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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. I don't use my regular coffee maker in the afternoons because it's just me, and the minimum is supposed to be 4 cups. So for a single cup, I tried Keurig but mine died. (and the one I bought my parents died, and their replacement died...) For years (before & after the Keurig) I've been making myself a single cup of coffee using one of those mug-top cone filters. The coffee is insipid but it's better than nothing. I think it drains through the filter too fast. What other options are there for a single cup of good coffee at home?
  2. I love these! They are absolutely charming.
  3. Agreeing with most of what Sara already said. I buy much of my produce there. Whatever is on sale is always the best price you can find around here in SoCal, and great quality too. I also buy grass fed beef & organic chicken there whenever it's on sale, or if I can luck into finding marked down packages that expire tomorrow. :) Most of their other stuff is too expensive for me. Occasionally I am out of a staple like flour or oil and have to either buy it there or make a trip to another store. So painful! (Twice the price of what I'd pay at TJs or Target).
  4. I'm not even sure that mean is the right word. Didn't we learn in grade school not to call people names for simple accidents? The reaction was completely inappropriate! It almost seems mentally ill.
  5. Wow, how did you know she was from south Texas? Yes, really!
  6. No, it's not required. 501©(3) charities are required to give a copy of their financial statements to any donor who asks. But churches are exempt. We discovered this when we asked our former church for financials!
  7. The pluses of the ones that attach to the back of the car vs. the hitch is that they are cheaper than having a tow hitch installed. But you already have that, so you should be OK. The minuses of the ones that attach to the back of the car is that they can fall off on the highway. Yep, seen it happen. So I recommend one that goes in the tow hitch. We have a Thule.
  8. I don't either, unless I have an immediate need for it (sauteeing onions for a soup or something like that). I don't know why it has a higher "ick" factor for me than sausage or bacon grease, which I consider to be liquid gold!
  9. Yes, I think most cheeses are less than 1 g of carbs per serving. I read the post as just appreciating the Kerrygold goodness of the cheese as a bonus on top of the low carb. :) I googled this and one of the first hits was an Amazon seller who will ship butter using frozen gel packs. Who knew? B)
  10. :grouphug: I wondered about that - that's why I thought maybe I'd ignore it, because they probably already know. But just in case, I'm going to send a quick message.
  11. I just wanted to point out that that's where I used to see Kerrygold butter at Costco - in the gourmet cheese section. But now, at my local Costco, it's in the big dairy case right next to the regular Kirkland butter. So if you are looking for this, look in both places!
  12. My sweet MIL died last year. Today is her birthday. Her sister posted a nice tribute to her on FB this morning, so I headed over to MIL's page (still active) to see what anybody else had posted. There were a couple of posts along the lines of "Missing you today; see you in Heaven" etc. But there were two posts along the lines of "Hope you have a great birthday!" :confused1: I can't believe they don't know she passed last year, but I suppose it's possible! And it's also possible to post a comment on someone's page without going to their page, so they could have done the birthday wishes without seeing the other "heaven" posts. I don't know either of the people who posted. Should I send a message? Something along the lines of, "I saw your birthday wishes on dear MIL's FB page. We still really miss her and thanks for thinking of her today." Or just ignore it?
  13. The church we'd attended for four years was completely opaque about finances. After we realized just how secretive it all was, my dh went in & talked to one of the pastors & a couple of elders. They explained their reasoning (mostly, too much dissension/disputing over an open budget process) but they did offer to show him the books while he was there. Although we trusted the pastor/elders, it was too much secrecy for us and we decided to attend church elsewhere. We think the church should avoid any appearance of anything that could lead to criticism/scandal in this area. Yes, we've seen dissension created in the budgeting process but we've seen worse problems with secrecy.
  14. Is she having any intestinal distress? My dog only whines in the night if it's a potty issue. Once he's been out, he'll usually go back in the crate without complaint. Unless it's a continuing issue. :( (rare but it has happened)
  15. I know. It was also weird that he's blond. So just altogether wrong!
  16. This. I would probably send printouts of FB comments to the prosecutor in the case. I have reported evidence to a prosecutor before, and I know he followed up on it.
  17. My dd and I are big fans, so I DVRed Parade's End on HBO. It was so boring that dd walked out of the room after the first episode. I made it through a second snoozer episode. Even Benedict Cumberbatch couldn't rescue the slow pace of this show. BUT, I do find myself wondering what happened with his wife; {VERY SLIGHT SPOILER STOP READING IF YOU CARE} as in she sort of seemed to be falling in love with him. So, did anybody actually finish watching it? Did it get better? Worth another 3 or so hours of my life?
  18. My mom-in-law died last year (preceded in death 2 years earlier by FIL). I miss her a ton. Her birthday is this week and I'm afraid I'll do something macabre like post on her FB page. I just miss her.
  19. I had a Redbox coupon for Saturday night & wanted to get Taken 2, but I couldn't talk the family into it. We watched Wreck-it Ralph instead, blah! I'll have to wait until next time hubby is out of town for Taken 2 since he said he is DONE after the original Taken. :confused1: What's his problem?
  20. "OK, now stop staring at my chest!" Said to my teenage ds as he tried to analyze something drawn on my t-shirt. Which is why maybe we shouldn't wear articles of clothing that have anything across the chest or rear that needs to be analyzed! :ohmy:
  21. Read The Gift of Fear and Protecting the Gift. I saw these books recommended here several years ago and I've taught my kids (now teens) many of his principles about making a scene, asking for help, etc. Oh, since you're asking for a specific idea to teach your kids, here's one from the book: If you (a kid) are ever lost or need help, ask a mom with kids. Don't go to a security guard - go directly to a mom. She will almost certainly take you to a security guard but will most likely stay with you until you are safely back with your own parent. We probably need a refresher now that my dd is so independent.
  22. When I pick up a 2x/day scrip in the afternoon or evening, I just take one that day.
  23. Hugs and prayers. I hope you get good news today. (I've been there)
  24. Looking at some of the photos, especially this last one - was anybody else reminded of The Capitol? (Think Hunger Games)
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