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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. What??? NC has an additional $5000 tax credit??? I did not know that. Hmm.....
  2. I wondered about this too...if moms of all girls long for a son in the same way. Thank you for sharing your story with me.
  3. I have two wonderful boys that I love with everything that I am. They are my life's reason. I wouldn't give them up for anything. But.... I want a daughter. Really badly. I am the only girl (2 brothers) and I am extremely close with my mother. There is just something about a mother-daughter relationship that is different, ya know? (My mom always says a son is a son until he takes a wife but a daughter is a daughter all of her life :D). On top of it, we suffer from "secondary infertility"...my oldest ds is a birth child and it is a miracle we were able to have him. We adopted our second ds from Korea and it cost a fortune but it is so worth it. So our only option for having a daughter is to adopt again. We could probably save up for about a year and be able to afford it but it would put other big decisions on hold (like our dream to move back to NC). I always hear these stories about women who find out some teenage girl in their church or neighborhood or that they know through a friend of a friend of a friend, is pregnant and they are able to adopt the baby. That never happens to me. Ever. I would do it in a heartbeat. I am rambling...but I wonder if the ache for a daughter will go away? Is it worth it to put a whole lot of things on hold and spend $30,000 to adopt a girl? Any mothers out there with all boys ever wish they had a girl? Any mothers who can relate to this at all???? :(
  4. My boys sleep late as a matter of safety. :D I work days and leave the house by 8am. Dh works afternoons, gets in bed around 2am and sleeps until 9:30am. So my children sleep until 9:30am as well or I would have a 4yo running around the house unattended!. So both kids go to bed around 11pm (so do I and I get up at 7am). It's a little non-traditional but it works for us!
  5. :svengo: Over my dead body. If my son wants to live with a girl then he can pay for it himself. If he is an "adult" and can "make his own decisions" he can "pay for his own college" too.
  6. :iagree: No adults in our family exchange gifts. We only buy for kids and I LOVE it that way. But I am also not the type that "waits until Christmas" if there is something I need or really want and we can afford it, so I don't feel deprived at all. Plus, times are tough and it is an added financial obligation to have to buy gifts for adults (who really don't need much anyways) so I welcome the relief.
  7. Have you not updated your signature line in a while or are you still musing over p.19? I am VERY interested in reading your dissertation so hop to it! :lol:
  8. All those votes for the middle and high school years are making me a little queasy. :ack2:
  9. A noiseless patient spider, I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood, isolated, Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding, It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself, Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them. And you O my Soul where you stand, Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space, Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them, Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold, Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my Soul. This poem by Walt Whitman is a favorite of mine and often reminds me of our little cyber world...mostly strangers reaching out to one another for support and friendship... For all of the times that I needed to vent For all of the times that I felt no one could possibly understand For the days I've felt like giving up For prayers For the friendship Thank you and a very Blessed Christmas to you all!
  10. I like this idea. I didn't start until I was about 13.5yo and I am a very modest person. I would have been MORTIFIED if my family had a celebration for it. But the idea of a special piece of jewelry given to me in private by my mom would have been very special. Awww....now I am sad that I don't have a daughter.
  11. I have been homeschooling k-5th grade. So far, 2nd grade was the hardest year (ds had real attitude problems that year). I obviously still have many years of this ahead of me so I thought I would do a little poll to see what I might expect! :D ETA: I was limited in the number of choices so I lumped high school together. Please feel free to be more specific in your response if you'd like.
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