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nova mama

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Everything posted by nova mama

  1. Oh PLEEEEASE tell me what to do. :001_unsure:
  2. Please help me decide between First Language Lessons 3 and Growing with Grammar for DS8. Last year, he really enjoyed FLL (when we got around to it). I have a PT job @ home, so on my busier days, I let him do Abeka Language on his own (great practice for standardized tests, btw). This year, DD is also starting first grade, I have a newborn, and I still have the job. SO, I've read here that GWG is a pretty independent program. Will DS8 really learn grammar on his own? Is it OK to not do FLL? Or should I just find a way somehow? I'd love to hear how much time you've have spent doing FLL3/week, how well DCs have done with GWG, and anything else to help me decide. Thanks in advance!
  3. DS8 is at a friend's house. DD4 and DD6 are popping the balloon animals they got at a birthday party today. :001_huh:
  4. This thread makes me smile. I'm so happy for everyone doing SOTW 1 this year. We are going to do SOTW 3, and I'm excited about using the AG for the first time. No more scouring websites for activities!
  5. I just got mine yesterday and I'm very impressed. We did SOTW1 and 2 without the AG. I don't regret all the time I spent putting together our own activities, but I'm definitely looking forward to having all laid out this year. We'll probably end up doing even more activities this year.
  6. I just wanted to put in another plug for fruit smoothies. My husband makes them and adds avocado, which makes it creamier and adds lots of nutrients, including protein (I had no idea until I looked it up just now). Now, I myself don't drink these :D, but my husband has been losing weight like crazy working out and drinking smoothies with avocado added. He also adds protein powder, but I don't know how natural that is. Here's more avocado info: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1843/2
  7. I really like the fact that Elemental Science is WTM-style, but I'm considering getting Classic Science because DS8 will probably like the worksheets. Plus, I am concerned that I may not always have time, and Classic Science is very kid-readable. So when I'm too busy for narration, I could have DS do Classic Science on his own.
  8. Are you being kind? Go back and try to make peace. You can have some fruit.
  9. Me: "What's something I always say to the kids?" DH: "Nice or mean?" Me: "Either one. (Pause) DH: "SHUT UP!!" Hey, I'm not proud of it! Also, "are you being wise or foolish?" when I hear crazy noises and I don't want to go upstairs to find out the cause.
  10. I'm going to have to remember this. :001_smile:
  11. I agree that a different brand might work. My newborn DS actually likes the huge inflexible one they give you at the hospital (which is, fortunately, also sold in stores). My older children preferred the ones where the shield-y part fits over the mouth Best Wishes with your sweet baby.
  12. The link probably says FREE STUDENT SCREENING, but I'm not seeing it.:blush: Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  13. These are all so adorable! DD4 used to "bow-boo-too" for computer. :)
  14. The content includes: Maps (including blackline) of all capital cities, countries, continents and geographical regions such as the Middle East Flags of all countries, states, and territories Currency converter Facts such as populations, languages, and religions
  15. Epi pens come in adult (DH has one) and children's doses. We once used it on DD4 (age 2 at the time), but it was actually a sibling's prescription. Three of my children have allergies, but we don't have a pen for each child. (I know, we probably should!) I have been told to err on the side of using it. The wisest thing is probably to call 911 and get their advice (as someone else suggested), but I don't think you should wait until you get to urgent care. If it turns out that you are in fact dealing with anaphylaxis, you have a few minutes, maybe seconds? Also, if you do use one, you still need medical attention. There may still be some effects of the allergic reaction after the medicine wears off. When we gave it to DD, the doctor wanted us to stay in the ER for 6 hours afterwards to make sure she was OK. There's more info about dosage, etc. at http://www.epipen.com/page/epipen-and-epipen-jr-dosing--epinephrine-dose--anaphylaxis.
  16. Congratulations on the move. It's a very nice area; I like it, anyway. The Loudoun Co. public library is a great resource. (Rumor has it, they're going to start charging late fees for overdue books, but it was fun while it lasted!) I belong to Ashburn-SterlingHomeschoolers on Yahoo! groups. They get together weekly for park days. Most of the members I've met are doing early elementary, with a good number of 2nd to 3rd grade boys (including my DD8). My children haven't had music lessons, but my husband took guitar @ Minton's and speaks well of them (http://www.mintonsmusic.com). Parks and Rec offers many, many sports and activities. They are available to all county residents. Some summer sessions are still open. The guide is at http://www2.loudoun.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=379. I'll send you a PM, too.
  17. The curtains are very nice, and how beautiful to be sitting next to a big, sunny window. Congratulations on your lovely schoolroom.
  18. I've really enjoyed this one. It has helped me memorize the fruit of the Spirit and all of the books of the Bible. It's also on iTunes. http://www.amazon.com/Scripture-Songs/dp/B000WEMOF8/ref=dm_cd_album_bb_alt
  19. 1 angel food cake 1 pound strawberries, sliced 1 container whipped dairy topping Slice the cake in half horizontally. Spread dairy topping on bottom half. Arrange strawberries over topping. Place other half of cake on top. It's been a while since I made this, and I don't remember if there is enough topping and strawberries to also put on the very top. But I do remember that it was very well received!
  20. Baby boy was born two days early, compared to on-time for DD5. AND, from water breaking to cute face popping out was 5 hours and 8 minutes, compared to about 2 days for his big sister. Thanks for voting everyone!!
  21. At first were using only two Abeka books; each DD used it for math. (DS7 is doing Math Mammoth.) Lately I've added the language workbooks because things like FLL, OPGTR, and WWE (which I've sort of dropped) are very teacher-intensive. I work from home and on my busy days, we don't get much school done. When my work schedule is a little lighter, we do the teacher-intensive work. Other days, I assign them a few pages from their workbooks. But history, literature (when we get to it), and science are all from the library.
  22. MM teaches strategies, saying things like "9 wants to be a 10," "add to the next 10," etc.
  23. DD7 is learning about adjectives. When a noun is modifying another noun (e.g., work clothes, garden mouse), should I teach him that it's an adjective in that case? Wiki calls it an "attributive noun" or "noun adjunct," but that sounds too fancy for second grade! So grammar experts, what do you think?
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