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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. :rofl: the lard IVs are available locally at your roadside stand, but you could check with the meat in the back of his truck man ;) I had a bad experience with spaghettios, but the kids still love them. Frankly, with our given financial climate (in my house) we're just happy to eat. IOW, we can't afford the luxery of being picky. The "organic" in my sig line, is because, imo, my kids are fully organic. I use absolutely no pesticides on them, and they did not come from a factory, but were grown by yours truly ;)
  2. Sometimes I just hook my kids up to a high fructose lard IV. Want to start something? Seriously, the food/cart/shoe/free-range stuff has just gotten so TIRESOME. I mean, do people really (really) believe that someone's child is going to turn out deranged because they were allowed to walk home or else watched mommy ditch the cart or (shudder) ate pre-packaged food without mommy's love in every bite?
  3. It really depends on the past, doesn't it? Also, your position in the hierarchy is important too. A certain person murdered someone when he was young, but all that has been swept away so we can focus on what a "wonderful" person he turned out to be. It's all in the eye of the beholder, the previous example being a case in point. Some people will always associate that person with a certain young woman killed by him, others will only see what a "wonderful" person he became. From a strictly Christian stand point, if you've asked for forgiveness for something it should be forgotten. I've developed a delightful case of self-induced amnesia to make that easier for myself ;)
  4. Didn't read all the posts. I hardly ever checked my email, until I lost my phone (now all communication is through email). Up till then, if you didn't call the odds were I wouldn't get the message. Also, I know lots of people without home internet (they use the library or their work computers for internet "needs"). If calling is too hard, then I guess all the phoners in your den are going to quit or make their own den. So, does this fall under the Law of the Pack, the motto, or the promise? I will have email and check it daily... hmm... don't remember that one.
  5. :rofl: Oh, and in some cases (pre-packaged food for instance) some people are either overly sensitive or just spoiling for a fight.
  6. Be proactive, call your mortgage company! We found out that one of our annoying collector calls (well within the grace period) was actually a scammer, by calling the company and complaining.
  7. If you don't they will come and eat you up! if that didn't work All your friends are doing it! still not moving? No one will like you if you don't. are you still there? Ah heck, do what you want, but for pete's sake, don't whine when you get a house full of moths and maggots. that worked, didn't it ;)
  8. You'd eat it and LIKE IT! Ever have those times where you feel like Mommy Dearest? What have I told you about wire hangers?
  9. Chicken (again) otherwise... whatever I give up and throw on the stove. If they're lucky, I might even add salt, but really, I'd rather just fling the stuff straight onto the burners and scrape it onto plates once the fire alarms say dinner's done. :( phlbttttt and yes, I AM grumpier today than usual.
  10. Every time the sun comes out thunderheads are there to meet it. Sorry I've been gone most of the week, every thing is crumbling and I've been busy trying to mush it all back into some sort of shape that would resemble normal life :(


    Augh, could you friend me on yahoo and then explain the other thingy you wanted me to connect on? I can't figure this out and right about now, I feel like half my brain has left on vacation. Why does everything have to be so darn complicated?!? Why can't anything just be simple?!?


    Hugs! (more for me than you, but I'll try to restrain myself and not break any of your ribs)

  11. Was that directed at me? I am SO tattling! Btw, that saddle makes your hind quarters look big :lol:
  12. Do you have BB&T? They used to take two to four days to clear our CASH deposits (the timing depended on whether or not they could put us into the red). If at all possible, change to a local bank. We can now drive to our bank's head quarters and actually argue it out there. So far, we haven't had too, the service is unbelievably better. Julie's words of wisdom for today: When you can, go local :)
  13. I would be uncomfortable about the after dark part. Thinking about it, my dd and older ds walk home from Bible study (further than the walk you mention) and sometimes it does extend after dark. They call first, I know about how long the walk takes, I know the route, and even when it does get dark, I'm not too nervous, because I know the area well. Of course, the few times it's gone late, I've started walking to meet them with a flash light ;)
  14. Maybe our schedules are all in line, iykwIm...:lol: Seriously, it seems like tempestuous times in general. Irl, most of the people I know are edgy, worried, angry, etc. It's not just politics, it's everything. No money, bigger bills, global unrest, fear of illness, you name it and it seems we got it. No wonder we're all ready to form a mob.
  15. Defending yourself is like throwing blood on the water... Look, everyone's parenting is different. If someone's kid grows up to be a ninny hung on mommy's apron strings, it could be as much from a genetic inclination towards clinginess as the fact that Mom either did or did not allow them to ever exit the front door unsupervised. IOW, I've known grown men that were unabashed "momma's boys" that grew up running wild in the hills of West Virginia and men that hadn't talked to their mother (who helicopter parented them) for years. I've known women that couldn't care less about their hands-off mother and women that clung to their "over-protective" mother. I've become sure that all this debate is just to help people sleep at night. Parenting is always hard, no matter how much you cling on or let go. You'll never be exactly right. One day your child will say, I can do it better, and hopefully they will. Thus humanity takes another step up. I'm so tired of these arguments. No one wins, no one changes their minds, and no one agrees.
  16. Haven't read all the posts... I would allow dd to walk home. My only caveats are it could not be dark out (I was surprised that time of day was not mentioned) and she would HAVE to be back by a very specific time (iow, no dawdling to chit chat, practice is over and straight home).
  17. No for my dh, unless the man is ogleing (spelling, sorry) the dcs or myself. He did say there are some guys that seem to let off a vibe, like they're simmering, just busting for a fight. He doesn't feel violent towards them, so much as wary and a little part of him says, 'touch me, c'mon, I'll wipe the floor with you, give me a reason,' but it's not an every guy thing. I will admit, having seen guys like that, that part of me wants to kick em' in the hoohas and run, lol, but I think it's more fight and flight than anything else. Okay, well, in that case, I'm in your dh's boat. I'm working on it though :rofl:
  18. Holy guacamole, it's STILL being argued. Wow.


    Fwiw, the person posting after your last comment had something rather interesting to say...

  19. Pamela, I don't know if anyone found this link yet... I try to take the weekends off from the hive and the thread REALLY blew up, so I'm behind. I found this, though: You can see her picture at the link, she's at the end of the article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1042702/Time-Warp-Wives-Meet-women-really-live-past.html Diane Rowlands, 38, works parttime in a customer service centre. She lives with Martin, who is 40 and works in a warehouse. Diane says: My love for the Thirties started with the music. As a teenager, I loved to listen to the big band sound and I would sit entranced for hours watching films starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. They were so glamorous. Back then, the world just seemed a sunnier place, even though it was an austere time between the wars. Diane Rowlands: 'Ideally, I’d spend all day in my pinny' Women were these amazingly glamorous creatures, with their perfect hair and immaculate makeup, and they were treated with such respect by men. Men and women knew their roles in society and there wasn't all this pressure on women to have to go out to work and try to be equal to men. I do work part-time, but only because we need the money. However, we still have clearly defined roles in the home and I am the one who does most of the cooking and cleaning. I adore baking cakes and if I had my way I would spend all of my days in my pinny, making my house look immaculate. Martin and I spend hours sourcing clothes from the 1930s and I am always dressed in period costume. I usually spend around £50 to £150 per item. I buy them from the internet and vintage clothing specialists, and I have wardrobes full of wonderful old clothes and items such as cloche hats and Mary-Jane shoes with T-bar straps. At first I was a bit dubious about going out dressed in Thirties clothing, but I am totally used to it now. Anyone for tea? Diane spends hours on the internet sourcing items for her 1930s lifestyle Comments from strangers can be pretty *****y, though, because people just don't like anything that's out of the ordinary. The Thirties was a much more moral time and there was a real camaraderie between people. I try to escape from where we are now and rarely read newspapers because I find today's world so depressing. The pace of life today is so hectic and I think there is so much pressure on women to be like men. It is all wrong. I love to wear dresses and skirts, look immaculate and be treated like a lady. My home is entirely decorated with 1930s furniture, wallpaper, carpets and ornaments. Retreating to this world is our sanctuary. *************************************** Oh, and dh doubled my score... of course, I let him streeeeeetch the truth on some things (does he pick up his socks? sure, once in a blue moon, go ahead and check it honey)...
  20. The article saying it wouldn't be available till October. Thanks for responding (I try to take the weekends off from here).
  21. http://www.magatsu.net/maritaltest/ Oooh, how would YOU rate as a 1930s wife/husband? I'm not sure if this is the actual test, but apparently there WAS one and this is either a rip-off or an online version of the real thing (they claim it's the same test, but there's ones for husbands and from what I read they never mentioned a test for dhs). ETA 86 "very superior" well la-tee-da!
  22. Jungle Book Maybe even an easy version of Call of the Wild.
  23. Okay, 1930s: :lol: I will get this right eventually! ETA I have done my research AW MAN, they snuck 20s in on me, the search was for 30s... I'll have to be a decade behind in fashion at this point, not that that would be anything new. Sissy cowgirl shoes: Helmet Hair: Excess makeup: And for our horse riding friends:
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