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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. That's hilarious. I haven't done anything that mischievous with ours - she usually gets put on a shelf/dresser to watch over the kids while they sleep - my teens get a little creeped out when they wake up to see "Judy the Elf" watching them. Last night she watched TV - I put her on the sofa with the remote. I don't think I can do the candy wrappers; my dog would eat the wrappers. :( But maybe tonight Judy will enjoy a bottle of non-alcoholic beer. :)
  2. Thank you for sharing that. It brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy you were blessed in that way.
  3. I got the Keurig from Costco. They have the B70 available online for $150 which includes 60 k-cups. I think mine was a little cheaper at the B&M Costco. I like it. I use it for a single cup in the afternoon. My dd uses it for the hot water for her tea. The only thing I don't like about it is that our coffee expenses have gone way up. My dh thinks it's easier to make four single k-cups in the morning for the 2 of us, than to brew the pot of coffee we typically drink. So I try to remember to set up the coffee maker before I go to bed, to pre-empt him starting to pop in the 40 cent pods. :)
  4. Yes, as Kathleen pointed out a first class letter is a bargain. But their customer service is HORRIBLE; what other business could stay open if they took cashiers off the register as the lines got longer? I have seen it happen too often to count. Yet at private businesses, when the lines get long, they ADD cashiers. Then there are the postal carriers who steal Netflix movies (yeah, we had one doing this until I went to the PO to complain that I wasn't getting my movies - suddenly they started arriving!), or who wait until you come to the PO to ask where your media mail package is before they'll deliver it ("Oh, they can take a month or so" - but then mysteriously the package would arrive the next day; hmm, coincidence?). Or the one who saw the "For Sale" sign in front of our house and took it upon himself to stop delivering the mail. When I went to the PO to inquire why we weren't getting mail, the employee went to check and found a note with our mail saying we'd moved. Since when does putting a realtor sign in the front yard a notice to the PO to stop delivering mail? Yeah, Santa would be in BIG trouble.
  5. I ordered some of these: handmade vegan organic soap I haven't received them yet; I hope they are as nice as they look! (I couldn't resist them because her photo-styling is so darn cute!) I also ordered a few notecards; since we are not sending Christmas cards this year I just needed a few to hand-write some notes. greeting cards
  6. Target has the same bundle in their B&M ad today. It looks like an amazing deal - we paid way more last Christmas for the console and included games/accessories (we had to pay $199, plus buy Resort Sport and the Wiimote plus separately).
  7. I guess it was too much to hope we were neighbors - Riverside County is HUGE! Sending you a PM. Oops, your PM box is full.
  8. Me, three! OC Mom is left over from when we lived in Yorba Linda...I guess I could've asked to change it to "RC Mom" or "IE Mom" but they don't have the same ring. :)
  9. My ds and I just sold a bunch of stuff in 9 auctions. I was shocked at how high the fees were - eBay gets 9%, paypal 3% - but we thought it would be worth it. It was - our gross was over $400, net was 12% less. :D So I would say it's definitely worth it for an item that you think will fetch $100.
  10. They are $2 here. :001_smile: I have found the Chardonnay and Shiraz to be quite drinkable. I like the Cabernet for cooking. And the Pinot Grigio for wine cooler mixing.
  11. I wouldn't say anything to the teacher over this one comment, since you don't know the context. You could use this opportunity to talk to your son about what YOU believe. (about people doing bad things, but they might not be bad people, that God still loves them, etc. )
  12. Wow, that one has 15 5-star reviews on Amazon; I don't think I've seen that before without a single negative.
  13. I wondered about that, because not long ago I was charged for a book, and it was for the full retail price of the book, plus $10-$15 processing fee! I could have bought the book new on Amazon for $14, and they wanted to charge me about $30-$35 if I remember correctly. Luckily I found the book and they took the price of the book off of the account, but left the fee on.
  14. Me, too. When the movie United 93 came out, I cried whenever I heard the radio ads for it. Just thinking about seeing the movie still makes me anxious.
  15. I was wondering this, too. My dd took AAA driving course which was fantastic. It's expensive - about $350 - but might save you money in the long run! There were a couple of students in the class my dd took who already had been driving a while with permits, but were in the class b/c they failed the behind-the-wheel test for the real license. So there's no shame in back-tracking to get more training. Apparently the AAA course doesn't teach the difference between unleaded gas and diesel fuel, however. :D
  16. Here's the outcome: After reading all the responses, I felt that we should ask dd to pay 1/2 over a few months. But dh and I talked when he got home last night, and he felt very strongly that we shouldn't ask her to pay, stressing the "mistake" aspect of it, and the fact that she is pretty sensitive and wouldn't need to pay to have the point driven home. So we talked to her when she got home - tears, regret, "yes, I now know the difference and will never do it again" etc. I'm still appalled that she managed to do it - she says she's sure that she pressed the "87" button, and says that the pump must have had 2 nozzles on one pump - don't a lot of stations have a separate diesel pump? I guess we have all learned a lesson. Someone suggested laying out the expectations for her - good advice. As soon as she is feeling less sensitive about this, dh and I need to have a chat with her about her responsibility for the car. I think our deductible is $1000, so she better put that amount into savings quick. :)
  17. Can you put cheese in the bag? I don't think it has to be refrigerated every minute, but keep in the fridge until gift unveiling time. I love Trader Joe's White Stilton Cheese with apricots, or, at this time of year they usually have it with dried cranberries instead of apricots. So good on their Stone-Ground Crackers! Oh, another savory treat is their Thai-spiced nuts - cashews or peanuts.
  18. We donate every year through Gospel for Asia. As you can probably tell from their name, it is an expressly Christian organization. But they minister to people of all faiths across Asia. My teens love picking out animals to donate.
  19. No, there would be no question for me in that case. I expect to pay my minor child's medical bills, even if the bills are due to an accident. The car is different, because driving is a privilege. Most places that my dd drives herself are places she WANTS to go.
  20. Wow, I didn't expect this one to get to 8 pages. :) More info related to questions asked: - Just to be clear, neither dh nor I are angry with her, and we don't want to humiliate her. - She is generally careful with stuff. - re: the diesel pump nozzle - I thought it couldn't be done, either, but the mechanic said it's very common. - The repairs were just over $400 to drain the fuel tank, clean out the injectors, etc. When you add in the cost of the wasted gas/diesel, plus the car I had to rent for 2 days, it came to $500. I don't know if the $400 cost from the dealer was fair or not. :confused: She is out with the van now. :) And dh is still at work. When we are all at home together tonight we'll get this figured out and I'll update the thread with what happened.
  21. No, the service manager told me that it's possible to do these days - that the pumps used to be different but today they frequently are not. We drive by that station frequently - I am going to stop next time I'm over there to take a look.
  22. Your stories about other teens who've done this match what the service manager told me. "It happens all the time with teenagers!" he said, when I mentioned that dd had gassed up the van so we couldn't be sure what was in it.
  23. I see in your signature that you have 3 drivers! :D I am definitely leaning toward having her pay at least a portion of it, just to make SURE she learned the lesson.
  24. She's not horrified yet; I haven't shown her the receipt. :) But yes, she will be very upset and disappointed in herself. I just posted about making her pay for it..I will discuss with dh about whether she pays all or part of it.
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