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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. When the Egyptians started using paper, they stopped leaving things for historians. I wonder how much of our 'history' will be lost because of this... IOW, technology marches forth and all these ideas and works disappear. I think most blanket solutions are foolish, this one is no exception.
  2. Nothing wrong with negotiating. Get that monkey off your back, less stress, less bills. You get charged for so many silly extras and the ins. companies have people negotiating for them.
  3. I know a lot of people would wonder what sort of psychology is behind such a match, and I have to wonder (in return) what it matters. The older I get, the more I think, be comfortable, be happy. If you have 'daddy issues' and want to marry a man to replace your father, if the man you find would make a good father figure (both to yourself and any children you may have), why not? If you're a young man with 'mother issues,' why shouldn't you find a mate that fulfill those needs? If they're happy, so be it. There's five years between dh and me. It rarely causes any 'issues,' for the most part, we're on the same page.
  4. How do stay looking so YOUNG???? Man, I need your secret!:lol:
  5. Ironically, I have been checking this poll off and on since it was posted :)
  6. And agape means so much, I sometimes wonder why they don't keep certain words original and then define it at the back.
  7. I took this on a Ferry to Tangier Island when Luke and I went this summer. It's the Chesapeake!
  8. I was a soccer coach for a few years, some time ago. At that point I drove a Geo Prism, and hated the stereotype of 'soccer mom.' I promised myself I would NEVER own a minivan. Flash forward to now, I drive a stinkin Lincoln, without enough seats, and find myself begging for a minivan. :)
  9. I completely understand. I remember the first time I read, 'he tried to make love to her' in an old novel and was shocked to think of a man trying to have sex in public. Sometimes (most times?), the modern versions of words or statements lack so much as to nearly negate the true meaning. Thanks!
  10. Thank you, all of you :) So it was originally agape? That is wonderful, beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear, or read ;) If only I owned a Bible that would make those things clear, I'm looking at my Walmart special right now and thinking, I got what I paid for :glare:
  11. It could very well be. I'm just wondering what the difference really is. IOW, to me love and charity are two different things. Is it supposed to be charity or love? I'm having such a low day and seeing charity, where I expected love, was staggering. I just wanted to know if, maybe, I just had an unloving bible ;)
  12. No, but who knows, maybe one day I will own one. IOW, it doesn't mean doodly squat to me right now, lol.
  13. My dd is a little jealous of the time I spend with my older ds now. However, I've left the door open for her to join us. It's really, at this point, up to her. Tell your dd, she can try homeschooling this summer, to see if she likes it. Then, if it all works out, you can continue, if not, she hasn't missed any school and all can go back to the way it was. That's the offer my dd has as well.
  14. Next week, we were planning to make it light and I wanted to teach ds the 'love is' scriptures. Well, my bible does not say love, but charity. His bible says love and from what I can gather, online, most do the same. My question is, when did charity become love, or vice versa. So, it's I Corinthians 13, any input is welcome.
  15. Click on your name (upper right hand corner). It says Welcome, and then your name. When you get there, click on the tab that says "Statistics." From there, click on "find all posts by ....."
  16. Where there's a need to shop around (science and math) I do. Otherwise, I stick to their curriculum. At the same time...... if my library does not have the books they suggest, we get what we can.
  17. Mine said it was too much like work :glare: I guess, a little too close to doing laundrey for him.
  18. Super strong, with half and half and a little sugar. My fav is the first cup that drips (the kind where no amount of creamer will give it a 'coffee' color).
  19. Depends on the poll, if it's something I'm only sort of curious about, I vote, look, and move on. If it's something compelling (or there's a good back and forth going), I vote, then check the results (and the b & f) multiple times.
  20. LMHO, yeah, one from yesterday, or the reading side, the other from today, the discussion side........ :lol:
  21. Wasn't The Man Who Was Thursday supposed to be read in January? Now I'm confused... :confused:
  22. I can read nearly anything if it's well written. What sort of genre is this?
  23. I'm just starting, and we're using TWTM exclusively. I looked at some of the other things (Charlotte Mason, Latin Centered, etc), but still think TWTM is just right all by itself. So, yes, some people do. At the same time, I have looked at some various places for Science and Math, but isn't that recommended in the book anyway?
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