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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. The police in Ferguson have a history. I think this shooting was the tipping point. If they did not already have that history the reaction might have been different, maybe not good, but not as extreme as it has been. I think this has been building and the militarization of the police has just thrown gasoline on the whole situation. So I guess my point is that this shooting and the reaction to it are part of a much larger sequence of events than that one night when Michael Brown was shot to death. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/15/the-day-ferguson-cops-were-caught-in-a-bloody-lie.html And if you want a really right on example of thuggish behavior this link will give it you.
  2. I have wondered how things might have been different had Clive Bundy and his supporters been black, or brown for that matter.
  3. I love playing with my Planner 5D. You can try a limited version for free. I am not sure how it would work for your purposes but it is fun.
  4. Just catching up this morning. Good to see the night shift was productive lol. I have done my five starring. Miss P is still at four though so we must continue the battle,
  5. I am too overcome by petty jealousy of people who have pantries to offer anything constructive.
  6. I say if you can't give someone five stars then don't do any. But I admire you LucyStoner for being so charitable with your stars. And you have five now.
  7. BLA5 needs to get back up to five stars. We need a concerted five star effort here
  8. I suspected that admitting to grumpy cat curriculum would not go over very well among certain classical hs death star circles so I went to give you five stars just in case. Sadly, tenth voter or twitchy fingers got there before me and you are down to four. Attention Rebel Alliance: time for the next battle in the star wars. We need to get BLA5 back up to five stars.
  9. Let us know how it turns out. I had a bad pap and it sucked but it was good I had it done and got treatment and I haven't had another one. Odds are you will be just fine so don't get too excited about the tummy tuck and perky boo bs.
  10. I tell them it takes time for their brain to get the message from their stomach that they are full. So if dd is going for more than I think is healthy I will just say that she can have more if she is still hungry in twenty minutes. That way I am not saying she can't have it, just that she needs to wait. Often she forgets all about it.
  11. I am still doing my part, spreading five star happiness wherever I go.
  12. Once in a while it happens here. I guess if it is sort of a constant/chronic thing it is time to rethink. I like "you need to do xyz please" better than "would you please do xyz." I start all those directives with "you need". If it isn't a request but a directive that needs to be clear. I also tie things together, like, "you need to do xyz before you have your snack or turn on the tv or whatever they want to do." When my dd was really balking about practicing her instrument I would wait until a half an hour before her favorite tv show and say all enthusiastically, "hey! You have just enough time to practice if you want to watch Arthur". It was amazing how fast she could hustle and get it done lol. And apparently I have some sort of "mean voice." That usually goes something like, "this needs to be done right now and if I have to do it then xyz (with xyz being something they won't like)."
  13. I think it is lovely to focus on the things you have, the things that are good in your life, your accomplishments...because it helps. But I never find comparisons of suffering to be helpful. It was always my mom who would do it too lol. Something crappy would happen in my life and I would feel bad, legitimately most of the time IMO, and she would tell all about someone with a way worse problem or life... It never made me feel better. I just kept feeling bad about whatever it was plus like an ungrateful rotten person on top of it. You are in a tough situation. It does not make you bad or ungrateful that it is affecting you. Because other people out there have more difficult problems does not negate the one you are facing. It doesn't hurt them more that you are struggling and it won't help them that you can feel better about your problem because it is not as bad as theirs. Good luck figuring out the best solution for your family.
  14. Nice to know that the person you didn't let go ahead of you was such an @%*# hole. It relieves you of all need to feel any guilt or regret and you know that you were part of some larger cosmic reckoning.
  15. I am reading it too. I am hoping it can help me stop longing for a life that never existed lol. My grandmother, who had small children on a farm for several years with no plumbing or electricity, tried to get me over it, but I need to hear it from Laura.
  16. Visible likes make life worth liking.
  17. LOL you can get little "you're a star" presentation cards to give with them.
  18. I am taking it personally that Mrs. Mungo's stars won't go up to five. I suspect tenth voter.
  19. One star to each of them. Give them little star pin gifts for their birthdays and Christmas lol. http://www.pinmart.com/gold-star-lapel-pin.aspx
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