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Everything posted by NorthwestMom

  1. ITA. Taking on the debt would be a curse, not a blessing, at this point. If he wants to go and do it, then he should be the one figuring out how to pay for it and understanding what it means to take on the debt.
  2. One of the best camp food ideas I ever got was off a message board, probably here. Make taco meat at home, before you go camping. Bring along cheese, cut up lettuce or tomato, and sour cream. Each camper gets a single-serving size bag of Fritos, which they crumble with their fingers before opening. Re-warm the meat over the campfire, then serve it into the open bag of Fritos. Top as desired. They're called "walking tacos". How fun is that???
  3. Years ago our dog took a direct hit to the face, and we could still smell it on his head a month later, if we got our noses close to him. Good luck!
  4. The whole situation is disgusting. You have my sympathy for getting stuck in it, and my respect for handling it well. I'd be furious with the police response.
  5. Yes. It sounds reasonable. I am glad you thought to ask your attorney friend. I had not thought about the "kidnapping" thing either. Can you imagine?
  6. Do you have $1000 in emergency savings? That is baby step #1.
  7. I hate to say this. I have followed your posts on this and I really, really think there are only two steps to take here: 1. Call the police regarding the beating of the sister. She is a child who is being physically abused by her family. You have a moral obligation to do this as an adult human being. You are complicit if you know she is being harmed and you don't take steps to stop it. 2. Move. You have no hope of getting out of being entangled with this family. It's them or you... and it it's probably going to be you who has to move. Flee for your peace of mind! :grouphug: I'm so sorry you've been caught up in this mess!
  8. The outlaws arrive on April 22nd, so although my house is generally fairly clean, I will be doing some deep cleaning. I like Flylady so I'll just be following a little more closely. :)
  9. OP, although I think you are totally and completely in the right, I think you're getting bad advice to just bag the waste up and leave it on their doorstep, or fling it onto their property without saying a word. That's very passive aggressive and childish. If you have a problem, I think it's polite to start the conversation by stating your problem and how you'd like to see it fixed. Moving the waste without a word is really no better than what they are doing.
  10. YES YES YES. I could eat this every day for the rest of my life!
  11. I never thought I'd enjoy running, or ever run more than I needed to in order to escape whomever was chasing me. Now I run 3 or 4 days a week!
  12. I think the trip sounds GREAT. You should do it yourself! Make new friends, or revel in the alone time. I agree that the distances to be biked each day would be very challenging to children. If it's YOUR dream, fulfill it! What a great example to your kids you would be. So many of us just say, "Next year! Next year!" and then life intervenes and next year never arrives. GO and try to build a new ideal around it. GO GO GO!!!!
  13. We're having honey-dijon shrimp over brown rice, with baby carrots on the side. Both my big kids have baseball practice from 5-7, so the shrimp is marinating and the steamer will cook the rice while we're gone.
  14. I would personally stay out of it. Maybe your DH could talk to his brother about it.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. DH and I are both registered to be organ donors.
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