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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Prima Latina, we're using it and Andrew loves it. Story of the World comes with maps, we've been using those... I'm using a workbook as a guide for science. I bought it at learningthings.com I'm on a tight budget, so I got the cheapest I could find and just supplement with library books and the internet. learningthings.com would have nearly everything you're looking for. Memoriapress.com has Prima Latina.
  2. Perhaps a sermon on gossip is in order? I can't think of anything else to add. Sorry.
  3. Oh, Dorinda, I'm so glad it was a joke! I crept out onto that limb... I just figured, if you were serious, you'd ignore me. :lol:
  4. So which is more or less decent? Sending them off to not mind someone else for most of the day, or keeping them home to ignore you? Sometimes............ arg........... kids.:glare:
  5. The same reason there is a disconnect between Senators and their constituents. They are there, talking about (ostenibly) what we want, and we are still here living it.
  6. We began situational, but I cannot imagine putting ds back into school, for the very same reasons you give.
  7. I could see it as a way to impress the business side of learning, but I'm too lazy to get all gussied up to teach, so I'm just glad he puts on a shirt with his sweats. Youngest ds, however, has been know to 'attend class' butt naked. His hiney is still all toddlery cute so it's too adorable to force him to be dressed all the time.
  8. Wierd! The pentacostal churches I've attended always ENCOURAGED dancing. They wanted people to 'get in the spirit' and found dancing to be a very appropriate way to express joy in the presence of God. :iagree:
  9. Ah, see, but my husband's concern with walking the line, erring on the side of caution, etc, has extended fully into our present relationship ;) All the same, sorry to have caused any discomfiture.......... oops
  10. "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" comes to mind, but she didn't have as many kids.
  11. I have to say, with age gaps like these, and men willing to wait until legally allowed to date the women they want... I don't see it as creepy so much as... romantic and a harbinger of good treatment and respect to come. Of course, there are people that would disagree, but... my dd is 12. She could pass for twenty something, if only because she is tall and developed. Age, from teens to twenties, can be nearly impossible to guage, especially for early developers (of which I was one). My husband was creeped out the first time he saw me, I was 12, and the fact that he thought I was 'hot.' It bothered him to be 17 and like a preteen. I would imagine the same could be said for many, much older, men when they find themselves attracted to someone who is a child in age, if not in physical developement.
  12. There is just too much room for shenanigans. I want a religious leader (or myself/my family) to teach my kids about their religion, not an employee of the county.
  13. Next time just them YOU prefer to MOTHER your child, not rely outside persons to do so :glare: Who's snarky now? Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought (then you stomp your feet, stick out your tongue, fart, and run!). Lol, the more I think about this the more it ticks me off! Erg, lemme at em'!
  14. My son was that way and if there's any stench of 'work' about it, he's still that way now. It's not that he's pathological (I hope), but that he's lazy. My daughter is much the same way. If it's something she wants, she can research the pants off it... until she gets what she wants (IYKWIM). Really, even now, I only research something as far as I *need* to. How far will you go to learn something for personal use?
  15. :glare: His quickness is why I took my son OUT of school. They couldn't keep up with him. :grouphug:
  16. I've read, "The Man Who Was Thursday" and tried to read it a second time, but just couldn't do it. I also read, "The Husband" by Dean Koontz, good book ;) Oh, and a Patricia Cornwell book..... but I forgot the title and if I start digging through the pile of books next to my bed I may not escape... I'm reading, Dean Koontz "Velocity" right now :) Next month will be "Snow Falling on Cedars" and whatever junk novels I pick up :D
  17. I think you run the risk of being a nurse instead of a spouse, no matter ages. My dad is only 60, but diabetes has him half-helpless. Could my mom have seen that coming when they met and he was a young Marine? Probably not.
  18. Bee, you could get his IQ tested yourself. If the info. you want is only for your own use, why not?
  19. Situational, moving to forever, if that makes sense ;) We started situational, but I love this, my son loves this, and I can't imagine sending him back to ps.
  20. LOL, I read that wrong at first, thought you said dh was 19... 12 years apart...... I was a little shocked and uncomfortable thinking of a 7 y-o dating a 19 y-o....... :lol: I get it now, but before..... shooooooo!
  21. We just started mid-December and my son adores the pjs and the ability to work sitting on the couch, if he wants. It's snowing here........ I haven't enjoyed above freezing weather for weeks......... I cannot even imagine tanning right now, sigh :(
  22. LOL! I've never heard of a Scout Leader scoping the sisters....... I'm sorry, that is HIL-AR-EE-OWS! :lol: That is EXACTLY what happened with us. I had the worst crush on him from the time I was sixteen and first met him. Every time I saw him, I floated behind on a wave of sighs and hormones. He was so coldly polite, I thought he DESPISED me. Then I turned 18... ;)
  23. Lol, that's why I try REALLY hard to 'never say never.' The five years is not huge, when looking at some of these age gaps, but for most of our friends it was disturbing, especially when we started dating. DH waited until I was a confirmed 18 year old to ask me out and married me at 19... a lot of his friends were 'creeped out' by the whole thing.
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