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Robin M

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Everything posted by Robin M

  1. Yes, the forties are wonderful and I'm in my last few months of being 40ish. Will be 50 in November. Each year keeps on getting better and better.
  2. Lol! All of the above really. We try to have a schedule on my days which is right after dad goes to work at 10:30. Then we do lessons from 10:30 to 1:00. If dad ends up going in later, then we start after lunch. On daddy days, they end up doing lessons spread out throughout the day. There are days we are all home together and lessons get spread out. It all gets done at some point. I used to stick to strict schedule, but we've become a little more easy going as time passes.
  3. Ours is finally up. It has been a busy week. I'm celebrating my 2nd blogoversary too. Come see - I have a treat for all who read. Scroll down past weekly report. Have a great week!
  4. Ice cream makes me cough. Usually if I eat it too fast, the cold hits the back of my throat and I start coughing. Happens to my mom too!
  5. Another week has just flown by and today marks the start of week 11 and the start of book # 12. To recap the rules: Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009 School related books don't count (unless you want them to. You may post your reviews, thoughts, reactions to the books you've read here or on the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Blog. ************************************* I finished Seven Storey Mountain and will probably write up a review this weekend and post on both my blog and the 52 Books Blog. It was interesting, but long.... I also finished Fireproof, but just haven't put the review up yet on the 52 books blog. Tomorrow marks the first day of spring and Callapidder Day's is hosting her Spring Reading Thing again this year. Many, many bloggers sign up for it and there will be an abundance of books and reviews to choose from. It's a low pressure challenge in which you come up with a a goal of books to read and go for it. Basically the same as the 52 books challenge except for coming up with a list. My theme is first time author reads and my post will be up tomorrow. Which brings me to the first book I will be reading which applies to this challenge as well. My husband bought War and Peace for me for Christmas and I promised to read it. So that's my book for this week and probably for the next couple. What are you all reading this week?
  6. Good morning. Our week is up http://mytwoblessings.com. Will be around to see what everyone accomplished this week at some point. Have a great weekend.
  7. Today marks the start of week 10 and the start of book # 11. To recap the rules: Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009 School related books don't count (unless you want them to. ******************************************* I'm still working on Seven Storey Mountain but realized it can't be my only read. I need something fictional and entertaining as well. I'm just about to start "Fireproof" by Eric Wilson. Just finished an advanced reader copy of The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristafano and will be reviewing on my blog and the 52 books blog soon. It is being released March 19th and is about a woman in the Witness protection program. It is written from first person point of view which I have a problem with because can't get into the story as much. Some writers do an excellent job with 1st pov and some don't. This one - 50/50. I think I didn't like the character more than anything. What are you all reading this week? Don't forget - you can post reviews on the 52 books in 52 weeks blog anytime. Email me if you want to be a contributor. Happy Reading!
  8. Just giving it a nudge - seems to have gotten buried.
  9. If you suddenly find that Borders or Barnes and Nobles, Target, Walmart or your local grocery store seems to be lacking a few books it is because of this: Magazine and book wholesaler Anderson LLC said it is permanently closing its Anderson Services/Prologix facility in Hamilton, eliminating 118 jobs. Why is this a concern to me or anyone else. Because they currently are holding many new books that were supposed to be distributed in March and April. Anderson distributes books and magazines to approximately 40,000 retailers in the United States so this will be a big hit to the retailers. Why did this happen - because the company tried to impose a 7 cent per copy surcharge for the publications it markets and the publishers refused to pay and suspended business. Now the books will be destroyed and it makes me sick to my stomach to think of that happening to perfectly good books. Who will this affect? It will affect not only the consumer, but the authors as well. New releases from authors such as Jayne Ann Krenze, Elizabeth Lowell, Lori Foster, Kate Douglas and Stella Cameron to name a few. Kate Douglas who also blogs over at Running with Quills says: "All those books are going to be sitting in boxes, locked up in warehouses, and eventually will be remaindered...covers ripped off and returned to publishers." Although the books won't be available in the stores, they will be available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online retailers. So, if you suddenly find that you can't get the latest release of your favorite author in the store, go online and buy it. Kate is asking us to spread the word that books scheduled to be released over the next few months will be available online. I don't which authors are going to be affected. If I did, I'd post the list. So, spread the word and remember. You can buy them online.
  10. I've been off line until now. I have never illegally downloaded a book. Any e-book I have gotten has been purchased through a book site such as ellora's cave or e-diesel or when Harlequin had its 60th anniversary and offered several e-books for free. The problem is stemming from newly published books which are being offered for free on the internet. Thus taking away income from the author. If you see a newly published book on a site and it is just being released on Amazon and it isn't an e-book or meant for kindle, then its safe to say that site is probably illegal. Just like it would be illegal for me to take an advance copy of an e-book an author sent to me to read and review, and publish that e-book to my blog for all to download and read.
  11. Over at Romancing the Stone, author Allison Brennan talks about the illegal downloading of e-books. It is a must read and something we all need to talk about with our kids. Stealing E-Books I had a few things to say on my blog as well. Join in the conversation and give your thoughts on the matter. Cross posted to general board as well.
  12. Over at Romancing the Stone, author Allison Brennan talks about the illegal downloading of e-books. It is a must read and something we all need to talk about with our kids. Stealing E-Books I had a few things to say on my blog as well. Join in the conversation and give your thoughts on the matter. Cross posting on the education board for those who don't read this board. Because after all it is an educational issue as well.
  13. Tonight marks the end of 52 books week 8 and we begin week 9 and the start of book # 10. The rules are simply Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009 School related books don't count (unless you want them to. I'm just started Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton and think I'm going to make it my main book to read and keep going until done, rather than piece meal. You can post a review here or at the 52 books in 52 weeks blog. There is also a weekly recap on the review blog of all the wtm posts so it is easy to find what every one has been reading. Happy Reading.
  14. I hope she is okay and just wanted to know if she has checked in with any of you all or any of you have checked in on her. I did send a pm but she hasn't responded.
  15. I actually like both her styles of writing equally. It depends on what kind of mood I'm in what style I like. I couldn't live on a diet of J.D. Robb with only Eve and Roark. I have to have some variety. Though I don't think I would like a bunch of Robb books showcasing the sub characters as the main characters. They are interesting, but the play of the sub characters off Eve and Roark help make the story.
  16. Nudge nudge wink wink. Are you all having a good Sunday? What are you reading today?
  17. Within your blog, when you are writing a post, there should be the html link button. Type the words you want to link such as go here and then copy the link, click the html button and paste in the link. For comments this is helpful Html for the conceptually challenged. I have learned some helpful things. Here is one <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com">Go to Microsoft</A> change the www.microsoft.com to the web address change the go to microsoft to here or what ever you want to say. <A HREF="http://www.mytwoblessings.blogspot.com ">go to my blog</A> It will show go to my blog Try leaving a comment on someone's blog. You can use mine to practice on. I've been able to use it for comments and leaving my web address by linking here without having to type out the whole darn thing. For pictures of books - what I do Go to amazon, look up a book. Right hand click on picture, and save image as -- save image to your pictures and give it a name. When go to add picture to blog. click on browse and find file of your picture. Just follow the directions from there. Hth
  18. Ours is up finally here Have a great weekend and I'll be round to see what you all have been doing.
  19. I'll admit to reading fluff. Repeat after me - fluff is good, fluff is not bad, it is okay to read fluff... Great job catching up - glad you are enjoying Evanovich. I'm reading J.D. Robb Promises in Death. I don't know if I would call her books fluff. She might not like that too much. Happy Reading!
  20. 2 weeks! You give me hope that I will be able to read w & p in a fair amount of time. Did you read it in big chunks or a certain amount per day. Please share how you read it in 2 weeks. I look at the book and it seems daunting but I'm about to dive in soon.
  21. Tonight marks the end of 52 books week 7 and we begin week 8 and the start of book # 9. Recap of the rules: __________________ Feel free to join in at any time Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009 School related books don't count (unless you want them to) ____________________ Last week was a little quiet in book land and not many posted to the last update thread. I'm sure it is because we all missed Kay. Continue to hold her in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I will continue the updates until she is ready to take over the reins again - after all this is her challenge. :) I am about to start The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner. In the past week I finished "The Book Thief," reread an old Douglas Adams "So Long, And Thanks for all the Fish" and "The House of Dies Drear" by Virginia Hamilton. For lent, I decided to read Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton. Are you all reading anything special during Lent? Please do me a favor and if you see this post getting lost due to many threads, please nudge it along so folks can find it.
  22. This must be a quiet week for reading. Haven't heard much from you ladies. What are you all reading right now. Anything special for Lent? I'm going to read "Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton. What about you?
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