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Everything posted by cintinative

  1. Maize, what state are you in, if you don't mind sharing? I have not heard of NARHS. I will look into this.
  2. Has anyone seen this at another school? I was on this website out of mostly curiosity--they have a major that my son *might* like and they handle Celiac well. It's from Iowa State. The odds of my oldest ds attending there are really, really slim anyway. ETA: my oldest is rising 9th, so I am not in a hurry to apply anywhere. Just doing some research. 😃 GPA policy for home school students When calculating a home school applicant's high school GPA for admission, only those grades which have been assigned by an independent entity (e.g., the local high school, a college, or an accredited online curriculum) are factored into the cumulative GPA. Home school applicants must have earned independently assigned grades in at least 12 semester credits of college-level coursework or at least 5 Carnegie units of high school-level coursework (or a combination of both) before their independently assigned grades can be used to establish their high school GPA. Home school applicants who have not earned enough independently assigned grades to have an established high school GPA will be considered for admission on an individual basis. This will include a holistic evaluation of the student’s entire academic record, including ACT/SAT test scores, high school core classes, and coursework taken through high school and local colleges and universities.
  3. We are not talking about the same thing. Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus even though He knew that He would raise him to life. He wept at Jerusalem even though He knew they would turn their hearts away and the temple would be destroyed. You can know intellectually that suffering happens, that death happens, and you can feel settled that it is not in your hands. But that does not mean that you should not at times weep with those who weep. Possibly if we were in person we would not find we disagree. An online forum is a poor place for this conversation. So I am ducking out and returning to a discussion of FL, because my family lives there, and I am concerned for them.
  4. I remember, and that is why I expect empathy from you. I won't pursue this further. This is supposed to be a thread about Florida, but it massively derailed.
  5. @Bagels McGruffikin I am going to say this as gently as I can. For some people, COVID turns into months and months of suffering. They cannot work. They cannot take care of their families. And some of them cannot pay their medical bills. There is so much more to this than just death, and there always has been. Unfortunately I have seen news coverage and political coverage that takes the view that deaths are the only important metric. This is just not the case. If my husband were to become very ill, never truly recover, not be able to work, and become someone I have to be a caregiver for, that would be very life altering for us. Would it be more life-altering than if he had died? I don't know. I don't want to think about that. Gently, the statements "People get sick all the time. They die all the time," are not consistent with the empathy reflected in the Christian worldview I have heard you express on these boards. So please hear me saying to you as a sister in Christ, please reconsider how you say these things. Each of those people was created in the image of God and their lives matter. Their suffering matters to God. The suffering of the medical professionals who care for them matters to God.
  6. I"m glad this is resolved because I often order hard to find stuff from them!
  7. I am just here to say I think this should be on the politics board. @Rosie_0801
  8. This is why I questioned this above. If being overweight while a child is a preexisting condition (I can't say either way), there are a lot of children at risk, and that is terrible. I agree we need to be careful about how we discuss preexisting conditions. I think this goes back to the comment I made in another thread about how we can hear the numbers for so long we can become numb to the idea that these are real people and they have families and people that love them. We must truly fight against this.
  9. Do you think the nonverbal/ASD is a possible factor because of the neurological aspect--in possibly too simple terms, that COVID interacts with the neurological function and so kids with these types of challenges might be impacted disproportionately than neurotypical kids? That would make me concerned for several friends' kids.
  10. I might be preaching to the choir here, but the arguments I have seen are that children who do NOT have preexisting conditions are unlikely to have any kind of severe version of COVID. This is part of the reason that some school systems feel comfortable opening. I am not aware of any other children who have died with no reported preexisting conditions (other than this one) but I only follow Ohio and Florida. So I could be wrong. I don't disagree on the cytokine storms issue being of major concern. As far as the girl being visibly overweight, I am behind in the latest studies but isn't that pretty common in the U.S. lately (overweight children)?
  11. This is the first child death in FL that I am aware of where there are no reported preexisting conditions. She was 9 years old. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2020/07/27/9-year-old-florida-girl-believed-to-be-states-youngest-covid-19-death/
  12. I think that this is a whole other thread, if you want to start one.
  13. OP, I am truly sorry. As others have noted, I have seen division among Christians and I am so grieved by it. In many ways, I just don't understand it. I would not feel obligated to teach Sunday School under those conditions. If you are going to feel unsafe every week (which would be justified IMO), that is going to adversely affect you in ways beyond potential COVID exposure. I will send up prayers for you. This is such a hard, hard situation, but our Lord will not abandon you in it.
  14. There is certainly a place for righteous anger, but I tend to think of that as "anger under control." Self-control, patience, kindness, and gentleness are fruits of the Spirit. So I guess it comes down to what @J-rap meant, and I think she/he meant to respond in submission to the Spirit and full of His fruit, and not in a way that seems to be unbridled anger. Romans 12: 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:2 The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
  15. So much this. I have been SO grieved.
  16. I didn't find it until after we completed the first book!! 😃
  17. Has anyone taken this class and would you be willing to PM me your experience? Thank you.
  18. Are you able to link where you got the washable pads? When you say lunch-trays do you mean cafeteria trays? Because I have a couple of those, and if I could find the pads that fit them, that would be great.
  19. We are planning to do a fair amount of dissection this year. I watched part of a Youtube video where the person dissected a fetal pig on an aluminum tray that looked suspiciously like one of my aluminum jelly roll pans. Not to be gross, but will my jelly roll pan work just as well? Can I adequately clean it after? It can go in the dishwasher. If not, I was eyeing the disposable foam one on Home Science Tools because it was not expensive (for the fetal pig only). As far as the other dissection--are all (non-foam) trays basically okay? I expect we will probably only use them this year, although advanced science may lead us to revisit dissection later.
  20. I probably should have linked this, but it doesn't share a lot more, other than a reference to a woman who has had symptoms since March, and a "long timers club." My friend's mom is in this "club"--she has been sick since February. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/monumental-acknowledgment-cdc-reports-long-term-covid-19-patients-n1234814?fbclid=IwAR0y-iAliTdLS-gYe-b5WIf4kMwtv-8kYNfMoO5qjkqIILeclvEbU2aV_Gs
  21. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6930e1.htm?s_cid=mm6930e1_w In a multistate telephone survey of symptomatic adults who had a positive outpatient test result for SARS-CoV-2 infection, 35% had not returned to their usual state of health when interviewed 2–3 weeks after testing. Among persons aged 18–34 years with no chronic medical conditions, one in five had not returned to their usual state of health.
  22. So glad to hear about this. I will pray for continued good reports.
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