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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. You don't know what my tone is. Your only contribution to this thread so far is pointing out board rules and copyright issues, etc. I am merely asking if there is anything you'd like to contribute to the actual topic at hand?
  2. Give me a break. I did MORE than simply put an author's name in a post. I linked back to where I found the article. The author not only wrote that article but also writes FOR that website. People could go and read more of what she has written now if they'd like. So I am sure she'd be glad I did that. If you have something constructive to add to the discussion besides looking for flaws in my posting method then I'd love to hear it.
  3. Actually the very first thing I put in my post is a link to the full article on the website where it is originally posted to give credit not only to the author who wrote it but also to the website where it came from.
  4. http://thegospelcoal...en-you-are-not/ I'm Not Afraid to Raise Daughters I am standing with both of them, the one who looks like me on the left and the one who looks like her father on my right. They are tall, tall as me, and full of the willowy beauty of hastily retreating girlhood.... .
  5. Feb 11- $15 on dinner Feb 12- I don't want to think about it. Ugh. Ok, I bought groceries for the week today $100, then we went to the mall to do some shopping for items we have had on a list for a few weeks now: present for my soon-to-be-9yo's birthday $73, makeup for me $9, work shoes for me $40, new cellphone for dh (his died and he needs it for work, it's also my anniversary/valentines day present to him) $400, lunch at Chilis $23. Yikes. Rough day for the wallet. :( We are on holiday break and we all REALLY need to get back to school/ work. We spend way too much money when we have a lot of free time!!!
  6. We have service on Sunday morning first with everyone together. Then we break up into 3 groups for Sunday school: children, teens, and adults. We do not have a youth group by choice.
  7. I am not catholic so I am not up on all the rules, but I didn't know a pope could resign. I thought it was a "til death" kind of job. I am very surprised.
  8. Started Reading: The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley (Canadian author, DD class 800) Still Reading: Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald (American author, DD class 100) The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters by Albert Mohler (American author, DD class 300) The God Who is There: Finding Your Place in God's Story by D.A. Carson (Canadian author, DD class 200) Finished: 7. The Bungalow by Sarah Jio (American author, DD class 800) 6. The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen (American author, DD class 800) 5. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen (American author, DD class 800) 4. The Next Story: Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion by Tim Challies (Canadian author, DD class 600) 3. The House at Riverton by Kate Morton (Australian author, DD class 800) 2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (English author, DD class 800) 1. The Dark Monk: A Hangman's Daughter Tale by Oliver Potzsch (German author, DD class 800)
  9. Blessings to all on this Lord's Day. Well, after a week on crutches, am I finally starting to hobble around a bit without them. So I am on the mend. Thank you for asking! It is Chinese New Year here and most of the people in my new church are Chinese. The sermon was on Ephesians 1 and the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. Chinese New Year is all about wealth and prosperity so the pastor made a point of talking about not storing up our treasures here on earth and how the spiritual blessings we have are far more important than anything this world can offer. It was a great sermon. How was your sermon?
  10. Oh my. This thread is a good idea but I have a feeling it might be painful to track my spending. ;) Hmmm, I need to do this in U.S. dollars. Ok, I missed Feb 8 and 9 but I will see what I can remember. Feb 8- McDonald's- $15 Feb 9- produce at the farmers market $15, cheesecake for baby shower I attended $20, family trip to Starbucks $20, pizza for dinner $35 Feb 10- offering at church (my beliefs prevent me from stating this), lunch at our favorite Indian restaurant $15 We eat at home Mon- Thur, then eat out or order in Fri and Sat, and usually have dinner at a friend's house on Sunday. Eating out is actually cheaper than cooking at home here! This will make me more aware of my spending. That's a good thing, right? :)
  11. I'm just way too pragmatic for all of that. She met Jack like 12 hours before the ship goes down. Yeah, he was a hot guy but that's it. I am not getting OFF of a lifeboat and climbing back ON a sinking ship to die with some guy I just met. No way. Secondly, I would never throw a valuable jewel into the ocean just because I don't like the guy that gave it to me. I'd sell it and enjoy spending the money. Thirdly, I don't get why everyone in the movie theater was crying. I mean, it's the Titanic. They all knew it was going to sink, right?
  12. Ok, is it weird that I thought you meant you made cozy sacks out of guinea pigs? It freaked me out for a moment. :)
  13. When we had bunk beds I bought cute matching twin size quits from Target.
  14. I should add that I also hate it when people chew with their mouth open, make smacking noises, swallow really loudly, slurp, etc. Issues. Definitely issues.
  15. That's kind of what I was going to say. I don't lick my fingers because I don't like to eat with my hands and rarely do so. If forced to use my hands, like fried chicken, then I try to use as few fingers as possible to minimize the mess and I use a napkin and wash my hands immediately after. I have issues. :)
  16. I have always wanted to do that!!! Malaysia truly is "never" land... They never drive properly. They never do anything in a hurry. They never go an entire month without taking a holiday. They never open on time. And also... It never snows. I never get sick of the sunshine. I never get bored with the food. I never want to leave. See? "Never"land!! :)
  17. Just want you all to know that I would hide you even if you were guilty. That's how much I love you all! :)
  18. Oh, I could hide you here and no one would ever find you!! And it is a good place if one needs to be on the lam...nice weather, good food. :)
  19. Darn, it wouldn't fit for my screen name. But now it is above my pic. Hmmm.... Now that I have changed my name, who do I want to pretend to be? Decisions, decisions...
  20. I'm inspired to change my name now! I think I will choose "Princess Consuela Bananahammock" as it has been a favorite of mine since Phoebe picked it. :)
  21. Ack! I hate that ... Especially with the little glitter pieces.
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