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Everything posted by Ohdanigirl

  1. You may be able to find beginning classes that provide the arm guard, quiver, bow, and arrows. My dc take classes at a recreation center in the San Diego area. Every thing is provided. If they continue up in levels, we will then think about investing in buying equipment. Otherwise, would not recommend it. The beginner class has about 22 kids in it, and the intermediate only had about 8. That gave me pause when my dc asked about buying stuff. Danielle
  2. Thank you. This is good to know, because DH would actually like to eventually live in this area. Danielle
  3. So DH's job has taken him to San Diego, Los Angeles and will be taking him to Chicago for a couple months, but I will stay behind because our dc are taking some classes that don't end until November. It seems that after that he may be sent to the Nampa/Caldwell area for a few months. My Dc want to continue Archery classes while there. I was hoping someone here would be familiar with the area, and might know where these classes may be offered. Other points of interest are Fencing (for 8, 11, 13), Karate and Boys Gymnastics for my 8 y/o, and target shooting for my oldest (13). For mom, maybe a yahoo group I can join to learn a little about HS'ng activities/community in the area. Thanks. Danielle
  4. Hmm. Well ds13 doesn't like to eat red meat, and never has. He has always refused it. If we go somewhere where burgers are served, they better have a chicken version, or he will simply not eat until he gets home. It bothers DH at times, but I just don't make a big deal. I didn't eat red meat at all as a teen, and only every so often now. I find it easy to just cook a piece of chicken in the oven, or on a skillet. Of coarse, any other meats he eats have to be trimmed of all the fat. He hates the texture. Again, not a big deal to me, but DH seems to be really bothered by it. I am not sure why, since I do all the cooking. ;) The way I look at it, he will be much healthier. Plus over time, he may loosen up a bit. As a teen he will eat shredded red meat in certain dishes, but only periodically. Go figure.
  5. Ds will be doing Am History for 8th grade because he worked a bit fast and got ahead on rotation. I need to make a list of literature, biographies, speeches, etc for him to read throughout the year. I am working off of the lists in TWTM, and SOTW for lit and Biography ideas, so I feel I have a solid start. I still need to check out the AO site. Ds is already pretty good about getting biographies at the library about anyone we run into in our History studies, but any suggestions for anyone a little less well known/obscure that we should not miss would be great. As far as speeches I have an ongoing list of major speeches, but it is still a working progress. For outside reading, he LOVES to read anything remotely History related. Throw them all at me. Also, he is a little weak on poetry, so I would like to work some in for us to discuss. I am thinking both History related books, and American Literature that we can read while we study the time period in which it was written, or is set. Lastly, how can I work in some art work? I think this is where I am weakest. I feel pretty confident in the other areas, and am just trying to make sure I didn't miss anything. I don't know where to start for the American art study. Thanks. Danielle
  6. Does that mean multiple people can use it, just not at the same tiem? I am really interested in Brainpop, but oh the $$$. Danielle
  7. I am a little scared of Rosetta, because I have seen so many negative reviews of it. Also, ds wants to shoot for as much fluency as possible. He would like to be able to speak, read, and write it. I am not sure Rosetta could do that. I have no knowledge of German, and was thinking it best to just find an online version. A tutor is not an option at the moment. Danielle
  8. If you follow the WTM Science for Logic and up, do you have a blog? can you share? I am especially interested in those that do the no curriculum, do experiment then research a topic plan. I have gotten a little lazy about science and need some motivation. I have a box of dissection materials upstairs, but haven't cracked them open. :leaving: I am interested in all the sciences. Thanks. Danielle
  9. Has any one's dc done German through Keystone? I know about OSU, and have read what others have to say, but I have also heard that it fills up very fast. DS would really like to begin studying German, and online is likely the only way we will be doing it. thanks. Danielle
  10. Ha, normally that would be my reaction, but he has begun paying attention to the fact that kids here get dressed up for all get-togethers. The SoCal style that he likes isn't really acceptable. Plus it is for a friend that is in the group he has grown up with since he was 4. As for his dressing, it has been a slow change that I have been watching over the past few months. Although, I am sure girls are the root of it. I'll take what I can get. :tongue_smilie: Danielle
  11. We just got back from the beach, and the kids were invited to a neighbors house for a birthday party. 13 y/o ds just said good bye to me. He was showered, hair combed, wearing an ironed button up shirt, and cologne. He looked so handsome, and I didn't have to fight, scream, push, order, or threaten him in any way. Dear I say it? I think my baby is growing up a bit. Danielle
  12. For all of you worried about the thickness, fresh handmade tortillas are supposed to be thicker than the store bought. There are plenty of flour tortilleras in Northern Mexico, and when you go in to them you can see the machines that flatten them thin. At restaurants, where they are made fresh, they are just a bit thicker. Danielle
  13. This is why I won't even buy Mexican news papers. Those even have the pictures on the front page where children can see the,. They are also a lot more graphic than what you have described, although I won't go into detail. I have a theory that this has desensitized children here, and contributes to quite a bit of the violence problems. Along with other factors, of coarse. Danielle
  14. My 11 year old DS spells beautifully. My 13 y/o on the other hand.... Danielle
  15. The ones we use here in Mexico look like this. http://www.amazon.com/Imusa-VICTORIA-85008-Victoria-Tortilla-8-Inch/dp/B00164T384/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347416837&sr=8-1&keywords=tortilla+press Accept, they are usually aluminum. I think cast iron would be better. Some people use wood ones, but they aren't that great. The price for this one isn't too bad either, but not sure what shipping is. Danielle ETA: Free shipping!
  16. Dante's Inferno Beowulf The Scarlet Letter Genesis Julius Caesar Macbeth Wuthering Heights Matamorphosis The Invisible Man A bunch of short Stories that I do not remember. I know there was a lot more, but I just don't recall. This was at a Public school, so technically Genesis was "optional". You couldn't get a very good grade on quiz's and tests without reading everything, though. Danielle
  17. Thanks. Jetpens.com was the place was looking for. The Varsity pens were my second choice. Danielle
  18. I learned that y'all was when speaking to more than one person. My grandparents were from Alabama, and both had heavy Southern accents. All Y'all, if I remember correctly, was used for a group of people kind of spread out in a room. Or when referring to those you were speaking to and others not present. Like telling Jim and marie that they should come for a visit with all their children. Does that make sense? Danielle
  19. There was a thread awhile back where someone linked one that I thought looked pretty good. I guess I forgot to subscribe. :confused: So I need suggestions for my 13 y/o and 11 y/o ds. They will be working on Spencerian in the afternoons. Just for fun, but I am also hoping it well help the oldest with his writing in general. ;) Thanks. Danielle
  20. :grouphug::grouphug: It is so frustrating. My dad was sooooo mad for some time. He felt he had been very responsible, and was paying for others mistakes. He really had to pull his belt tight to try to get back on track. This man had paid his dues, had a very good career, was one of the top ten in the west for what he did, yet he was often eating the same things day after day, stocking sales, and making plan D. He didn't really want to leave Ca, but I nudged him. Selling his house is what will likely save his retirement. With that money he could buy a couple houses in another state. I guess this means he's lucky. He had no debt, thankfully. He and his wife share a Fit that is paid in full. Ironic, this man who was worth quite bit a few years back drives a fit, and I see people who make much less than he ever did driving around in brand new cars and running up crazy debt. Whose to say they won't help us have a repeat of what is going on now? Geesh, I am usually a glass half full type of gal, but I guess I am all doom and gloom today. Danielle
  21. I am not so sure. My dad has always been a saver, had a good career, and had quite a bit of money IRA's and 401K's when the economy crashed. He then found himself in the same situation as those who don't/can't save. I was very worried about him for quite awhile. He worked so hard, with the end goal of having a nice retirement and leaving an inheritance for his dc. Being in his confidence, I know he was completely on track. A culmination of events changed that, though. He has since had to sell his dream home in Ca. He is slowly trying to get back on track, but is really unsure about the future. This doesn't really make me feel too hot about it myself. I think that people will really need to do more than just save for their future, because the same thing could happen again. I am just unsure about what that is. Danielle
  22. I don't know, but if I can get it for the same price on Amazon then that's where I'm going. There is always something on my wish list that I can add on for that free shipping, unless what I am buying already meets the minimum $25. Also, during peak selling time, I think sellers should consider also matching RR prices. I know many think that because of shipping costs their product is still cheaper, but more than likely I will be making a big order there and with free shipping too. Danielle
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