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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Sounds yummy! I'm one that usually only likes white, so I need to try this too.
  2. Good point - I'll do a bit of investigating!
  3. I have the absolute nicest neighbors! They knocked on our door yesterday with a plate of bacon-wrapped scallops from the grill 😍, they mow the part of our lawn that is adjacent to theirs, and more. DH and I want to give them a gift, and we thought something wine-related would be good, because they're always sitting out on their patio with glasses of wine in the late afternoons. Does anyone know of any good wine-delivery sites? We don't know exactly what they like, so a box with a mix of wines would be perfect. Thanks!
  4. I thought my cat had ear mites years ago, and it turned out they were just dirty. I got some cotton pads and cleaned out her ears with plain water. If you do that for your dog, she might stop scratching and the ear may go back to its normal color. I wouldn't stick q tips or anything in her ear though. With my cat, I could get right to the entrance to the ear canal with the cotton pads, and it worked great.
  5. There was an NPR story this weekend about how goal setting using visuals (and one of their examples was exercise) helps with achieving the goals. They had examples like, when you're out for a walk, fix your attention on some landmark you can see - like the stoplight waaaaay over there - and remain focused on it. The people who did stuff like that walked 22% faster, or something (paraphrasing), and were more likely to achieve the goals. Anyway, the whole thing was pretty interesting, and made me want to set some goals in a different way. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/10/900994753/you-2-0-the-minds-eye
  6. Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I can't even picture how awful that would be.
  7. Here's a new report about cases in children, from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association: https://downloads.aap.org/AAP/PDF/AAP and CHA - Children and COVID-19 State Data Report 7.30.20 FINAL.pdf
  8. This drives me crazy too. I don't think 6 feet of distancing without masks is sufficient indoors, especially for long periods of time. I also think people have a hard time picturing 6 feet of distance - I sure do! DH actually got out a measuring tape and we stood 6 feet apart... it's far! When I go for walks with friends, we stay apart, but sometimes we definitely wander into the 4-5 foot range before spreading out again. I'm very curious to see if the 3 foot distancing in schools, with masks, prevents spread. If it does, I'll be so happy!
  9. First it was ticks, now moths, and now all of that plus a pandemic! It would be just awful to go on vacation and then have it ruined by the brown tail moth rash. I'm so sorry for your friend!!
  10. Thanks. It sucks all around. On the rash front, maybe brown tails! I've never had that particular rash before, and always been afraid of it!
  11. Thank you for the hugs 🙂 I could use them! I can't think of anything that's recently changed, but I did get overheated last week and I thought maybe sweating from that did it. Hmm. I will get some antihistamines, good idea. It's probably good to have Benadryl in the house just in case.
  12. Aaargh, I have an itchy rash! It started on Tuesday. The back of my neck felt like it was covered in tiny little goosebumps. No itch. The next day, it was slightly itchy, and now my neck isn't too itchy and the bumps are mostly gone, but how right along my hairline is super itchy, and the edges of my ears! I've tried apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and Selsun Blue shampoo. The Selsun seems to help temporarily. I can't get a good picture of the rash because it doesn't show up well in the camera for some reason. DH says it looks like pale pink spots. The edges of my ears just look inflamed. Waaah, cry. I could do a telemedicine appt if I have to. What a bad week. I resigned my teaching position because I don't think the school's safety protocols are good enough. Maybe it's stress, or a fungal flare up from stress?
  13. Thanks! I just requested the full text of the article.
  14. I'm very sorry about your father. 😞
  15. I'm wondering about this. I wish we had more information. Is there any research out there about how much time it takes to transmit, if both parties are wearing a mask? Like in my school where the restrictions have been reduced to 3 feet, but with masks. 🤔 With a mask, does it take 30 minutes within 6 feet to transmit? An hour? Or maybe we don't know that yet.
  16. I've been asking my union rep, the state union, emailing the newspapers, etc. to get the word out about testing - or not testing. Someone from the state union replied to my message and said there's no plan for testing in schools here, but she's forwarding my email on to other people who can work on "feasibility." It was nice that she emailed me back. I'm curious to see if the papers get back to me.
  17. Thanks... just having you and everyone respond to this thread cheered me up a bit.
  18. Oh, for sure. A regular class would need an enormous tent. Luckily I teach special ed and I can have 1-2 kids at a time. Now that kids will be in "pods," I can't have kids from different rooms or grades together anymore.
  19. Yeah, we're rural and there aren't that many kids. I think we could fit a couple 10x10, or even bigger, tents outside.
  20. I didn't even think of the custodial staff... that makes perfect sense, though, because they are working together all day, touching the same stuff, etc.
  21. Thank you for saying this again, it makes me feel a bit less like the one crazy person in the room. I'm totally up for being the squeaky wheel, but sometimes I doubt my own perceptions.
  22. I completely empathize with you, and this is not just a little unknown, it's a big one!!
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