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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I will definitely look that book up. So I now have to diet and exercise? The two things I hate most? :tongue_smilie: Thanks ladies!
  2. Take the book, thank them for the thoughtful gift. Then either donate the book to your local library or keep it on your shelf to read later in life when you have more time. I know others get "offended" when someone gives them religious literature but I always take it as a nice gesture...they obviously care enough about me to be concerned with my spirituality. Even if I don't agree with them, it is the thought that counts, right? I don't have to read it, but we all need to know how to graciously accept gifts we don't want whether it is an ugly sweater from your grandma or a religious book from someone else. ;)
  3. My doctor put me on Paxil about 4 months ago. I have a heart condition and I am pretty high strung (which aggravates the heart condition). He put me on the Paxil to mellow me out and calm the constant heart palpitations. It worked. Wonderfully. In fact my stress level and palpitations are much better! BUT I have put on about 8 pounds since I started it!!!! The doctor says this is a normal side effect for Paxil. :tongue_smilie: Anyone have any experience with this? Are there any SSRIs that do NOT cause weight gain?
  4. You are jumping to conclusions. I did not say he is "promoting" sinful behavior...just not acknowledging it and proclaiming the gospel which is to REPENT and believe. And no, a Christian should NOT be full of self-hatred and shame because that is denying the saving work of Christ. What I am saying is that he is skipping over the reason WHY we need salvation and going straight to how we can feel better about ourselves. Yes I have read is "Best Life Now" book and I have seen him on TV MANY times. I don't have a problem with their statement of faith (except possibly the definition of "abundant" life). But it is only that ...a statement. It is NOT what he preaches on TV. He avoids discussion of the sinfulness of man's heart and our need for a redeemer. He makes people believe that the reason they need Christ is so that their marriage can be better or their job or their parenting or their relationships, etc. Perhaps these things will better after you accept Christ, but often they are NOT. And "God isn't as interested in our happiness as he is our Character." Watch this and you will get a better feel for what I mean (it's short :D): http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/myvideo/photo.php?lid=178
  5. the church we left had 12,000 people. :tongue_smilie:
  6. He is supposed to preach the Gospel... we are sinful, we need a savior, Jesus is that savior, REPENT, and BELIEVE. Teaching how to "have your best life now" gives us nothing but a bunch of sinners with high self-esteem.
  7. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Paul Washer is one of my favorite preachers. He preached for a week at our church and it was awesome! But he does not mince words so if you are looking for someone to tell you how to "live you best life now", go listen to Osteen. If you want to hear the gospel and how to live your life to glorify God: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/resources/sermons/paul_washer
  8. Who do you normally like to read? I am always looking for suggestions! :D
  9. No, I am hard on him because he is an example of 2 Timothy 4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" and I feel sorry for him because James 3:1 says "Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment." Being a minister is not something to be taken lightly and the Bible has already told us that our "best lives" are NOT "now"....they will be in Heaven.
  10. He is king of the prosperity gospel and...to be honest...he makes my skin crawl.
  11. My ds wants these DVDs for his birthday. Is it worth it to put out the extra money for the extended editions?
  12. I am keeping all my absolute favorites and selling the rest. Your read correctly...SELLING THEM. And I am using the money from the sale to load up my Kindle. :D Books are cheaper in their Kindle version too! For instance, the book I am reading right now is $17 on Amazon but the Kindle version is only $10. And a lot of the "classics" are FREEE or $1, etc. Last night I downloaded "Lord of the Flies" for about $3 for my ds. He turned on the "text-to-speech" feature and read along with it and was enthralled for hours! I think I am going to need more Kindles! :tongue_smilie:
  13. Well, if my math is correct, in 5 years, going 6 weeks on 1 week off, doing 1 chapter per week, you would get through 7.5 books. So you would only be 15 chapters shy of accomplishing your goal. The first few chapters of each book are easy review anyways and can easily be combined. Truth is, you will probably finish sooner than you think. My ds is in Zeta right now and we are currently doing TWO chapters a week because it is easy for him. As we get further in and it gets more difficult we will slow down but in the end, it never takes us 30 weeks to finish a book.
  14. Actually, that is WHY I got one...because we are moving to Malaysia. Our shipping budget cannot accomodate all my heavy books. You can still download books, just not wirelessly (you have to hook it to your computer with the USB cable). And you do have to have a U.S. bank account which we have to have anyways since Malaysia won't let us have one there!:D
  15. You just HAVE to get one. Seriously. It is AWESOME. :D
  16. I am right there with ya sister! Just not my cuppa.
  17. WOW. And I was upset over the Burger King Spongebob commercial!!! That is just evil!
  18. ....with my new Kindle 2!!!!! I just got it today and the first book I started reading was Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and it is a great book. And it is TRUE, you forget that you are not reading a book! It's really weird, but true! So we were planning on buying one for dh too once we figured out whether or not we liked it but now we are wondering if we should get the DX just to have one of each. What do you all think?
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