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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. So I turn 40yo this summer and I have never taken vitamins or had a regular exercise plan. I drink too much coffee. I don't get a lot of sleep. I could go on and on. But I never really worried about it because I have always looked young for my age. Well things are going downhill rapidly and I NEED A PLAN. I need a plan to fight aging. What supplements should I be taking? I assume calcium is one of them? Are there others? Do any of you use those fancy anti-wrinkle creams? Do they work? Where are all these wrinkles coming from all of a sudden? Exercise plan? How much sleep should I be getting? I think I am supposed to start getting mammograms this year? Oh joy. Anything else? What are YOU doing to stay young and healthy?
  2. I do not recall my parents ever reading to me but I what DID influence me was how much my mom read. She had stacks of books in the house and so reading just seemed like a natural past-time to me.I always had my nose in a book when I was young and still do.
  3. Would I do it? It depends on how badly you BOTH want a son. I had two boys and I desperately wanted a daughter. I looked into all the options out there and in the end I knew that, while they can increase the odds, it is never a guarantee. So we adopted a baby girl and I am thrilled! My family is complete..... But would I judge you for doing it? Absolutely not. Fertility is a very private decision.
  4. I have seen all the classic John Hughes movies at least 50 times each...the Breakfast CLub,Weird Science, 16 Candles, etc.....
  5. I picked up a copy of TWTM at the state homeschool convention and I was hooked. Came to check out the website and that is all she wrote.... 6 years and counting.
  6. Believe it or not,my mini-van is the one thing I really miss about living in the U.S. Here all the cars are tiny and ugly. :tongue_smilie:
  7. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra4JPZz3_Vo&feature=channel
  8. I KNOW! She is AMAZING!!! :D I am nearly 40yo with pimples, wrinkles and an infant...who knew? :lol: I am so amazingly blessed. She is sweet and a really easy baby, growing like crazy, babbling, just started eating rice cereal...such a big girl! The boys are smitten and fight over who gets to hold her!
  9. Palmelo ( i am not sure if I spelled it right). We found it here in Malaysia and I am ADDICTED.
  10. I thought Western NC was beautiful! A lovely place to live. I am in Malaysia because I am the principal of an International Academy on Penang Island. It is an awesome experience. We have been here one year and have one more year on our contract and I have a feeling we will be moving to a new country at that point. Right now, there is an international academy in Barcelona that I have my eye on. :D
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I needed that!
  12. As in a book turned into a movie that was NOT ruined in the process? I like Othello with Laurence Fishburn.
  13. Sometimes I think I am a little whacked out but, I have serious wanderlust. I like to change jobs frequently (give me a challenge, let me conquer it, then I am ready to move on). In my professional career I have worked in 6 different school districts. That is basically unheard of in the field of education. Most people get a job in a district and die there. I like to move a lot. Since I have been married (13 years now) I have lived in 7 different homes (in two different states and two different countries). If I can't move or change jobs due to whatever circumstances, then I redecorate...a new paint, new furniture, whatever. I just really like change. I have been in Malaysia for a year and although we love it here and I love my job, I caught myself today thinking about my next move. Maybe Spain? Or Italy? Germany? Ireland? OR maybe back to the U.S. but a whole new area like Seattle? Or Texas? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT ALREADY? Is there something wrong with me? I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently. My mom says it's because I am looking for something in life that I haven't found but that sounds kind of psycho-babble-ish to me. Someone on the boards has the Tolkien quote: "Not all those who wander are lost." That sounds better! Anyone else have wanderlust?
  14. Well, I can't say as I haven't been to that side of the state. I lived in western NC and it is beautiful!!!
  15. So I turn 40 in August. And this morning I am getting ready and I am doing my usual routine when it hits me...I put acne cream on followed by some expensive wrinkle cream. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT???? It is not fair. I should either have to deal with pimples OR wrinkles but not BOTH. Am I a younger woman dealing with the monthly acne or am I an older woman fighting off wrinkles? Looking at the two creams sitting on my make-up table made me realize that this is just NOT RIGHT. Off to pout...
  16. um...live there? :D Yes, go to the Biltmore, Chimney Rock, Lake James, Grandfather Mountain, Blueridge Parkway, etc.
  17. My dh read that if you spent one hour per day for 5 years on something (playing an instrument, studying a topic, etc) you would be an expert in the field. So I am 39yo. If I start now by the time I am 44 I could be an expert at something...hmmm.....what to pick?
  18. Yes as of right now we have filled all our positions for next year except one (a high school science position). But if anything opens up I will let you know!
  19. well the answer to me depends on whether or not you get invited. If you are invited, you go.
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