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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We are not there yet but plan to follow a courtship model as well. I just want to say how much it warms my heart to read about young men like this who are being raised not to objectify women, whose only concern in their teens years is not "getting in some girl's pants". :glare: After many years of teaching high school I started to wonder if it is even possible in this society to raise a son with such high morals. It makes me happy to see others doing this so I know we have hope!
  2. I am buying TWO of them because dh wants one for himself and is positive I will not let go of it once I get it. He's RIGHT! :D I say go for it!!!! Think of it as the "green" way to read.
  3. OK, I secretly DID buy them for me. :D But I ACT like I bought them for the kids. Shhhhhhh.......
  4. Do we have the same brother? :lol: I would DEFINITELY wait until you get home. The pool near us will NOT ALLOW me to bring my ds in the women's locker room past age 6. There is no family locker room. My ds is NOT showering in a men's locker room without my dh available. So we have no other options. NEVER BELIEVE that "nothing bad" will happen in these places.
  5. It is a series of 5 books that tell the history of the church from the Apostle Paul through modern times. But it is told as a series of short narratives instead of as a non-fiction text book. The stories are exciting and really put you in the shoes of the martyrs and church fathers that have gone before us. They aren't overly graphic (in terms of the martyrs) but they are just graphic enough...if that makes any sense. :D My kids love them! I have bought them all individually but I thought I would share this group deal with you ladies.
  6. the History Lives series (with the new final book): http://www.wtsbooks.com/product-exec/product_id/4794/?utm_source=mwithrow&utm_medium=mwithrow Reg. price is $45 on sale for $29!! Just thought I would share.
  7. Wow. That is cool (not in a groupie sort of way...ok, maybe a little bit groupie :D). I watch his videos online all the time. God has truly given him a gift. Let us know what you thought!!!
  8. PEEPS ARE DISGUSTING. There, I said it. That's one of those things that you aren't supposed to say but I did. It's out there now. I can't take it back. Moving on.... :tongue_smilie:
  9. http://www.desiringgod.org/Blog/1726_a_conversation_with_death_on_good_friday/ Can I get an amen?
  10. We do it up pretty big too! No bunny suit but we do candy, the egg search, a small gift, the whole nine yards. I love the extra full church and the lunch afterwards! I love it all! We also do special Bible readings all week before, watch all kinds of movies and read all kinds of books about Christ and his sacrifice, attend special services, etc. Easter is a celebration for us. It is the day Christ defeated death and that is a reason to celebrate!
  11. I use IEW for writing and Latin for everything else grammar related and it is working very well for us.
  12. I would totally pass that quiz. We love that show! :D They HAD to do that because the government requires that they be in class for a certain amount of minutes per year. Of course the government does not care all that much what you DO with those minutes. ;)
  13. As long as my children pick something that is God-honoring I would be happy. So obviously Solid Gold Dancer is out of the question. :D
  14. Most school disricts have these fancy mission statements. They mean nothing and most everyone, including the people who wrote the mission statement, could not tell you what the mission statements says. I was at a "school improvement" meeting yesterday and part of what they had to do was include their school's mission statement in the document the state asked them to fill out. No one including the principal knew what it was. So they made one up in about 30 seconds. The interesting thing is that most educators have no clue what the history of education is and most of them would prefer to teach only the "smart" well-behaved kids. Now it is mostly looked at as a LAW not a mission. We HAVE to educate all the kids because the government says we have to and we are supposed to leave no child behind. They see this as an impossibility. Couple that with over crowded classrooms filled with children whose parents are apathetic about their own future much less their children's, administrators overwhelmed with discipline issues and bureacratic redtape, and a culture that supports the idea that you are entitled to whatever you want, instant gratification, no work required..... It is a recipe for disaster and it shows.
  15. Well, it depends..... When I used to teach high school English we did it on a small scale where I had a group of 9th graders and had them for English all 4 years until they graduated. It worked out VERY WELL. Very few discipline issues after the first year, I knew each one's strengths and weaknesses, and I was able to accomplish more with them than any other class. When it doesn't work is when the teacher isn't very good IYKWIM. ;) Because then some unlucky class of kids is stuck with an incompetent teacher for 7 years. At that point we have to go back to the conversation of teacher preparation programs at colleges and how they need to be revamped as well. AND the administration's duty to make sure the teachers are doing a good job. AND the union has to get out of the way so we can get rid of these teachers who do nothing more than take up oxygen.
  16. So there ARE things that can be done for it...treatment and therapy and such? I mentioned to my brother about the asperger's and his response was "Well, there is nothing we can do about it." What he means is that there is no medication for it and you can't cure it so it's not worth exploring. :confused:
  17. Oh WOW! She DOES need help with this. She often sounds deadpan, almost like a robot.
  18. My niece was born premature at 27 weeks. She weighed only 2 pounds and spent 8 weeks in the NICU. However, she breathed on her own from birth, no ventilators, and has no issues with her heart, lungs, eyes, ears, brain...all the typical things premature babies have issues with. She is now 4.5yo and is beautiful, healthy and of above average intelligence. BUT There is something a little "off". It is hard to describe. It's like she is disconnected "emotionally" from most everyone. Very aloof, very distant. Sure, she has emotions...like she can throw some of the most massive tantrums when she doesn't get her way! And she is attached to her parents and my youngest ds. But that is really about it. She doesn't make eye contact with anyone. Shows little to no emotion...mostly blank stares. Is not physically affectionate and actually dislikes if you try to hug her. She seems to lack or not respond to social cues. For instance, they came over last weekend and she wanted to see Alex (my youngest). She walks in the door and I say "Hi Sophie!" and she says (without looking at me), "Where's Alex?" And I say again, "Hi Sophie!" She repeats "Where's Alex?" We did this about 3 or 4 times and I gave up. She is extremely particular about all kinds of things. I don't know if I am describing this well but there is just something that is a little "off". My friend suggested Asperger's but I don't know much about it. And if it is: a) how is it diagnosed? b) what can you do about it?
  19. And FWIW, I did not particpate much in that other thread but I did read it and I knew what you meant on that thread and I am sorry you took so much flack for it. ;) It is hard to help someone understand your POV when their foundational belief system is completely different.
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