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Everything posted by athena1277

  1. How can homeschool kids get in on the deals? My dd is 1st grade and I don't give grades. It seems unfair that homeschool kids who have been working hard get left out because they don't get report cards. Thoughts? BTW, I know some of you are very much against rewarding for grades, so let's just assume we are all ok with a free "X" for getting good grades.
  2. We have 5 more school days left! :party:However with family in town later this week, we will not finish til next Thurs, May 6. We are winding down and looking forward to taking a break.
  3. I don't have a great answer, but I think it's mainly to verify that the student has read the book and to see how well they understood it. It may help them reach conclusions or gain other information about the story that they may have missed. not sure if that helped or not:001_unsure:
  4. Thanks for posting! My dd is on a GF diet for celiac disease. We'll have to make these soon.:001_smile:
  5. I'm not very tech savvy either, but I would suggest restarting your computer. If that doesn't work, I don't know.
  6. We used SOTW1 this year and really liked it, except dd always wants more mapwork. Is there any geography program that would be easy to use along with SOTW2 next year (2nd grade)? Are there any that would be good that wouldn't match up to the text? I'm really open to anything as long as it is not expensive or too teacher-intensive. Thanks!
  7. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. You could make a big batch of popcorn. Just add salt and no butter. Quick, easy, and makes kids happy. :D
  8. Try searching for Gluten-free recipies. If it's GF, it is wheat-free. Many GF recipes have substitutions listed for making them dairy-free or sugar-free.
  9. Are you looking for a recipe for rice crispy treats, or something else? I don't know about the sugar, but you can make rice crispy treats with Fruity Pebbles (recipe is usually on the box). They are wheat-free and a big hit around here.
  10. I am also a mom who doesn't much like to cook. Wish I did, but I don't. i do try to have healthy, easy things on hand for lunch. On a typical day, this is thier lunch: 1. Meat - choice of ham, chicken nuggets, sausage patties:blushing: (not healthy, I know), or other leftover 2. Dairy - yogurt or cheese 3. Fruit - choice of bananas, grapes, strawberries, apple, pear, peach (depending on what I bought that week).
  11. I use Beth's GF all pourpose flour from Gluten-Free Pantry. You can buy it online (Amazon has it) or at places like Whole Foods. We use it for everything. OK, "everything" is mostly stuff like fried chicken and waffles, but we have never had any problems substituting it in recipes in place of non-GF flours. The taste and texture of this mix are the closest we have found to regular flour. Even my picky dh will eat stuff that I use it in.
  12. My dd's voice is always set on "loud". I know I can be a bit loud, but i know when a softer voice will do and use it. I tell her all the time to lower her voice, but it only lasts a minute and she's back to loud. When she's been particularly loud, I wish for some kind of device that would pinch her when she goes over a certain decibal level. No, I would not really do that to her, but it is very tempting to start inventing some days.
  13. Bumping to see if anyone else in the hive has any thoughts.....
  14. Here's something I have never heard of and would like to know more about. I have a cousin who is 22 years old. She was adopted from a woman who did drugs (maybe while pg) and she suffers from bipolar disorder. She is also very smart and is finishing her 4th year of college. Since being in college, she has been diagnosed with Asperger's. I understand that it could have been been there her whole life and missed due to her bipolar problems. What i don't understand is that during/after her diagnosis, my aunt and uncle say they have seen a regression in how she acts/functions caused by the Asperger's. I (perhaps mistakenly) thought that regression was only seen in young children with this disorder. Can an adult actually regress? I don't know the nature of her regression, except that it sounds like she is wanting less and less to be around other people (she's never been and extrovert) and not wanting to be touched. Any thoughts, experiences, info would be appreciated. I really love this cousin and would like to better understand what is going on.
  15. This article has a audio link at the bottom of someone pronouncing it. http://www.slate.com/id/2250998/
  16. He is totally fine eating apples and other fruit. He actually prefers the apple slices over french fries in a Mcdonald's kid's meal. Only juice gives him trouble. I may get some grape juice and see if he that makes a difference.
  17. I didn't mean that I want him to have juice all the time, but when we do to things like dd's t-ball games, where all the kids get juice, it would be nice to be able to let him have one. Dd used to get one juice a day as a toddler and was fine. Poor ds has trouble with juice once a week.
  18. My 2yo ds just cannot have juice. Even stuff with low acid (apple juice) gives him the "runs" and he ends up with bad diaper rash. Last week he had a small juice box on Thurs. and a regular size box on Sat. Sat. night he was screaming as I applied diaper rash cream. I have banned him from having anymore. Even watered down he has problems. So here's by question: Is there a chance he will outgrow this? Anyone else's dc have this problem and outgrow it? Is there something I can do to help him be able to drink juice without tummy troubles?
  19. I haven't flown in over 5 years. I will be traveling in about a month with my 2 dc and need some help. 1) I get the rule for carry-ons about 3 oz containers in a ziplock. however, what about checked bags? My kids take liquid zyrtec, which comes in a 4oz bottle and I also wanted to take some kid's tylenol "just in case". Can I pack them in my checked bag? 2) Do I need their birth certificates if we are staying in the US? 3) My mom bought our tickets with her credit card. Are we going to have problems at check-in since I don't have her card? She bought them online if that makes a difference. Thanks a bunch!!!
  20. I didn't know there was a hs conference in N. VA! I don't know if I can make it or not. My dh would probably shoot me if i did - I would want to buy too much! :D
  21. I also have a toddler, but have found a schedule that works well and gets everything done. In then mornings we eat breakfast, they the kids play together while I get a shower, then dd does phonics, handwriting and spelling (independent work) in her room. About 1pm ds takes a nap and we do the rest of the day's schoolwork. Ds often sleeps 3 hours, but in case it turns out to be a day gets up early, we try to do the things she needs instruction on first. My plan is to keep this routine through next school year, while ds is 3. (Crossing fingers that he keeps napping) Then when he is 4, we can start having school in the mornings and ds can take part when he wants.
  22. Have the kids make a big "Welcome Home" banner. Dd loved doing that when my dh was deployed years ago. And congrats on getting your hubby back!!
  23. "I am not your maid" (they will be telling thier kids that I say this one!) "You are too loud"
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