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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Oh don't let one person (or even ten people) ruin it for you! I have enjoyed reading your posts in the past and think you should stay involved.
  2. :iagree: :lol::lol::lol: I would only use the ignore feature for someone who was really awful to me personally and repeatedly and that hasn't happened yet. I do appreciate disclaimers "sometimes"...if they are for a GENUINE reason (like Dawn's current disclaimer is a genuine and valid disclaimer...she does not want to discuss spanking vs. non-spanking, she wants real ideas to help her from those who have chosen not to spank, so I think her disclaimer is valid.... if she posted "I don't understand why some people spank" and then put a disclaimer that she doesn't want any replies from people who spank, her agenda would be obvious and uncalled for). I love the diversity here, I learn a lot, I get riled up sometimes, I get supported sometimes, and overall I am a better person because of what I learn here.
  3. :lol::lol::lol: My mom calls hers empty gym socks! Gee, I can hardly wait.
  4. The "girls" are just not holding their own like they used to, ya know? I need your favorite bra suggestions. I want (need) support but I don't want it to look like some old lady bra with 1400 clasps in the back. I like full coverage (no demi-cups) and in the 36D range (hypothetically speaking :D) but still pretty. Ideas????
  5. mosquito repellent that is safe for kids? I am talking EXTRA strength because I hear the mosquitos in Malaysia are seriously huge. Ideas????
  6. :grouphug: Maybe because I am from Detroit where it seems like no one is nice to anyone ever, I think most people on here are pretty nice or at least civil. :D But my "niceness" scale is admittedly skewed. Unless someone comes out and directly calls me a name, unless it is an unmistakeable direct attack on me and not just a matter of a heated discussion on different opinions, I don't get too upset. But you need thick skin in this part of the world (to face the winters as well!).
  7. Well, the answer to all these questions, for me, comes in the form of spiritual guidance. From birth we talk to our children about God and our entire lives revolve around glorifying God with every aspect of our life. As soon as they are able to have the smallest understanding of who God is, they are expected to behave in a way that brings glory to God. Typically, if my kids are acting disobedient or disrespectful in any way the first thing I do is say to them "Is this behavior glorifying to God?" and that usually stops them in their tracks. If my ds grumbles or complains about his lessons or practicing the piano I remind him that his intelligence, his gift of musical ability, his entire life is a gift from God and he is not showing his gratitude for these gifts with his behavior. He repents and moves on with a better attitude. My children love the Lord and want to glorify him. For us, this works better than physical punishment as it focuses their hearts and minds on the one thing that really matters in life rather than trying to avoid a spanking.
  8. :iagree: Sometimes it is just "your turn" to feel like you don't fit in, or like everyone is against you. All of us seem to have something that makes us not fit into some "mold" we think this board has when in reality, it doesn't have one. The "majority" is only the "majority" according to the topic being posted. I've been part of the "majority" on a topic and I've also been in the "minority" and I've also been out on a ledge all by myself dodging tomatoes. It's just part of being in a community of very diverse, intelligent, free-thinking individuals. And to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. If I was on a board where everyone thought EXACTLY the way I do and every post was followed by a hundred "me too's"...how boring would that be? Sometimes we get carried away and say things we shouldn't (and probably secretly regret it even if we don't admit it) but essentially, we are all good people and I LOVE THIS GROUP!
  9. Oh my...well... I love the Desk Apprentice any kind of scrapbooking gadget (I am addicted...I really want a cricut expression) Kindle 2 Cole Haan Aerin Handbag in patent leather (I have 3 in black, white and marigold) Cuisinaire appliances Kirby vacuums Netflix Kid's series on DVD (we just got Liberty's Kids, Magic School Bus, and Animated Heroes!)
  10. I guess we qualify then! :D My FIL insists that our marriage needs to be "recognized" by the catholic church. I am not sure what "recognized" means to him but I have a piece of paper that says I am married...should I just forward a copy of that to the Vatican?:tongue_smilie: Just trying to lighten the mood a bit people! :D
  11. Based on the tone of your posts in the other thread, this thread topic appears "snarky". Again, I am sorry you have been hurt by prejudice in the past but the bible tells us to love those who persecute us. Please don't let this make you bitter. People often criticize what they don't know and many people don't know a lot about catholicism and are too lazy or _______ to study it. And some people from a young age, like myself, were told by their narrow-minded pastors that catholics are not going to heaven. As an adult, I chose to reject that information (obviously since I married a catholic). Many others will do the same. Some won't. But remaining peaceful in the face of persecution will do more to spread the understanding of the catholic faith than retaliating with snark. And I say all this with the love of a fellow christian because I care about your feelings.
  12. I understand what you are saying but, like most things, it goes both ways. I am tired of hearing how my marriage is not "real" because it is not recognized by the Catholic church (dh was catholic when we married, I was not and we married in my church...my in-laws never let me forget that).
  13. Thank you for that info. I have never heard it put that clearly before. I confess that this Baptist girl is drawn to the beauty of the Catholic service. :D Can I ask another question? How does Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross fit into the information above?
  14. Laura, I am so sorry that you have been hurt by this prejudice in the past. Many of us know what it is like to be the only one of a certain kind in a group. For instance, I am a mother who works full time outside the home and I LIKE it and I have been scorned by SAHMs many times. I am also a public school educator who home schools her own kids...imagine how my coworkers feel about that. And I was the lone McCain bumber sticker in a parking lot full of Obama during the election. Many of us have been there. Having said that, if another thread came up about working moms vs. SAHMs, and if it was handled as civily as this thread has been with people from different perspectives discussing their point of view without mudslinging, I would be fine with that. I would rather people keep discussing these hard topics in a civil manner as I hope it will eventually help us understand each other better. :grouphug:
  15. The NT mentions this word countless times. A quick search on biblegateway.com brought it up over 50 times.
  16. Gosh that is so embarassing to me as a christian. I grew up in a very legalistic pentecostal church and I was not allowed to be friends with a catholic. Now I am married to one (OK, a former catholic, but still). :D I hate hearing stories like this because it is SO FAR from what Jesus taught. Sometimes the worst thing about christianity is christians.
  17. I am so glad you asked this. My dh was raised in the catholic church, went to catholic school his whole life. He can still recite all the different prayers, etc., and you know that script-type thing they give you when you go to mass that tells you what the priest will say and then what you are supposed to say? He can still do it all by heart and it has been almost 15 years since he went to mass. BUT He must not have paid one ounce of attention in school because I swear that man is completely BEREFT of any doctrinal knowledge about the catholic church! I asked him one simple question: according to catholic doctrine, how is one "saved"? He said "I don't remember them ever talking about it." :confused: No wonder he got in so much trouble with the nuns. So for me, therein lies the big issue....according to catholics, how is one "saved".....how does one get into heaven? He said he "thinks" that they believe if you are baptized as an infant then you are going to heaven. If that is true, then I can see why some would say they are not christian. But I don't know if that's true. For me, the best explanation of salvation sounds like this: http://www.gospeloutreach.net/saved.html
  18. We did it and we loved the finished product! You have to primer it first though and will need to de several coats. I've also painted brick too and loved it.
  19. I took it and I appreciate the fact that your students are making an effort to understand Christianity.
  20. :iagree: My ds went on an outing recently with his youth group at the new church we are attending....but dh went with him. I would NOT let my child go ANYWHERE unless he was with one of us or an adult I know VERY VERY well.
  21. You made the right choice. This woman obviously has a bias against homeschoolers (whatever her reason is) and a bias just doesn't go away. Also, it may be indicative of the the attitude at large. And any time your child doesn't do well in a subject it will be "because he was homeschooled." I worked as a teacher for 11 years and they see homeschoolers as a threat to them professionally and financially...professionally because, if you can homeschool your child without going to college to be a teacher then it sort of negates what they do (in their minds)....financially because less students mean teachers lose their jobs. Even if your child performs well in school they generally see that as a "fluke"....like the child is just naturally smart and it had nothing to do with the homeschooling.
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