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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. This makes me think of something I was wondering about the other day.... And it's a serious question -- not meant to be snarky... How do you feel about the separation of church and state? It was put there for a reason, by the founding fathers, yet the church (and I'm not specifying which church, because many churches seem to do it) spends a great deal of time attempting to influence the voters and put "their candidate" into office. Just...my thought for the day!
  2. I thought Hoover wanted the market to correct itself, so he sat by and did nothing to stop it?? (Feel free to correct me if I'm misinformed!)
  3. Happy Birthday!!! :party: Today is my youngest son's 9th birthday!!! And my birthday was yesterday! I hope she's out there, having a baby as we speak!!!!!!!
  4. I have hypo and they were shorter than normal. Like every 2 weeks, just as the OP has said. It went on for a few months before I went to the doctor though.
  5. Because your thyroid gland controls a lot of hormone levels. That was the only symptom I had for hypothyroidism -- an out of whack cycle. Other ones can be dry skin, inability to lose weight, always being cold, insomnia -- there are others, but I can't remember them off the top of my head
  6. You're not the only one!! I've been doing this for 13 years and you wouldn't believe how much curriculum I have in my basement!!!! It's rather embarrasing! :blushing:
  7. When was your last physical? I had something similar happen to me when my thyroid was out of whack.
  8. Believe it or not, I'd probably unschool. I'd use a ton of library books and visit used book sales as often as I could.
  9. Awwwww.....what a beauty you're holding!!! (And the horse is lovely, too!) :D But, seriously, what a gorgeous horse!!!! Our neighbors have one that looks very similar. A sweetie!
  10. LOL!!!! *snort* Poor Forgit is right!!! I haven't seen his signs up anywhere, so maybe he's lost interest in seeking political office! I've seen Wittman's though. That's cool that we're "neighbors" :)
  11. :iagree: My 6yo once had a penchant for coloring on the walls. I bought a box of Magic Erasers and that child spent over an hour cleaning it off. Hasn't done it since! A little elbow grease will go a long way toward learning that only paper is for coloring!
  12. Kathleen in VA -- we have the same Representative! Wittman, right? (I voted for Forgit, but he lost -- maybe if he changed his last name...)
  13. I'm STILL trying to figure THAT one out!!!! It makes NO sense to me either!!!! :confused:
  14. Marcy Kaptur ROCKS!!!!! :hurray: I keep telling my hubby, "Let's move to Toledo!" (Btw...my 14yo son lives on C-SPAN so I've heard her before) This video is well worth watching, too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbD62gNi9WE
  15. That was my husband's main gripe....and he repeated it again today. He said that the last time President Bush said, "This is a crisis! We have to act now! We can't wait! Hurry! Hurry!" -- we ended up invading Iraq, searching for those weapons of mass destruction. And that not many folks (voters and legislators alike) are going to rush to do anything quickly when Bush says "NOW!!"
  16. My Representative, a Republican, voted "No" And he's up for re-election. :D :makes mental note not to vote for him ... oh, that's right...didn't vote for him last time either: From what I understand, it was the Republicans who voted down the measure -- but then, it didn't help that Nancy Pelosi rubbed salt in the wound right before the final vote, bringing up the fact that Bush entered office with a two trillion dollar surplus and now we're in debt up to our eyeballs. Couldn't she have made that speech AFTER the vote? :glare: And the final tally for the stock exchange was -777 points
  17. I hear ya!!! My hubby's like..."I always wondered what it would be like to work until I'm 80. Guess I'm going to find out..." I'm worried about our oldest, who'll be going to college next year -- she's already filled out her applications -- wonder if there will be any financial aid for her?? Guess I should practice my line: "Would you like fries with that?" ;)
  18. I have thoughtfully read every post in this thread over the past few days and I have actually changed my original line of thinking! (Shocking, I know! :w00t:) I would like to see government support for early childhood education for: 1) All children with special needs -- it really, really helped my youngest daughter!! 2) Single working moms (be they never married, divorced, widowed, etc.) 3) Married working moms who make less than $___ per year (that salary cap would vary, depending on where you live -- if you're a working mom in Peoria, for instance, then $40,000+ may be considered a high salary and, therefore, you can afford to pay for your own childcare / preschool if you choose to work, but if you're working in Washington DC or New York City, it would be considered barely getting by) Of course, as I said before, I don't want it to be mandatory for all children -- if you don't want it, you should have every right to say no....just like we've all said no to public school already (or at least most of us have, at some point)
  19. Buckle your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen! It's gonna be a wild ride!!! The stock market is already down 600 points.
  20. EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! :shudder: You deserve combat pay for that one!!!!! Ick Ick Ick Ick Ick :willy_nilly:
  21. We paid in installments. I want to say we gave them $200 up front and then paid $180 a week for 10 weeks. It cost us $2000 all-in-all, but, for us, it was worth it. Our reasoning was that, if it helps him and he's able to perform better at school and, therefore, increase the potential that he'd be able to go to college, get a job, etc., then it was worth it in the long run -- if that makes sense. But it was hard - hard - hard to pay for it! So I can completely relate!! (We were also paying for private speech and occupational therapy for our youngest daughter at the same time --- so we really, really had to watch our purse strings for about 6 months) In the end, my son's reading level increased 3 grade levels during the 10 weeks that he did VT...and the best thing of all was the boost it gave him in self-confidence. "I no longer feel stupid" was what he told us, on numerous occasions, both during and after VT. My recommendation is to tell them that you want to give him VT, but that money is really tight for you and ask if they can be more flexible with the financial arrangement.
  22. :lol: I can see the National Enquirer headline now!! And, before you know it, it'll be stated as 'fact' all over the country!
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