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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Bumping this. We just got my son's PSAT scores and he needs to work on math as well. Any additional ideas?
  2. Started reading: Champion by Marie Lu Still reading: The School Revolution: A New Answer for our Broken Education System by Ron Paul Finished reading: 1. The Curiosity by Stephen Kiernan (AVERAGE) 2. The Last Time I Saw Paris by Lynn Sheene (GOOD) 3. Unwind by Neal Shusterman (EXCELLENT) 4. The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty (EXCELLENT) 5. The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith by Peter Hitchens (AMAZING)
  3. I have two younger siblings as well but starting at age 11, I was responsible for them both all day, every day during the summer months. My parents both worked and I cooked, cleaned, and took care of two little children for 10 hours a day even though I was still a child myself. Was that wrong? At age 17 my mother cared for 6 younger siblings as her mother worked (her father had recently died). Was that wrong? Some would say she learned a lot of life skills. I guess it depends on who you ask.
  4. Two random thoughts.... 1. I find it interesting how many of us took care of younger siblings even though we were quite young and that many do not find this odd or inappropriate, yet any time a thread mentions how the older Duggar children help with caring for the younger ones people freak out about it. 2. Living with your parents is actually the norm here in Asian culture including married couples with children. They care for their older parents and the older parents help with the grandkids. It is economically smart and contributes to strong family bonds. In my dreams I own a huge home and me and my brothers live there with our spouses and children and my mom. I would love it!
  5. The Tesco here has begun offering online ordering and home delivery. I just had my groceries for the week delivered to my home! It was heaven. I no longer have to fight the dangerous traffic here to go to the grocery store. Or fight the crowds at the store. Or leave my house, really. :) And it actually worked which is saying something for a country where nothing really works the way it should. This is the happiest I've been in weeks!!!
  6. Oh goodness yes I have changed. Ten years ago we had one child and we lived in Michigan. Ten years later I have two more adopted children and moved to Malaysia. Ten years ago I barely knew where Malaysia was and never thought I would live anywhere but my home town. Weird.
  7. No paper covers on straws in this country at all. Oh, and most of the local restaurants actually wash your straws after you are done and reuse them. My standards for sanitation have plummeted while living here. Yesterday I actually stepped OVER a dead, squished rat to walk into the restaurant. Yes, it was just laying here in the doorway. :)
  8. Our kids didn't sleep in cribs either. They went from a bassinet to our bed to their own bed.
  9. I, too, am curious as to how the valet will get caught for what he did to Anna. I want him punished! I want Bates to do it but get away with it. I miss the feisty Dowager Countess. She has seemed rather tame lately.
  10. And of course Edith will run off to be with Gregson in Germany just before WW2 which cause all kinds of strife for a few seasons to come! What year is it suppose to be this season anyways? In the mid-20s?
  11. I'm kind of sick of Tom feeling sorry for himself and his humble beginnings. Move on already. Sybil obviously saw something in him so he needs to buck up and honor her memory and stop wallowing in self-pity.
  12. Thinly veiled spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen it yet... Lord Gilligham.... SWOON...... Is Mary crazy??? I never liked Matthew that much anyway. He always seemed a bit petulant to me. But Lord Gillingham is so dreamy. I loved Jack Ross. He and Rose would make a scandalous pair. Poor Anna. My heart breaks for her. :( I love Mrs. Hughes. She is so awesome. I love the way she handled that conniving Braithewait. I still miss Sybil.
  13. Bless us, O Lord, for these Thy gifts which we are about to receive From Thy bounty, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
  14. yes, that's it! Thank you! My ds is in debate and they are arguing fast food bans so I wanted to get any helpful links to news articles.
  15. I tried searching I promise! There was a thread a while back that had to do with the government regulating or banning fast food. I think it specifically had to do with McDonalds? Thanks!
  16. I like Benedict, Titus, Zion, and Shepherd. Picture it at the top of his resume when he is an adult, then decide.
  17. “So I kept reading, just to stay alive. In fact, I'd read two or three books at the same time, so I wouldn't finish one without being in the middle of another -- anything to stop me from falling into the big, gaping void. You see, books fill the empty spaces. If I'm waiting for a bus, or am eating alone, I can always rely on a book to keep me company. Sometimes I think I like them even more than people. People will let you down in life. They'll disappoint you and hurt you and betray you. But not books. They're better than life.†- Mark Acito Can anyone else relate?
  18. Started reading: The School Revolution: A New Answer for our Broken Education System by Ron Paul Still reading: The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith by Peter Hitchens Finished reading: 1. The Curiosity by Stephen Kiernan (AVERAGE) 2. The Last Time I Saw Paris by Lynn Sheene (GOOD) 3. Unwind by Neal Shusterman (EXCELLENT) 4. The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty (EXCELLENT)
  19. My ds just got a new headset for Christmas and it has a USB cord. Your ds won't need a new computer but he might need a new headset.
  20. I'm not afraid of them or snakes or cockroaches, etc. I just don't like to be surprised. So, for instance, if I see a spider crawling on the wall, no big deal. I leave it alone or kill it. But if I were sitting there and one suddenly crawled on me it would startle me and then I would kill it. I don't like to be startled. I am, however, irrationally terrified of bees and wasps. Absolutely terrified.
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