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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. Not all of these are appropriate for a 5 year old, but I collect resources in my Amazon wishlists. It should be public. Here is my chemistry wishlist. http://amzn.com/w/2H01VTD1X2YD4
  2. Thank you for this thread. I am learning so much. And Tammy, I would pay you to come to San Diego to shoot us. Your photography is just stunning.
  3. We only do WWE 2 times per week. I just combine days 1 and 2 on one day, and days 3 and 4 on the other.
  4. Sacha knows that he is accelerated, and knows that we homeschool primarily for that reason. He does struggle with the bolded as well. We work on it quite a bit, but he's still a show-off at times. That's one of the reasons he is involved in so many athletic activities. HIs gross motor skills are probably a year or two behind his age peers, and I think it is good for him to learn sportsmanship, humility, and a work ethic from an early age.
  5. Along with our read-alouds, we have been using Mosdos Press and the Junior Great Books series to discuss literature. It might serve your needs. http://www.mosdospress.com/ http://www.greatbooks.org/product-services/classroom-products/
  6. He is already doing the DVD and workbook for SSL2, and we play Go Piscis with the Monkey Match flashcards. This is the ELE syllabus for this year: http://etclassics.org/uploads/assets/files/Exploratory_Complete_Syllabus_2015_2016.pdf So, we don't need any of the teacher packets at all? Like this: http://www.aclclassics.org/store/teaching-packets/e15-cd-version.html I just pay the $19 for the exam and shipping? (Not sure we will do the NME this year. I was thinking we'd do it when we cover Ancients again in history.)
  7. I'm trying to sign up my DS for the ELE, and I am not sure what to purchase through their online site. The test itself appears to be $4, plus $15 shipping. But, there are also teaching packets. What exactly do I need to order to prep him? Also, it asks for a test date when I place the order. Can I proctor the ELE, or do I need to arrange it with someone? Thanks so much for your assistance!
  8. Updating: I just received Book 1 of Bright Beginnings, which covers Parshat Lech-Lecha, and it seems very incremental and user-friendly. I am excited to use this book for beginning Chumash. For background, I am learning along with my son. We currently have the same level of Hebrew. So, as a novice teacher, this book is very encouraging for me. I will update when I get some of the other books as well. I hope this is helpful. :)
  9. Is it something that you think an accelerated 2nd grader could do?
  10. I put a reading light on Sacha's bed and told him that he could stay up as late as he wants as long as he's reading. He can read at about a 5th grade level, but he tires at that level. So, I get very high interest books a few grade levels below his current level, and that has kept him reading.
  11. You can certainly study above grade level material without a class, but Sacha is extremely social, and I personally need a break from the constant blah, blah, blah about xyz passion of the day. I hope to find him additional peers with whom he can converse about the subjects that he enjoys. He doesn't have a hard time making friends; it's just that there aren't that many kids his age who enjoy talking about Adamantite ore for extended periods of time, ykwim?
  12. Sorry. I meant Athena's lit classes. Sacha isn't big on writing, so I wasn't planning on any online writing classes for quite awhile. The requirements for Athena's lit classes seem much more manageable for him.
  13. The derailing is fine. I'm definitely not looking at high school level language classes. CTY has several language classes for elementary age kids. Sacha is starting Athena's this spring. He's taking Geology. He will be 7, and science is his passion, so I'm hoping it will be a good fit. If all goes well, we plan to start their literature classes in the fall.
  14. I will say that things do sell out there regularly. So, if you see a good deal, don't wait. BTDT.
  15. I have been shopping with Jet since the first week they went live. According to my profile, I have saved over $300 since I started shopping with them, so you can imagine how much I must have spent in order to save that much. (I am a prolific online shopper). I have never had an order cancelled, and all of my items have been well packed and received promptly. I ordered all of my Hanukkah gifts for the kids the other day, and many of the items are already here. And Hanukkah is several weeks before Christmas this year.
  16. Have you ever had the police or CPS show up at your door to investigate you? It's not a small thing. Guilty until proven innocent. It feels horrible. And, I am not paranoid about police. My whole extended family is LAPD. But the cop that berated me a few weeks ago was not acting like a public servant seeking to assist an overwhelmed mother. He laid into me about how I needed to do a better job as a mother. I really hope that people will stop calling the authorities in cases like this. Show some empathy and try to help.
  17. Thank you! My friend lost her five year old to a drowning accident. It took 45 seconds for it to happen. I am seriously over all the mom shaming.
  18. I have a wanderer, who is fearless and very fast. I seldom bring my phone with me to the park because he has disappeared in the blink of an eye before. I have had several instances where I turn my head for a moment, to watch other kids playing, and bwam, he is gone. Just like that. I'm not a terrible mother; it just happens. And most people think it is hysterically funny when they see me running after my son. Seriously, no one stops him, as I am running after him. They just watch and think how cute the whole scene is. He has run into traffic at the park. No one stopped him. He has run out of the pool, through the women's locker room, down the hall of the Jewish Community Center, and almost out the door before I caught up to him, both of us soaking wet and half naked. No one stopped him. As I am locking the house, he has run down the street, around the corner, past the library, and almost to a busy intersection. A cop who was driving by ran out of his car and stopped him in the nick of time, then proceeded to mom-shame me about the ordeal. When I responded in frustration that I was doing the best that I could, he threatened me. I've tried putting my son on a leash, but he just lays on the floor. I would have to literally drag him across the floor. He won't stay in a stroller or a carrier either. I am not saying that this mother did all that she could, but I can tell you that having a wanderer is frightening, exhausting, and basically sucks. I look enviously at other mothers whose kids stay put and sit on their laps, etc.
  19. So, I ended up convincing DH to buy the Brock Magiscope. Now, I am trying to decide on the best slide kit for my son. The reviews on these seems to be mixed: http://www.amazon.com/AmScope-PS200-Biology-Prepared-Homeschool/dp/B004YWTKX8/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1447345497&sr=8-14&keywords=amscope+slide I also saw these, but they seem pricey compared to the Amscope slides. Are they worth it? http://www.hometrainingtools.com/microscopes/prepared-slides/slide-sets What microscope slides have you really liked? Where did you buy them? Thanks!
  20. Yes, it changed. What they realized was that people didn't mind saving a little bit less if they didn't have to pay the membership fee. The first month or so that I used Jet, they were basically giving stuff away for free. I mean, for the prices they were charging, they had to be losing money. It was so so cheap. But, then they decided to do away with the membership fee. The prices are still better than Amazon's, but they aren't like they were the first month.
  21. They were planning to charge one, but they made so much money, they dropped it. I never paid it because they were giving out 6 months or a year for free to get people hooked on their site. It worked for me. I straight up compared Target, Amazon, and Jet, and Jet kicked all their butts. The selection isn't as great as Amazon, and sometimes you have to be pretty specific with Jet's search engine, but the savings have been very large for me. I recently ordered Hanukkah gifts for the kids and Jet beat Amazon by $100 on $400 of merchandise.
  22. Jet came out last summer, and I have been saving a HUGE amount of money with them. Like, seriously, an enormous amount. Here is a writeup about them: http://time.com/money/4068884/jet-com-vs-amazon-price-comparison/
  23. I used to buy all of that from Amazon, but since Jet.com came out, I am shopping there more often. The prices are much better, and I don't pay taxes or membership fees. Bonus!
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