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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. This is huge for us because Sacha is so social. I really wanted him in the AOPS community, but I wasn't sure how he would take to a text-based course after a few years of live interaction through Athena's. An in-person class with other mathy kids would be amazing!
  2. https://sandiego-cv.aopsacademy.org/ My prayers have been answered!!!
  3. Awesome news!! Congratulations to you both!!
  4. Awesome. Thank you! Do you have any recommendations for what to do after that class?
  5. My DH picked up an EV3 for cheap at a swap meet. He would like to program it with my son, but would like some sort of book/class for them to work through. Does anyone have any recommendations on good books/classes? Something like Youth Digital would be awesome, if it exists. They have a Mindstorms team at my kid's charter school, but he is still too young to join (lame), so that option is out for us. Thanks so much for any recommendations.
  6. We tried getting more involved with our local independent homeschooler groups, but they generally came in two varieties: 1) religious homeschoolers (whose organizations were closed to people outside those faiths) and 2) unschoolers (which was ok, but then you often run into strong differences of opinion on issues like vaxing/SB277, etc.). So, yes, we have found our tribe of secular, academic homeschoolers mostly among charter school students. What I actually find galling is all the charter school families who want to take public school $$$$$, but don't want to do public school things like vax, use secular materials, test, meet with EFs, turn in any samples, etc. It seems that so many want to have their cake and eat it too. I'm definitely a homeschooler by default. I have no philosophical reason for homeschooling beyond giving my kid what he needs to thrive. If I could find a public or private school that could accomplish that task at a reasonable cost, I would jump at it in a heartbeat. Having said that, I have enjoyed homeschooling more than I thought I would, and am truly grateful for all the support I have received here.
  7. These folks spun off from Online G3, so I am assuming that they are secular: http://www.languagecityacademy.com/
  8. I went to Claremont McKenna because, per capita, at the time, we were the top law school feeder school in the nation. 25% of our grads. I know that our reputation in that regard certainly helped my applications. We seem to be #3 now, but the number one producer of CEOs per capita. And we certainly had no shortage of job offers coming out of undergrad. Job placement was a real strength, and, as opposed to my large uni counterparts, was not dependent on major. I majored in Russian and PPE (poltics, philosophy, and economics) and had job offers from the major consulting and ibanking firms. Many of these firms only wanted certain majors at UCLA, but would take any major at CMC. Eta: we also had a notorious party culture on campus, mostly because the school didn't much care about IDing people at events.
  9. Has anyone used this curriculum? http://cathyduffyreviews.com/homeschool-extras/critical-thinking-logic/royal-fireworks-philosophy-curriculum
  10. The Netflix show? It is so good! Anyone want to talk about it?
  11. Thanks, Lori. He is 8, but reads at middle school level. I appreciate the recommendations.
  12. I would use the flash cards on InstaCert.
  13. I'm with you. I've held my nose and voted for my party's candidate before, or voted third party in protest. I've never crossed party lines. Until now. And that scares me. I'm very very worried. And, at least in my neck of the woods, most of us feel that we are being held hostage by forces and values that are unrecognizable to us and the antithesis of America. I feel like a stranger in my own country.
  14. Any good ones from the antebellum period? That's where we are at in history. Doesn't have to be antebellum south; just early to mid 1800s in general. Thank you for the great thread!
  15. I've lost hope in finding common ground. At this point, I'm just hoping that Canada will annex us. We get Trudeau and they get good weather; it's a win-win.
  16. We're finishing up GSWF, and then transitioning to Galore Park in 3rd. How do you use the CLE books? Is there a sequence? How much Galore Park would you need to be successful with CLE? I have a native speaker in the house who can assist if I get stuck.
  17. Really? Is this a city-wide ordinance or something? The individual business owners have no choice in the matter? I have lived all over the world, and I've mostly just seen individual proprietors deciding what works best for their business, taking into account local custom/preference, malls inclusive. Not that I have never seen a mall with a no-pets rule; I have just never seen a larger city/county ordinance prohibiting pets, a la prohibiting smoking. Interesting.
  18. But, that's my point. There clearly isn't a no pets rule at all malls, and she didn't describe a situation where people were flagrantly ignoring some rule. She said that dogs don't belong in malls. Period. And, that's fine. It's her opinion. But it isn't one that everyone shares. Most of the malls here are indoor/outdoor, and there is not a no pets rule at most places. So, why not bring your dog, if you enjoy it? And, if allergies are the big objection, then why get worked up about dogs being held in arms or kept in bags/baskets. That seems to be the considerate thing to do for people with allergies. She seems "worked up" about people bringing dogs anywhere and in any manner with which she disagrees.
  19. My Cavalier is dumber than a box of rocks, but adorable, sweet, and calm. We can't all be perfect. ;)
  20. I was not arguing that a dog in a stroller was a service dog. The dog could be a pet or esa with a health condition. The poster has no way to know.
  21. You seem really worked up about this. Dogs in the mall are a pretty normal thing here in Southern California. If it's not hurting someone else, why do you care? My Cavalier cannot walk on lead without air scratching, which is a common symptom of SM. So, I have to carry him everywhere I go. I was actually thinking of putting him in a basket or a stroller of sorts, so he could come with me on walks or bike rides. I am sure that you would consider me one of those uppity people taking her fur baby everywhere, too.
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