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Everything posted by mamaofredheads

  1. OLLY? Link please!! :bigear::) I have a Mac and would love something with a "Mac feel". I am trying out Scholaric and it's ok, but I'm not totally sold on it. I'm not ready to try WPD until they get the bugs worked out, especially considering the cost. Thanks!
  2. Agreeing with others. For us it is totally worth it. And it comes in a plastic clamshell made specifically for the supplies so everything has a "home". :)
  3. This sounds like it could be dyslexia. The website http://www.dys-add.com has some very helpful videos that explain dyslexia and list the signs for it. :grouphug: :) I've been where you are.
  4. You can, but it get smudged or erased very easily. Wet erase markers work much better. We use the super fine points by Vis-a-Vis. The fine points write a little too large for us.
  5. :iagree: You can easily find the TM used and pick and choose what you want if you don't want to do all of MFW. It's a great program though. SL is also very mission minded, so you could pull books from their catalog. They build geography throughout each year though. I don't think they have a specific missions/geography year.
  6. This sounds very much like dyslexia to me. The link someone gave to the HDLDA website is probably an article by Dianne Craft. Her program has been awesome for one of my DSs. The hands on idea that helped us is to make index cards for words he has trouble with and dress up the words so he can read/spell them. Chances are that if he struggles that much with reading he also struggles with spelling. So for the word "sure" the s was a green snake and he was sneaky because he's only an s but sounds like he's an sh, etc. Then they glance at the word and picture it in their mind a few times, then they tell you what the card looks like, both in order and out of order to cement the picture in their mind. There is much more to her method than that (brain exercises, etc.), but that might give you something hands on to work on in the mean time. We have a lot of fun with it, but my guy is artistic so he loves it. We have been doing her whole program and it has helped dramatically! Another very informative website is http://www.dys-add.com. There is a video that describes dyslexia in detail. Hope that helps a bit. :)
  7. I've found that we do much better either at the middle or upper end of the age range. I tried being at the earliest age once and my DSs definitely weren't ready for it. But I agree with the others, give it a little more time and then decide. Just because this core isn't working for you doesn't necessarily mean that SL isn't the right choice. Hope you find a solution. :001_smile:
  8. This might not be what you are looking for, but we are doing the Time Travelers studies by Amy Pak to make things fun. The projects are very high quality and DS loves doing them. We don't do everything in there. Maybe you could let him choose a time period or subject and pick which projects he would like to do. There is always a party at the end of each unit. We love them!!
  9. We love stack the states too. I have an iPhone, but I assume words with friends is available on the iPod touch too. Adult DS and I "stay connected" by playing that with each other. It's like scrabble.
  10. I hated using the big board. It was too big to put in front of us at a desk and it didn't work well to leave it on the wall and do it standing up. DH attached 2 smaller ones together (it was actually a large one that the frame had come loose on and he cut it down to the size I wanted and put backing on it) that we can fold and put away. I saw magnetic whiteboards at Walmart a couple of weeks ago that you could do the same thing with. They didn't have a frame so they would be easy to attach in the middle. They were $5 ea and were by Board Dudes. They came in different colors and were with the locker supplies. I'll see if I can find a link and post later.
  11. Not educational, but Home Routines is like FlyLady for the iPhone. You'll love grocery Iq. It saves time at home and at the store! I love OnePlace where you can listen to sermons each day that you would hear on the radio. I pick one and listen to it while I'm on the treadmill. :) My older (27yo) DS keep a words with friends game going most of the time - it's a great way for us to stay "connected". Enjoy! I LOVE my iPhone!!!
  12. Debbie, I've had your sight bookmarked since last year and can't wait to use it. We are almost finished with module 1 (physical science) so we will using the items there at the end of the week for our review time. Thanks for all the work you put into it!! :001_smile:
  13. I LOVE these!! Would you be willing to share your files or pics that show the details? I love my laminator and proclick too. I'm really struggling with putting together a planner that will work for us, and yours looks like my style. :tongue_smilie:
  14. Thanks!! They are available for iPhone too. They are free from 4/13-4/16 incase anyone else is interested.
  15. My DS got his pilot's license through Civil Air Patrol as well, with a scholarship for the lessons. The main costs were uniforms and trips to weekly meetings. I think we also paid for some camps he attended. He was in it for about 4 years.
  16. I also ordered Understanding the World's Greatest Structures: Science and Innovation from Antiquity to Modernity (DVD) from The Teaching Company last weekend when it was on sale. It's a much higher level than the Calvert book, but if DS doesn't understand it all now, we can always watch it over again as he gets older. It looked like something we will all enjoy.
  17. I'm a new Mac user. I've been using Skedtrack for the last few weeks and like some things about it but, like you, not having a weekly report drives me crazy. Both the kiddos and I do better if we can see what we need to complete for the whole week. There's also not an easy way to put outside appointments into the schedule. I've only had my Mac for a few months and am still learning, so sorry if my questions seem elementary. :001_smile: What is WINE. Do I automatically have Linux?
  18. I'm not sure. I haven't been able to find it at CBD or Rainbow Resource and haven't seen it in anyone else's catalog. Trying to find the best deal here too. :) At least I'll save shipping by getting it at the bookfair.
  19. I bought this for next year. I've looked through it a bit but not extensively. I like what I've seen. If you have any specific questions, I could look through it & see if I can answer them.
  20. Do you have a homeschool convention near you? They're going to be at ours and I'm planning to purchase there.
  21. Is this a book? I'm putting an architecture study together for DS so thought I would ask. :)
  22. Ours isn't close either - about 1 hr. & 15 min. We just make an afternoon of it. We eat in the restaurant and do our shopping. I got an email today that if you spend over $100 on home furnishings this weekend and eat in the restaurant, they will take the restaurant purchase off of your bill. I think we might need to make an IKEA trip this weekend. :tongue_smilie:
  23. IKEA!!!! :) Love their desks, bookshelves, Trofast, etc. And their prices are great. My DS assembles everything we buy so it even becomes a school project. ;)
  24. I bought both Lial's BCM and BJU Pre-Algebra (1st edition) used and was undecided on which to use. Last weekend I sat down with them side by side and compared how they taught different topics. Lial's explanations are very clear and broken down into quite a few more steps than BJU. I have a DS who is "average" in math as well, and decided on Lial's. IMHO I would only use BJU with a child who is stronger in math. I also did a search on here and found some very helpful posts on how others planned out their lessons. The text is a little overwhelming (or was to me :)) and those posts helped tremendously. It's definitely not necessary to do all of the problems. Hope that helps in some way. :)
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