. Marching band lasts through mid October here. He would only have to be enrolled in two classes 1st quarter. One of those classes could be concert band or whatever they call it in your school district. Second class could be jazz band or another Fine Arts class such as choir. Or a PE class. 1st semester only. Again....just thinking out loud.
  13. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Thanks! I really needed a good laugh today.
  14. I went to a couple of places around town today. Samsung was not recommended. I thought one of the salesmen said that the Samsung did have a light like you are describing but maybe I'm getting the brands mixed up. KitchenAid was the #1 recommendation. I was told 2-2 1/2 hours was pretty much the norm on washing cycle lengths. I haven't had good luck with the last two Whirlpool dishwashers so I am not buying that brand again. Lots of allergies here so everything is made from scratch. I did notice that some of the bottom racks did not have a lot of dividers especially in the Bosch brand. Large cookie sheets did not fit in the KitchenAid though so that is a big problem (that had one to try). Taking some dishes with is a very good idea. Shopping for this kind of thing is fun when you want something new, but not when you have to buy it. I was planning on spending that money on new chairs to match the new couch. Oh well, I guess I should just be grateful that I have the cash saved and don't need to charge it.
  15. I love movies too. I will say though that I have not enjoyed going to the movie theater as much lately. All of our theaters in town have switched over to the leather recliners and bigger screens. I find the recliners uncomfortable so much so that I leave with a sore neck. The screens always seem blurry and I have a hard time focusing on faces and more than one thing.
  16. I wasn't planning on buying a new dishwasher anytime soon. I believe this one is less than 5 years old but dh says he is not fixing it. Truth is...I think it has been slowly falling apart since we bought it. I don't need anything super fancy. I never change the wash cycle-ever. I need space inside more than any fancy computer features. I just purchased a new LG double oven about six months ago because I had been using the old one for several years which only had two working burners. I don't really care if my appliances are all the same brand but will purchase stainless to match the new oven. Recommendations...and go!
  17. This is my older son's attitude. He if wants to know something, he just goes to You Tube and starts watching tutorials. Different generation for sure. You tube is the last place I would look for information. Lol. I've heard lots of good things about Adobe Lightroom and it is only $10 a month. Might be worth checking out if you can't find something for free.
  18. What about finding something on You Tube? My teenagers love watching You Tube and not just for junk. My son is constantly watching learning videos and they are all free!! Bonus!! Quick google search brought these up. Maybe something would work for your daughter. https://creativemarket.com/blog/youtube-channels-graphic-design http://www.howdesign.com/resources-education/20-graphic-designers-to-watch-on-youtube/
  19. Our high school requires one semester of physical science in 9th grade. Physics is offered as a 12th grade class or 11th grade if the student elects to take Biology in 9th. Only a handful of students out of 600+ elect to take Biology in 9th.
  20. Anything available at Udemy.com? Courses often go on sale for $10.00
  21. I love this look! Her hair is really cute too. My kids are going to just die this fall when I break out the socks to wear with them. Lol! I love it. Nothing more fun than embarrassing my kiddos. :laugh:
  22. I've also been told absolutely no socks with my Birks. I just rolled my eyes.
  23. Those shoes are adorable! I may have to invest in those rather than another pair of Vans.
  24. I made the mistake of clicking on that link now those silly shoes are following me everywhere on the internet. :crying: :lol:
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